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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Love that signed photo but too high dolla for me!

I enjoyed seeing the musical again on Sunday along with all the friends and the talkback/lecture. I thought Van was great as Will - did not miss Michael too badly at all. Loved Gerard as Theo - he is one of my favorites so I love to see him featured. The back and forth between him and Alysha in Too Much Too Soon made me LOL. She practically hurls his little self back behind the couch.

The talkback after the show was interesting...although some people should be slapped for taking valuable Q&A time up with shit like "Billie Joe, can we have a hug?" Gah. The 92Y lecture was better questions, the audience questions were screened and the stupid ones were thankfully eliminated.

Make sure you check out the photos and blog Tanya posted above! Some supurb photos indeed. :)

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Oh shit, I forgot to post my blog post on some of the stuff in the talkback, haha. This is a first one, I plan on writing a more serious one about the show and these creative talks, but Niki Lee stayed with me last night and we got nothing done but talk, lol, and this morning, I just really had a burst and needed to write about the talkbacks and the anniversary of American Idiot.

Happy Anniversary American Idiot and BJA at AI University

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Set your eyes upon my friend Michelle's photo blog, people. SHE TOOK SOME AMAZING PHOTOS OF SUNDAY AS WELL AS JOHN GALLAGHER, JR.

She only asks that if you use her photos, that YOU DO NOT CROP OUT HER LOGO.

Lucky 17 Photograph Sunday Talkback and John Gallagher, Jr.


The talkback after the show was interesting...although some people should be slapped for taking valuable Q&A time up with shit like "Billie Joe, can we have a hug?" Gah. The 92Y lecture was better questions, the audience questions were screened and the stupid ones were thankfully eliminated.

I gotta know, when people ask if they can have a hug, what answer do they get ...? =o

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I gotta know, when people ask if they can have a hug, what answer do they get ...? =o

"After the talk." And he did. Thank God it only happened twice in five nights of talkbacks, I would have killed someone, lol, if it had been every night.

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I gotta know, when people ask if they can have a hug, what answer do they get ...? =o

Well, on Friday, Billie just shook his head with a smile and was like "uh...no". But on Sunday, he was like " :lol: Maybe after the interview."

Damn them for asking that. There were people like me with legit questions and then there were people like that who were just wasting time. :mad:

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Well, on Friday, Billie just shook his head with a smile and was like "uh...no". But on Sunday, he was like " :lol: Maybe after the interview."

Damn them for asking that. There were people like me with legit questions and then there were people like that who were just wasting time. :mad:

Yeah forreals. I saw the videos and I was like "Yay new question!" But no..."This isn't really a question, but can I have a hug?" He just laughed, and then shook his head, "No." And then he whispered in the mic "Later..." all creepy and whatnot, but hilarious nontheless. :lol:

But yeah, the lack of good questions, or the prescence of nonsense was rather dissapointing and pissed me off. :mad:

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hey i have a quick question - what was that little kid doing onstage during the sunday talkback? i want the story! thanks ;)

I second this question. Thanks for asking it!

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I second this question. Thanks for asking it!

he was with someone who had gotten called on, and the next thing you know, the little kid was holding the microphone and wanted to give billie joe something. billie told him to come down to the front, and then tried to pull him up by his arm to the stage. he finally got up there, gave billie what he had to give him, the kid told him how much he loved it, had a moment, became a ham, and then was off the stage.

he was cute, but it was another of those fan moments that were starting to make me crazed. i wanted to hear real questions about the show and stuff, but heck, i understand. I was lucky to go to all five talkbacks, and only two of them really devolved into fan love. Sunday was the worst, but it was still cool.

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Yeah forreals. I saw the videos and I was like "Yay new question!" But no..."This isn't really a question, but can I have a hug?" He just laughed, and then shook his head, "No." And then he whispered in the mic "Later..." all creepy and whatnot, but hilarious nontheless. :lol:

But yeah, the lack of good questions, or the prescence of nonsense was rather dissapointing and pissed me off. :mad:

I would have asked if I can get a kiss :eyebrow:

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he was with someone who had gotten called on, and the next thing you know, the little kid was holding the microphone and wanted to give billie joe something. billie told him to come down to the front, and then tried to pull him up by his arm to the stage. he finally got up there, gave billie what he had to give him, told him how much he loved it, had a moment, became a ham, and then was off the stage.

he was cute, but it was another of those fan moments that were starting to make me crazed. i wanted to hear real questions about the show and stuff, but heck, i understand. I was lucky to go to all five talkbacks, and only two of them really devolved into fan love. Sunday was the worst, but it was still cool.

Gotcha. From the pictures it looked more like and East Jesus Nowhere moment. Guess it wasn't as exciting as I thought. Thanks for the explanation.

