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I just received/dowloaded/bought my copy of 21st CB


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im getting it today...i was going to after school but it was raining and i had a massive headache.

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Got mine yesterday and have been listening to it nonstop! I went on a GD marathon yesterday, listening to all their albums and then watching Bullet in a Bible xD I'm already in love with every single song, but my faves are definitely East Jesus Nowhere, Horseshoes and Handgrenades, Last of the American Girls, and 21 Guns.

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Guest alright123

bought the special edition on the release party in amsterdam last thursday! on repeat since then!

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You can read my review and song-by-song comments here: http://rockcdreview.blogspot.com

Please leave comments :) I had to create a blog for my social media class (yes hard work to get class credit!), so I made one about upcoming and new release cd's in the rock category. click "follow" to follow my blog; I need all the support I can get if I want a good grade on it! Thanks! :)

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got mines the day it came out and put the receipt on my wall :D ahah. never stopped listening to it. Last Night on Earth is fucking..amazing.

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I got the album on the 15th. I was so supprised because I had no money, and I wasn't gonna go into town that day, and my aunt came home (I was babysitting for her) and she had bought it for me. I just told her about before she left and she actually bought it for me. I was so excited! It was the special edition too!!! I'm so happy.

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bought the edition with the digibook.....i love it :D:wub: :wub:

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Preordered the cd on Itunes. Listened all night Thursday [early release I guess] and impulse bought it Saturday.

I cann not stop listening it is so wonderful and worth the wait.

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This album would have been worth another five years of waiting. :wub: Not that I'd WANT to wait, I'm just saying. Haha. At first listen, it was too much to take in, and I couldn't get into it. But since then, I've listened to it three times, and I'm absolutely in love. The part that makes me smile like a crazy person every time is the "hey-yay-yay-yay-yay" in Peacemaker. :wub: Incredible. And the very end, when BJ rolls the r in "serenade" and then kinda growls it......that is my favorite part of the album right now.

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And the very end, when BJ rolls the r in "serenade" and then kinda growls it......that is my favorite part of the album right now.

hahaha i love that part.

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Mine still hasn't come yet...probably because it's being sent to Germany. :-P

So what is in this 52 page book? Some of you have been giving it poor reviews...does it have any further writings from Christian and Gloria like AI did for J? Or is it just art?

Please let me know. I'm debating also getting the version with the booklet just to have it....if its worth it.....

I've heard the album though...even though I have to wait for my physical copy. Incredibly well crafted and executed. My only complaint is that it is a bit over produced. I wish they had stuck with Rob Cavallo, but maybe certain things wouldn't be the same.

Favorite Songs:

21 Guns

East Jesus Nowhere

Restless Heart Syndrome


Modern World (I love Mike's part in that!)

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I stayed at my friends last night and we listened to it like all night, haha.

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I got my copy the first day. I wanted to go to best buy to get the autograph, but i knew that it would be too late. I got the Best Buy book. I love the smell of it (LOL) and all the artwork. I have listened to the whole album like for the.... idk.... 20th time?


Song Of The Century

21st Century Breakdown

Know Your Enemy

Viva La Gloria!


Murder City

The Static Age

21 Guns

American Eulogy(Epic!)

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may I ask why?

I expected much more, like notes from the band or something near the AI's one, but no, it's pretty crappy.

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i know this is kind of out of place, but i got the 52-pg book (it hasnt arrived yet). what exactly is in it?

also, i tried ebay but there's not one American Idiot book to be found- it that still on the market anywhere?

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my dearly girlfriend gift 21stCB to me on friday :wub:

before a Cadena Perpetua's gig here in my city :P

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god i just cannot get over this album. you can definately tell they put everything they possibly could into this record.

all the way to the amazing lyrics to the piano playing.

totally worth the 4 year, almost 5, wait.

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Well, I have to admit, I had started to get worried about this one. I received it on Tuesday, 3 days early, from my Warner pre-order. For one reason or another, I wasn't able to listen till Friday. I was afraid that all the build-up and reading so many superlatives about it would make it seem kind of anticlimactic and disappointing when I finally heard it. But, I put it on the sound system in the family room when I was alone on Friday afternoon and sat down to listen to it.

I was pleased with the song 21st Century Breakdown (I did hear the demo previously) - I love that they've extended the "Celtic punk" sound through to the end of the song. It's just great. I'd heard Know Your Enemy before, so I was still waiting for a completely new song. When ¡Viva la Gloria! started, I just felt a huge wave of wonderfulness wash over me. I think someone said in another thread that when they heard the opening of that song, they knew this was going to be good (paraphrased). I think that's when I knew, too.

After listening to the whole album again and again, I absolutely love it. There's so much to say about it that I'll restrain myself here. But I continue to be delighted with the way Peacemaker follows East Jesus Nowhere - two such amazing songs right there next to each other! And I love - really love almost every song on this disc. Each time a new one starts, I grin with delight. I haven't even started to pick songs to listen to yet. I'm still listening from start to finish in order.

And here I go again, ... "sing us a song of the century" ...

J'net's happy :).

I have been listening all weekend.

I was telling my friends Erin about it...well...all of them, at my friend Laurie's birthday party...could not help it. LOL

Can not wait to hear what you think about each of the songs. :D

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Got the special edition album that's a book on Saturday, the art in it is amazing and i have listened to the album non-stop. It is an absolutely incredible album. Each song has blood, sweat and tears. It sounds a bit like old Green Day but louder and with better lyrics. They've done it again! :)

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I bought the special edition with a book from Stockmann - it was only 19,5 euro:) And got it for free because I had this giftcard which I had saved for so long time for this cd!

At the moment I'm listening the album in the Spotify but to be honest I can't help touching and listening to the original, physical cd.

Okey, now I have to go and check the Green Day Live videos (haven't watched any of them yet..) :D

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