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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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I swear this suspense is killing me! :o

I'm going to New York on bloody Thursday......!

But I'm sure you're coming also to see Tony in the show. If this happens, that would be kind of a bummer for you, in a way?

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But I'm sure you're coming also to see Tony in the show. If this happens, that would be kind of a bummer for you, in a way?

You're right, I've been really looking forward to seeing Tony. But as of right now I've got tickets to four different days the week that I'm there, so I hope to be able to catch them both even if Billie does go on as St. Jimmy! :)

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You're right, I've been really looking forward to seeing Tony. But as of right now I've got tickets to four different days the week that I'm there, so I hope to be able to catch them both even if Billie does go on as St. Jimmy! :)

haha, nice! :) maybe a drink after Friday (payday) with ya for me?

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I just can't see it ... Billie can't act ... It's something he would say would be making a mockery of the whole thing. I thought he had more respect for the musical than to swoop in on a role when he's got no previous experience.

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Ah, thanks for that. :happy: When I first heard about this, I imagined Billie coming on stage with lipstick in his hand, and making the crossed heart on 'St. Jimmy''s chest. Doesn't make sense at all, but it would have been a Billie Joe appearance.. Hmmm.. I'm REALLY curious what the secret is he was tweeting about. :runaround:

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I just can't see it ... Billie can't act ... It's something he would say would be making a mockery of the whole thing. I thought he had more respect for the musical than to swoop in on a role when he's got no previous experience.

You've got a good point there... because he definitely has a lot of respect for the cast, Michael, and all the other people working with the musical.

If he's gonna indeed play in the musical for one show, it would be the most logical and likely is if it was in one of the last shows before it closes. Like how casts (sometimes) prank each other on the closing show of a musical/play.

But then there's also the thing with the lipstick and AI Musical, the 'big fat fuckin secret'. Although those could also mean something entirely different, and it just happens to fit into this as well.

I'm not really counting the rumour as a 'sign' because rumours are often really nothing more than things people made up.

Sorry, that was a really shitty post. I can't really seem to find the right words to explain what I mean.

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as posted by son in the Random News thread:

nice nice :happy:

and apparently they're selling more of those autographed by Billie music things.

and yay I was right about him indeed writing it. haha.

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I just can't see it ... Billie can't act ... It's something he would say would be making a mockery of the whole thing. I thought he had more respect for the musical than to swoop in on a role when he's got no previous experience.

That's what I think, it's as much about acting as it is singing so he can't just come on and be Billie Joe in different trousers. Plus, doesn't he need to be part of Equity or something ?

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I feel like Tony plays a drugged-up addict St. Jimmy while Andrew really does act like he's a part of Johnny. Andrew doesn't do the Tony-ish St. Jimmy singing voice, either. And while I like Tony, I will say it over and over again, I prefer Andrew in LNOE. :)

I'm really interested to hear your take on the St. Jimmy performers. My preference and feelings are almost exactly opposite to yours - isn't it funny how different people perceive the same things in different ways? After seeing Andrew do St. Jimmy twice last weekend, this is what I told my friends who were there with me:

Andrew is very talented, and if I'd never seen Tony do the part, I would probably think he's great, but there are some things that just make Tony's performance stronger for me. First of all, I see more emotion in the way Tony plays it - I can see so much conflict going on inside St. Jimmy just from his body language and facial expressions. Also, Tony looks the part of "heroin" which is part of what St. Jimmy signifies - Andrew is a little too healthy looking to me.
But the only part that really doesn't work for me as far as Andrew is concerned is Last Night on Earth
. He sings it beautifully - I love his voice, but his voice doesn't blend with the others to make a beautiful, cohesive "whole" the way Tony's does.

I think it's hilarious that we have such a different take on LNOE, but we obviously both noticed that the two guys are quite different in the way they perform it.

Now, how much more opposite could we be? :lol: I will say I'm delighted I've seen them both do the part, but I was really happy Tony was back on Sunday. I would have hated to miss him at what might be my last opportunity to see the show.

I also mentioned to my companions, after seeing the show again on Sunday with Andrew in his usual places, that I really like him a lot when he's not playing St. Jimmy. What he does in his usual characters seems to fit better for some reason. He's an incredibly talented guy, but St. Jimmy is one of those characters that I think most of us have visualized so strongly in our minds - it would be difficult for more than one person to fit into the role successfully.

I think it's fascinating that we all have our own points of view that can be so radically different and still have some rationale behind them so that they make sense. I'm just disappointed I missed seeing you this trip. We could probably discuss this one aspect of the show for hours without getting tired!

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I just can't see it ... Billie can't act ... It's something he would say would be making a mockery of the whole thing. I thought he had more respect for the musical than to swoop in on a role when he's got no previous experience.

