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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Well, it's okay ... I know Justin will write lots of details after he sees it. This gives me an idea, so thanks! It's going to be such a long time before I even have the possibility of seeing it again. I really love hearing anything you can remember :).

I'll be seeing it again on the 29th and the 3rd, so I'll be sure to take notes for you. :)

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I'll be seeing it again on the 29th and the 3rd, so I'll be sure to take notes for you. :)

Thank you, Jordan! Now that's the kind of good service I require if I'm going to leave you a tip :lol:!!!

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Thank you, Jordan! Now that's the kind of good service I require if I'm going to leave you a tip :lol:!!!

:lol: Consider it pay back for that delicious Whatsername.

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I'd be very interested to hear how the show has changed from some of the earlier previews. Just with the two performances I saw on the 10th and 11th, there were subtle changes. Tunny's injuries were reduced on the second night, which I thought was a good move. Also, Johnny's drug use was exclusively shooting up on the second night, while the previous night he was shooting and snorting. Minor changes, but it's interesting nonetheless. I wish I had figured out a way to loiter after the show on the 10th for director/producer notes to the cast, but since I was on my own, I thought it not the wisest move. Loitering along with people isn't quite as conspicuous. Loitering solo is, well, kind of creepy.

Anyhow, I have a couple of suggested tweaks that I think might bolster the weaker parts of the story arc.

Tunny's story is, I think, the weakest of the three and his character needs some sort of catalyst that prompts him to join the military (beyond the media blitz that the three guys rejected moments ago). Johnny could write Will saying Tunny found NYC to be even worse than home, figured life was more or less a zero sum game, and plans to go out in a blaze of glory. Is it the best reason to join the military? Not even close, but it would be more or less consistent with the anger and disillusionment that brings him to NYC in the first place. And Johnny could make some sort of sardonic comment about being stiffed on the rent for roach-ridden studio in the south Bronx (there's no way they can afford anything in the village -- east or west).

I'd also like to see a brief scene in basic training or when Tunny first gets to the ME. His corp (which would include Extraordinary Girl) could articulate their frustration and sense of hopelessness. Since St. Jimmy only sings a snippet of Know Your Enemy, that could work musically and lyrically, making St Jimmy's use of it a reprise (and provide an interesting comparison between the military and drugs, the two methods Tunny and Johnny choose to escape). East Jesus Nowhere could also work based solely on the music (you can almost see recruits chanting the "Stand Up" and "Sit Down" and a sergeant whispering menacingly "Don't test me. . . ." I'm not sure it would work entirely since it is largely a diatribe against extreme religion, but with the right choreography, they might be able to tie it in. When nationalism is taken to an extreme, it becomes a dangerous religion.

Unfortunately, it would break up the St. Jimmy transition to Give me Novocaine, but having Tunny and the rest of the soldiers voice their disdain and fear before that amazing sequence in Novocaine would make the scene even more powerful than it is (and it's probably the most gut wrenching scene in the show). Plus it would provide a significant opportunity for Tunny and EG to interact, which I think is critical to setting up the Before the Lobotomy/EG scene. This leads me to . . . .

Ditching that flying scene. It just doesn't make an sense with the lyrics in EG. And as this is an unB'way show, adding the aerial choreography is incongruous with the show's edginess. Or at least keep Tunny earthbound. But even if they retain the aerial acrobatics, please ditch the I Dream of Jeannie costume. That's just pure camp. I almost expected her to break into "A Whole New World". And no one wants that.

Were I to make major revisions, I'd focus on strengthening the female voice -- since it is key on the album -- perhaps by combining Will and Tunny's storyline and making Heather the third person in show's angry trinity. Will/Tunny gets Heather pregnant and joins the army as a means to support her and their child. Adopting this story arc would require substantial revision to the vocal arrangements and staging, and I'm not sure it would necessarily improve the show; in fact I could see how it might rapidly descend into the realm of sappy musical theater (not to mention the fact that it closely resembles the September Ends video storyline). But it would be an interesting twist and bring in another strong female pov.

But really, I'd be happy just to lose the Jeannie costume.


And if any of these ideas are incorporated into the show, y'all are my witnesses. I wouldn't demand credit in the program, just tix to opening night. :thumbsup:

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Wow! The show was great! (again). I'm really tired now, so I can't really remember everything, but I do know that they definitely have more story-telling now than they did for the first 2 shows. And they developed the relationships in the beginning better now. Overall, the show just seemed better. The vocals were incredible, and they changed a bit of the choreography here and there, which made it better. I'll try to think of more changes tomorrow, although I'm sure that others will post them first.

Non-show related:

The original wall that everyone signed in now behind the bar, and new paper is up to sign. There is a limited edition 2-sided poster for $15, and a program for $20. The inside of the front and back covers of the program are photos of the original writing walls. My daughter's note is on the inside front cover, so I had to buy the program (bought the poster also). Briefly talked to Billie Joe before and after the show, and talked to his mom after the show. Great night :D .

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I am back in Canada now....and I am dealing a bit with emotions right now...

it was such a wonderful experience seeing the shows and meeting my new friends

and the things I have seen and done...

I am feeling sick again...I was well and cured when I went to California...and now I am sick again

is that telling me something??