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Gotcha. From the pictures it looked more like and East Jesus Nowhere moment. Guess it wasn't as exciting as I thought. Thanks for the explanation.

it was a bit, but without the song, haha. billie joe put his hand on the kid's head, almost like he was going to save him. what i really thought was neat was that it was a moment that really showed how much billie loves kids. you can just tell he was having a great time with him.

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it was a bit, but without the song, haha. billie joe put his hand on the kid's head, almost like he was going to save him. what i really thought was neat was that it was a moment that really showed how much billie loves kids. you can just tell he was having a great time with him.

Yes, It is obvioulsy that he does love kids. Plus that one seemed about the same age as Jakob. I wonder if he thinks they're easier to talk to/get along with that adults? Because when he's not performing he seems rather shy around people. Just an observer's opinion.

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Yes, It is obvioulsy that he does love kids. Plus that one seemed about the same age as Jakob. I wonder if he thinks they're easier to talk to/get along with that adults? Because when he's not performing he seems rather shy around people. Just an observer's opinion.

he said something at the 92StY that was funny, but I'm going to get the funny way here that he said it. jordan roth asked him about raising kids, and he said that he treats his kids more as roommates than children, but that he and adie set "guidelines, not rules." and then he gave adrienne the best shoutout, that she was the most awesome mom ever and that his kids were lucky to have her. I'm paraphrasing, but it was heart melting.

you guys know that there is a download of the 92sty talk in that chat thread?

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he said something at the 92StY that was funny, but I'm going to get the funny way here that he said it. jordan roth asked him about raising kids, and he said that he treats his kids more as roommates than children, but that he and adie set "guidelines, not rules." and then he gave adrienne the best shoutout, that she was the most awesome mom ever and that his kids were lucky to have her. I'm paraphrasing, but it was heart melting.

you guys know that there is a download of the 92sty talk in that chat thread?

Roommates vs. children? Interesting thinking. But I like the guidelines vs rules best. Good partently actually and I think he realizes that he's just not around as much as she is and it's really nice to hear him acknowledge the extra efforts she's had to make.

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Roommates vs. children? Interesting thinking. But I like the guidelines vs rules best. Good partently actually and I think he realizes that he's just not around as much as she is and it's really nice to hear him acknowledge the extra efforts she's had to make.

I think the "roommates vs. children" comment was followed by something like, "Cause they're both taller than me now." But my memory is kind of fuzzy, too. I haven't listened to the recording yet, but I've downloaded it for when I have time. It was a really sweet moment. His comment to Adrienne was something like, "Any kid would be lucky to have a mother like Adrienne," or something. She was so pleased (as any mother would be to hear her husband say that). And it wasn't just his words - I felt his voice and body language were just full of love when he said it. :wub:

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Yeah I listened to the recording and he is joking when he says the roommates thing - "They're more like room mates now as they're taller than me". And the Adrienne thing was "I hope everyone could have a mother like her".

I've heard him say about the guidlines not rules thing before and from the sounds of it, it's working - he sounds so proud of his kids.

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I think the "roommates vs. children" comment was followed by something like, "Cause they're both taller than me now." But my memory is kind of fuzzy, too. I haven't listened to the recording yet, but I've downloaded it for when I have time. It was a really sweet moment. His comment to Adrienne was something like, "Any kid would be lucky to have a mother like Adrienne," or something. She was so pleased (as any mother would be to hear her husband say that). And it wasn't just his words - I felt his voice and body language were just full of love when he said it. :wub:

It's really so nice to hear this. I mean we all know they've been married for 16 years (as have I) but to have your significant other still make these comments, and they way there were said as you mention, is just so special. It takes a very strong couple to stay this in love all these years. It's just nice to hear because he doesn't normally vocalize about his feelings for his family/wife or at least not that often. Oh, we see them together but still...hearing the words...yeah, he's a good guy and he's lucky to have Adrienne in his life and vice versa. Thanks for sharing!

(I obviously haven't listened to the download either but I will soon!)

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Adrienne was totally blushing when she was being talked about. I forgot what they said at one point, and since she was sitting in the row behind me, I saw her covering her eyes and blushing with the biggest smile that had me in awe

But yeah the talk backs were really fun! I missed out on Wednesdays since I had to attend a wake for a death in my family :( but all of the other ones were amazing! minus the ridiculous questions being asked....but hey, whatever works! I'm also not so great in the Q&A dept. so I sat back and watched everyone else go along with their Q's

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I think Billie Joe needs some rep points!! :lol:

LOL, OMG, this made me smile so much --- And since I can't give Billie any, I'll give you one, instead. :D

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Sorry, thought I wrote that more like he was joking around, not that he was serious about the roommates vs. children thing. I forgot about the "taller than him" line.

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