That is what I was trying to say last night. Sure, he wrote the songs, the musical is his brain-child, and he can sing. But a musical is not like a Green Day concert, It would be very difficult and awkward for anyone to swoop in and take on a role in a production like this. No matter how talented they are. I mean, it'd be different if has had learned every bit of the role over that past few months, but we know he hasn't; he's been on tour. It's not like he would be preforming alone, the rest of the cast has to work with it too. If a mistake is made, they have to react appropriately to fix it. It can throw things off. I've seen it happen in small productions, it doesn't work.

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You've got a good point there... because he definitely has a lot of respect for the cast, Michael, and all the other people working with the musical.

If he's gonna indeed play in the musical for one show, it would be the most logical and likely is if it was in one of the last shows before it closes. Like how casts (sometimes) prank each other on the closing show of a musical/play.

But then there's also the thing with the lipstick and AI Musical, the 'big fat fuckin secret'. Although those could also mean something entirely different, and it just happens to fit into this as well.

I'm not really counting the rumour as a 'sign' because rumours are often really nothing more than things people made up.

Sorry, that was a really shitty post. I can't really seem to find the right words to explain what I mean.

and it's not a publicity stunt yet because it's not official yet'

i am sure when they annonce it , it will be everywhere

hopefully it's not one show because there is no way i can go during the week

That is what I was trying to say last night. Sure, he wrote the songs, the musical is his brain-child, and he can sing. But a musical is not like a Green Day concert, It would be very difficult and awkward for anyone to swoop in and take on a role in a production like this. No matter how talented they are. I mean, it'd be different if has had learned every bit of the role over that past few months, but we know he hasn't; he's been on tour. It's not like he would be preforming alone, the rest of the cast has to work with it too. If a mistake is made, they have to react appropriately to fix it. It can throw things off. I've seen it happen in small productions, it doesn't work.

he's seen the show so many times, i am sure he can pull it off

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I just can't see it... billie is too short... St. Jimmy needs to be eye level with an average sized person! ill be looking down even when he is on the ladder :runaround:

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he's seen the show so many times, i am sure he can pull it off

Seeing something does not make you prepared to do it. No matter how often you've seen it. Practice is the only reasonable way.

That is like saying, "That guy has seen 100 Green Day concerts, surely he can fill in for one of the members!"

I think you underestimate what those actors do, and how hard they work to make it look good.

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Yeah, lol. It will be like "Hahahaha, I'm Saint Jimmy!!!" and the other cast members are like "Eh, where does that voice come from, I can't see him" while they're standing in front of him :lol: Ok nevermind :lol:

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Yeah, lol. It will be like "Hahahaha, I'm Saint Jimmy!!!" and the other cast members are like "Eh, where does that voice come from, I can't see him" while they're standing in front of him :lol: Ok nevermind :lol:

Gerard And Aspen are short and we always see them

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I mean, obviously we have no idea if it's true yet or not, but my initial reaction when i heard the rumour was to laugh so :mellow:

He could go on and be absolutely brilliant, and truth be told he probably can act, you can tell that from his live performances. But that doesn't mean you can jump into a show like this. Plus yeah I would have thought there'd be an issue with equity too.

So yeah, not being nasty or anything, and if it is true then good luck to him and I hope we'd get to see it somehow as it could be pretty awesome if it works :) it's just also going to be very interesting.

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I just can't see it... billie is too short... St. Jimmy needs to be eye level with an average sized person! ill be looking down even when he is on the ladder :runaround:

Haha...I think he and Johnny are about the same height.

It's not his height that has me wondering about whether this would work...if it's even true. I'm questioning how well he would do with it. He's been in NYC for AGES, so he certainly could have learned the blocking and the minimal choreography St Jimmy has. And I think he knows he would need to sing the songs reasonably close to the way Tony/Andrew/Josh have sung them to not throw the rest of the cast off. I just have a hard time envisioning him in the role!

On the other hand, the man seems to have an unerring sense of knowing what will be a success for him. So I guess I should have faith that if this happens, it will be good. :)

It makes the most sense that it would happen in October when Tony is on vacation.

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Gerard And Aspen are short and we always see them

I was obviously joking, lol. Since some people on here actually make a lot of jokes about his height, and the post above my previous one made me think about that. :)

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I was obviously joking, lol. Since some people on here actually make a lot of jokes about his height, and the post above my previous one made me think about that. :)

I Figured That :)

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Uh oh - just been on Twitter and someone's said that Billie's cancelled from today's charity photo thing? And Tony's sick so "no photo"

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Uh oh - just been on Twitter and someone's said that Billie's cancelled from today's charity photo thing? And Tony's sick so "no photo"

Well that's too bad.. I hope Tony gets better soon.

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Uh oh - just been on Twitter and someone's said that Billie's cancelled from today's charity photo thing? And Tony's sick so "no photo"

n'awww :(

and poor Tony. Hope he gets better soon.

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