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Wow! The show was great! (again). I'm really tired now, so I can't really remember everything, but I do know that they definitely have more story-telling now than they did for the first 2 shows. And they developed the relationships in the beginning better now. Overall, the show just seemed better. The vocals were incredible, and they changed a bit of the choreography here and there, which made it better. I'll try to think of more changes tomorrow, although I'm sure that others will post them first.

Non-show related:

The original wall that everyone signed in now behind the bar, and new paper is up to sign. There is a limited edition 2-sided poster for $15, and a program for $20. The inside of the front and back covers of the program are photos of the original writing walls. My daughter's note is on the inside front cover, so I had to buy the program (bought the poster also). Briefly talked to Billie Joe before and after the show, and talked to his mom after the show. Great night :D .

ooooh can you send me a pic of that programme??? ie the writing walls?

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i was just wondering why jesus of suburbia and st. jimmy are 2 separate characters?

i thought st. jimmy was the bad-ass alter-ego of jesus.

can anyone please explain?

thank you.

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i was just wondering why jesus of suburbia and st. jimmy are 2 separate characters?

i thought st. jimmy was the bad-ass alter-ego of jesus.

can anyone please explain?

thank you.

That's kind of open to your own interpretation. They are two separate characters in the musical, two separate actors. But when St. Jimmy "dies," symbolized by a self inflicted gunshot from a cartoon kind of gun where the barrel has a sign that comes out and says "BANG," you're not really sure. The faces of both characters are shown on the videos on the stage backdrop and then merge together. Makes you think a little bit about how you see the characters.

sallysimpson, I knew you would recommend ditching the aerial scene! :lol:

Non-show related:

The original wall that everyone signed in now behind the bar, and new paper is up to sign. There is a limited edition 2-sided poster for $15, and a program for $20. The inside of the front and back covers of the program are photos of the original writing walls. My daughter's note is on the inside front cover, so I had to buy the program (bought the poster also). Briefly talked to Billie Joe before and after the show, and talked to his mom after the show. Great night :D .

Cool! I'd like to see the program, too! Hmmmm.

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Greenday.com posted this new video interview with the boys. I am in the middle of watching it, but I think they include a clip from the show also.

The band looks bored to death answering the questions, haha.


The clip of the show comes very briefly at the end. And when I say brief, it's brief! I think Equity actors have a clause in their contracts that they can have like 30 seconds of film/sound from a show unless otherwise stipulated...or something like that.

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It's interesting to see all these reviews. I love theater and shows etc, and I wish I could see it myself haha =P

random, but billie seems to finally look his age imo

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You just gave me the best idea ever! I've written pornos before. "Willy Wanker and The Cum Factory" and "Pee Wees Big Bust". I think the AI porno will be my masterpiece though.

Willy Wanker is already a play. hehe. I haven't seen it, but I've seen posters and ads for it. /random

And it wasn't a porno.. ? Which was kind of weird. No one would see it with me though. :(

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Greenday.com posted this new video interview with the boys. I am in the middle of watching it, but I think they include a clip from the show also.

The band looks bored to death answering the questions, haha.


LOL Billie Joe mentions Waiting for Guffman. I love them even more (if that's possible). :D
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billie said 'y'know' 23 times on that interview. :blink: mike did 12.

i love billie joe's laughs.

No! Bad Mike...we get enough y'knows with just Billie...

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Hello all! After two more amazing performances (the evening ones are better for those considering a Saturday or Sunday viewing, John even admitted this himself), I am glad to report that I liked almost all of the changes that I saw. So, what exactly changed? Well........ (some of these may also be things I just didn't notice the two times)

- The opening wall of sound sequence of the various TV clips is less politically oriented now, and has clips for Dr. Phil and South Park prominently featured in it.

- Johnny mentions Will and Tunny in his first monologue, rather than just saying "the usual suspects" to further along their friendship plot

- Tunny interacts with Johnny and Will more during the first act of JOS.

- The ending of Tales of another broken home is much better. Before, Will automatically decided he is going to stay with Heather. Now, he has a moment of confusion where it shows him struggling with deciding whether to stay or go.

- Throughout the show, Will and Heather's breakup is built up to, rather than just randomly happening. Will starts disconnecting, shuddering away from Heather when she cuddles near him, refusing to move his legs out of the way when they're blocking her path, just little things like that that show their annoyance with one another.

- Whatshername sings more of the finally chorus of BOBD with Johnny than before.

- Novacaine and She's A Rebel are completely different in the way the band plays them. The first half of Novcaine building up to the tanks is different. Previously, Will sang and then was joined by Tunny before the shooting. Now, Will sings by himself all the way up the the shooting, and then Tunny joins in. Also, Jimmy's name is switched to Johnny for the line "Jimmy says its better than here"

She's a Rebel now has a more accoustic beginning with less drums. While this does allow us to hear the words MUCH better, I like the sound of the previous arrangement better.

- Whatshername now sings part of Last Night on Earth, starting with the first "My beating heart belongs to you"

- Death of St. Jimmy is different. He is no longer up above everyone else, and when he dies he is carried of in someones arms holding flowers in a bit of a funeral march.

There are more changes, but I'm very tired, and I will tell more tomorrow.

J'net, Ben sends his love!

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