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East Jesus Nowhere


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Is the part at the beginning a quote from something ? "And we shall see how godless a nation we have become" ?

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good song. has got 'single' written all over it.

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This song is one of my top five favorite songs on the album :happy:

My two most favorite parts are:

Oh bless me lord for I have sinned

It's been a lifetime since I last confessed

I threw my crutches in "The river

Of a shadow of doubt"

And I'll be dressed in my Sunday best


Don't test me

Second guess me

Protest me

You will disappear

This song is just amazingly well written.

The lyrics are pure genius.

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I'm really hoping this is the next single, the video would most definitely be epic.
I concur with the above statement.

This is what I don't understand. I know it's a great song, but I don't understand why everyone wants it to be a single. Doesn't it "ruin" the song? because then you have all those people who don't even really like Green Day, or at least not a very big fan, singing this song all the time and having it be "over played" as you people call it. pfft... there's no such thing as an "over played" Green Day song.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be a single. It'd make a great one. I'm just saying I don't understand why everyone wants it to be one. I'm just thinking of how people will react when people that say they hate Green Day are walking down the street singing this song.

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can anyone else hear another green day song at the begining of this when its going through the channels?

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can anyone else hear another green day song at the begining of this when its going through the channels?

I already told you the answer. It's the "last" from the chorus of "Nice Guys Finish Last".

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Still my favourite song on the album :)

I hope it makes a single and gets a video, it would be pretty damned awesome if it did.

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Still my favourite song on the album :)

I hope it makes a single and gets a video, it would be pretty damned awesome if it did.

I'm almost 100% sure they have this earmarked as a single.

I already told you the answer. It's the "last" from the chorus of "Nice Guys Finish Last".

Ahhh, i was wondering that too! Thanks.

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I'm almost 100% sure they have this earmarked as a single.

Ahhh, i was wondering that too! Thanks.

Brilliant! I hope so, and if so I can't wait till it's released!

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I think of my Granny when I hear this song :blink: She's all into being seen at church and into "rebuke"ing things. She just follows that church blindly. I hate that church. I had to go last year and I swore to God I would never go back. All they preach is salvation and accepting Jesus as your savior. What's the next step? They don't preach that. But structured religion just pisses me off. They aren't preaching how you can save yourself, just enough so the church higher-ups don't fire them. It's sad to see people follow religion like that. I hope they find a way away from that. :/

That's ironic that you swore to God that you won't go to church. Hahaha! See I'm LDS and I get a lot of crap from people who hate my religion because we try to hard to convert new members.

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I do like the song!!!

but in wikipedia read about this song

is gonna be the third single,

that's right¿?¿?¡¡¡¡¡

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This is one of my favorite songs from Green Day! I really like the part with "Don't test me..."

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this is the awesomest song on the CD, at least, in my opinion

i like it because of how billie just hit the nail on the head on how alot of people feel about their religion, even though some people say that its only about christianity [i think even he said it? im not sure]

oh bless me lord for i have sinned

it's been a lifetime since i last confessed

i've thrown my crutches in "the river of a shadow of doubt"

and ill be dressed up in my sunday best

i interpret in many ways, but one in saying that he hasn't confessed because he just stopped caring, and he stopped trying to believe in something for comfort.

raise your hands now to testify

your confession will be crucified

your sacrificial suicide

like a dog thats been sodomized

i just love this :happy: it seems like if whatever you say it will kinda be turned down, and putitng that up with like how jesus had been killed, "sacrificial suicide" making it seem like if it was done on purpose... it's all my opinion... :/

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can anyone else hear another green day song at the begining of this when its going through the channels?


I thought it was desperate.

also, I wanted to know what that asian bit is saying, even made a thread about it,

the spanish bit says "last night on

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I thought it was desperate.

also, I wanted to know what that asian bit is saying, even made a thread about it,

the spanish bit says "last night on

I believe it's Japanese. I don't know what the first word means (still working on that), but the second word, "rajio," means "radio."

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I was listening to EJN, and right at the first guitar part there is a whisper in the background. And no it's not the echo. To hear it it's at 00:12, and you have to have headphones on.

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All I hear is the echo. :/

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All I hear is the echo. :/

Really? In my left ear I hear, a faint whisper of something. Maybe it's just me?

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I guess it's just you, then. :lol:

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I love listening to this on the way to church. xD

:lol: 21CB is in the car and I had to laugh because I did that last weekend!

I'm officially an idiot for thinking that Billie sings "paint fanatics" in East Jesus Nowhere.

Too bad it's not. Paint fanatics are cool. Kind of reminds me of Waking Contradiction's glue sniffers.

Join the club! :D

Yep - I think the danger presented by the blind, unquestioning faith of religious fanatics is exactly what he's going after here. It's not so much that religion itself is inherently evil or destructive, but a refusal to doubt, a refusal to question one's faith, is:

Oh, bless me Lord, for I have sinned

It's been a lifetime since I last confessed

I threw my crutches in "The River of

a Shadow of Doubt"

I interpret this verse to suggest that the "sin" is the person's act of extinguishing their doubt. To the fanatic, the result is healing or empowering (the metaphor for tossing away one's crutches during a faith-healing tent revival comes to mind), but to an outside, more balanced observer, it's a fault. For the fanatic to ask God to bless him for doing this is magnificent word play from Billie Joe and puts a perfect spotlight on the religious hypocrisy that's the focus of this track.

Well said. I got in a discussion with a friend the other day about this song who went to Catholic school with me, and she kind of implied that I was a hypocrite for liking this song and the band. I inherently disagreed with her, because as you said, I do not feel this song or Billie are negatively judging people who believe in God. I don't believe you have to be religious to live a good life, and I don't let my Catholicism determine every single action or belief in my life, while there are some people who defend their faith's rules and practices so fervently that it clouds their judgement and their ability to make decisions for themselves. I don't mean to sound holier than thou (or in this case, non-holier? Haha), but I'd like to think I'm not one of those people Billie is describing. I do have a shadow of doubt about religion, and I don't have a big problem with that.

Wow, sorry, semi-off topic personal rambling! Anyway, this isn't my favorite on the album, but I do enjoy it. The "don't test me, second guess me" line is irresistible, and I find myself doing my best impression of Billie's voice whenever it comes on. :eyebrows:

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I was listening to EJN just before and you know that bit before the guitar intro? I reversed it and it says Don't Test Me, listen here

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I thought it was desperate.

You mean Murder City? :lol: Yeah, I did, too. At first. but then I compared it to Nice Guys Finish Last and I confirmed it was that.

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