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I just received/dowloaded/bought my copy of 21st CB


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i know! i luv it... but the booklet has the cd in side, not in a individual case, so i got an old case for one of my burned cds, threw the cd out in it out, put 21 cb in, and printed out the cover art so it looks a little like i have the cd too.

Good idea! I was thinking about doing something like that also..maybe I will...maybe not.

And does anybody else think that the chorus on "Static Age" sounds very, very similar to the Ramones song "Do You Remember Rock and Roll Radio?" I don't think it's a bad thing, it's pretty badass, but I can't hear the song without wanting to shout ROCK AND ROLL RADIO...LET'S GO!

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I like it.

I think there are some crackers on here. 21st Century Breakdown, Peacemaker, Murder City, 21 Guns, Last of the American Girls, Static Age, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades are all good solid tunes. It's going to grow.

Cut out LNOE and the Glorias, might have given it an 8 or 9.

Right now, 7. But let's see, shall we :)

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The only part of a 21st CB song that has actually made me cry is in Murder City when the sing, well "in the murder city" with those screams in the background, it's just too perfect. love it! :D

i listened to the album in its entierty in the car, and after it was finished... i cried... it was pathetic.... but the album was just so perfect! my mom made fun of the bipolar moments (how christians inferno goes to last night on earth and so on), but it was amazing how they made it flow, when none of it should have connected. Green Day really is the best band out there

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^it's not pathetic at all, I feel the same.

And we've been waiting for so long that it's very special to finally listen to this record. This amazing record!

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Hey why the hell is the Group B thread closed? What was the point of allowing it to exist in the first place only to close it before we even got the album? How mean spirited.

ANYWAY..... My virginity is history and I have been ravished by a spectacular album :woot::happy::D:wub::banana:. Fucking love it.

I know, that is pretty damn mean-spirited. My heart just died a little at that.

But.......MINE IS TOO!!!!!! My cherry has been popped! More like EXPLODED in an explosion of explosive explosingness.

I damn near cried, this album was so.........everything. It was just so everything. Every adjective there is, that describes it.

It took me till East Jesus Nowhere to really decide I liked the album, but after that, I was BLOWN AWAY. I just sat there all wide eyed for the rest of the album, chewing on my fingers till they bled and grinning fit to explode. Really. East Jesus Nowhere, Peacemaker, Viva La Gloria (Little Girl), 21 Guns, Static Age, Murder City.......those songs KILLED ME.

I am still amazed. I gotta listen again. And again. And again. And a few more times.

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^it's not pathetic at all, I feel the same.

And we've been waiting for so long that it's very special to finally listen to this record. This amazing record!

i know!! i was 9 when American Idiot came out, so i was to young to understand the process, and why it was so different from all thier other albums, and what it all meant. all i knew was that i loved it. but now i have mentally matured (not personality wise though), and i can undesrtand why they were so big, and though i expected their new album back in 04, i considered this my first cd release wait. and it feels so amazing to have had all this wait to produce such an amazing album!

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Green Day really is the best band out there

Agreed. I think he album just keeps getting better the more I listen to it, I wonder how awesome it'll end up being xD

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I'd forgotten what it feels like to listen to a Green Day song and not know what line or chord was coming next. It was an exceptionally intense feeling, it really was. :happy:

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Murder City

First of all, I still think it should have been called "Desperate", but well... I have listened to the live version for about 3 weeks and I loved it from the beginning on. It's just a perfect song, because the lyrics, the singing and the music fit together so well. The music expresses what the lyrics say. I love the solo and I can't say if I prefer the live version or the one on the record as they're both great.

I think Deperate is a better name for the song too

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I got the limited edition at Wal-Mart for $25.00. I thought, might as well, even if there's really no point, it was pretty cheap. I love the art in it though, wow!

And the CD, oh my God, it's amazing. At first some of the songs made me raise my eyebrows but I like how different they all are, from Green Day's other CD's and the songs on this one. 21st Century Breakdown, Before the Lobotomy, Christian's Inferno, Murder City, and Horsehoes and Handgrenades are my favourites on the first listen. Others may grow on me more. :) It's made me really happy and I'm not one bit disappointed. :D

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I was really nervous it was going to be horrible, and I'd be one of those people saying I don't like their new stuff. But from the first few lines i knew I had nothing to fear. It sounds so different but there's still some part of it that's unmistakably Green Day. Billie's voice is so amazing.

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I went to Best Buy first and bought the 52 page book. Then I went to the mall and I went in Hot Topic and they had a cool shirt, so I bought that and the girl told me I might as well get 21st Century with it because it comes with the shirt and and it's 5 bucks less. So I actually got the CD there for free and 5 bucks off the shirt. Then I went to Target and got 2 copies of the Target SE, one for me and one for a friend. I also got that Rock Sound magazine from Best Buy with the poster pullout.

Busy day!

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i went to best buy and got the 52 page booklet. cost me $26. i love it!!!!! im listening to it for the first time now. i just got home so im still shacking from excitment.

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I went to Best Buy first and bought the 52 page book. Then I went to the mall and I went in Hot Topic and they had a cool shirt, so I bought that and the girl told me I might as well get 21st Century with it because it comes with the shirt and and it's 5 bucks less. So I actually got the CD there for free and 5 bucks off the shirt. Then I went to Target and got 2 copies of the Target SE, one for me and one for a friend. I also got that Rock Sound magazine from Best Buy with the poster pullout.

Busy day!


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my mom bought it <.<

fells wierd when you mom sreams (from the other side of the house) "guys, i bought the new green day CD!"

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My CD didn't come in the mail today so I convinced my mom to go buy another one now. :D

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as soon as the doors unlocked, a guy saw my Green Day shirt, and immediatly ran to the back room to get it for me :D i didnt even hav to say a word!


omg that's hilarious XD

I feel like such a dork...I had to wear a Green Day shirt today. I knew people would be looking at me when I bought it at Best Buy and shaking their heads...but it's not everyday you can celebrate the release of a new Green Day album.

I went in Steak N Shake after I picked it up, and the waitress saw my shirt and was like "Ooooh did you hear they're coming to Tampa!?" And then another waiter got in on the Green Day conversation, so I guess it's a good thing I wore my shirt haha.

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I decided to be a fan today and went to the store directly after school, while wearing my first Green Day shirt I ever got, and bought the CD. I listened to the leak but it feels more fulfilling to listen to it from the CD. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Plus, after days of cold weather and rain, it decided to be really warm and sunny today, so I am happy. Go today!

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Does anyone have any opinions on where lights out and hearts collide would fit in to the album

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I did this last night, Lights out after Last Night, Hearts after Gloria! (perfect there, thats when they fall for each other. Lights was hard, it sounds better after KYE but doesnt really fit there)

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I just ADORE this picture.


Me and my friend are working on a package review for our web site. Will post soon (has video + pics) :wub:

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Hearts Collide. B-side, right? or what? lol. what are all the B-sides? I feel so... uninformed, considering I used to know all this stuff when AI came out and yeah. I've been listening to the CD and I love it. I can't really nail down my favorite just yet, but I'd have to say East Jesus Nowhere, Horseshoes and Handgrenades, and 12 Guns are towards the top for me right now.

OH. speculation on 21 Guns. does anyone know what it's about? for some reason, I got the idea that it's kind of about the war in Iraq, or something to that effect. IDK, thoughts?

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