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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Heh... These couch surfing comments make me giggle because Miguel's nickname is 'Couch'. :D

Oh, speaking of couch, I don't know if Van does it but Esper does full-out during "Favorite Son" so look at the boys at the couch during that song. It's hilarious.

I have to say that since Joshua left the show, I've been watching the couch antics more. Esper put a t-shirt in his pants last night since Wallace is... shall we say... a bit more endowed than Joshua (who I actually miss in that part, though Wallace does a great job) in certain man parts...

I like Gerard, too. He's a bit subdued compared to Theo. And when it's him and Aspen on with Esper and Leslie, they really look like mini-me's of Will and Heather. :D

They do!

I don't know about the status of the orchestra after the show but before the talkback, but you can probably go down between the two and snag a seat in the left orchestra.

And yes, that's exactly what happens, so you'll be fine, Jetsrule. Come down to the floor after Whashername and during the encore to get a seat in front.

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Anyone have a phone number for the St. James? I'm googling and I can only get a Telecharge number.

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plaid how do you know all this insider stuff?

Every once in a while I get bits of information from an acquaintance who's involved with the show. It's not all insider stuff. Heh... :D Plus, the cast is pretty open and they'll have a conversation with you. It helps if they see you supporting them in other Idiot-related events or their other projects like their music gigs.

Anyone have a phone number for the St. James? I'm googling and I can only get a Telecharge number.

What is your question? Telecharge would probably know more than the theatre. Just sayin'.

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Anyone have a phone number for the St. James? I'm googling and I can only get a Telecharge number.

try anywho.com I found it there yesterday.

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Quite sad to not be seeing Michael. But I'll have to have a stiff upper lip! But I really do love his couch antics. There are times when I should be paying attention to other things going on, but I'll be watching what Michael is doing on the couch.

On a side note: Anyone else think it's really sweet that Rebecca takes the time to comment people back on Facebook? Made me smile.

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Quite sad to not be seeing Michael. But I'll have to have a stiff upper lip! But I really do love his couch antics. There are times when I should be paying attention to other things going on, but I'll be watching what Michael is doing on the couch.

On a side note: Anyone else think it's really sweet that Rebecca takes the time to comment people back on Facebook? Made me smile.

I think it happens if she has seen you at the show and you take the time to say hello to her. Tony used to comment back, but then I don't know what happened with him. Rebecca is great, I don't post to her often, but she is always kind when I do.

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I have been to both Talkbacks so far and will be going again tonight and Sunday (and maybe Friday). I wrote a bit about it on my blog (click here if you want to read it), but I haven't had time to write up anything formally. I don't know if they are recording the talkbacks, but I did record the sound last night so I can go back and listen, but it's a pretty crappy recording.

I know that some girl last night was asking Billie a question while she videoed it... basically she asked him to say Happy birthday to her two cousins who loved him, another question, and then told him that her cousins wanted to be his roadies. I don't think Billie was too pleased with it... he sarcastically said, "you want me to sing my answer to your question as if it's happy birthday?" and he got that Billie sarcastic sound in his voice. He then went on to actually sing his response and then told her that he didn't need any roadies. I laughed. Hopefully whoever that person was that recorded it did the entire thing. Personally, it was a bit rude looking to be recording him and asking the question at the same time. I'm pretty sure that he wasn't happy with it.

One of the things I distinctly remember was really funny. On Tuesday, somebody asked Michael Mayer whether "Time of Your Life" at the end of the show had any meaning... like why did they put it at the end of the show, was it trying to make some statement or something (I'm paraphrasing because I don't really remember the exact question), but I do remember it being a silly question because Time of Your Life is clearly used as an encore only.

Last night, David Cote asked Billie Joe about the song at the end of the show and Billie was like, "You know, I just want to say that that guy who asked that question last night was a real cunt (yes, he used that word)." Billie went on to say that it was obvious that it's just an encore and the guy was trying to be a smartass (which is true). And then Billie ended by saying, "You know, the real title of that song is "Good Riddance."' It was hysterical. I love that guy.

I hope that I explained it ok... I'm going from memory and most times, I can't remember anything...

EDIT: Though the girl was recording it for her cousins, I just wanted to add, it was still a bit rude/odd to be asking the dude a question and recording it at the same time. I think that's why he got a bit annoyed...

Thanks for posting that! Haha, lol at Billie correcting the guy on Good Riddance. :lol:

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I think it happens if she has seen you at the show and you take the time to say hello to her. Tony used to comment back, but then I don't know what happened with him. Rebecca is great, I don't post to her often, but she is always kind when I do.

I know what happened with Tony. Apparently his personal Facebook wouldn't allow him to add anymore friends,a nd he'd reached the limit. He said he tried to get back to everyone, but it just got too hard.

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For those of you wondering if AI will be still around after January, you should read this from David Cote of Time Out NY.

If I were you, I'd come and see this show by the end of December. I don't want to say it, and it might not happen, but it's probably best to get it done before the year ends, truthfully. :(

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That sucks :( There's no way I can go to see the show then..

I'm sure there will be a touring show, and again, he doesn't say anything specific, but I'm just saying see it now if possible. :(

And I will be happily surprised and overjoyed if it's extended past its current run. Very happy!

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I'm sure there will be a touring show, and again, he doesn't say anything specific, but I'm just saying see it now if possible. :(

And I will be happily surprised and overjoyed if it's extended past its current run. Very happy!

Yeah I know. I'd be happy as well! Hmmm, I guess I have to wait till they get a cast etc to go to London or something. That would be great.

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Yeah I know. I'd be happy as well! Hmmm, I guess I have to wait till they get a cast etc to go to London or something. That would be great.

Honestly, I think the show would do worse on the West End than on Broadway. Audiences just seem more different and not as open to new things. But that's just my thoughts.

I really hope the show is open until at least Jan. 30th! -crosses fingers-

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Honestly, I think the show would do worse on the West End than on Broadway. Audiences just seem more different and not as open to new things. But that's just my thoughts.

I really hope the show is open until at least Jan. 30th! -crosses fingers-

I'd rather see it on Broadway, but unfortunately that's not possible since it's in NY. Going to the UK will be the only option.. If only they released a DVD of this so everyone in the world could 'see' the musical themselves..

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I'd rather see it on Broadway, but unfortunately that's not possible since it's in NY. Going to the UK will be the only option.. If only they released a DVD of this so everyone in the world could 'see' the musical themselves..

:( Musicals don't normally do that as you know. They did that for RENT because it was such an iconic show and CATS because ALW is just odd like that. Maybe if they show stays on Broadway longer something rare could come of that...

It would be weird for people in a British accent singing, "Don't wanna be an American Idiot!" and make it seem like they'd rather be British than American. They would probably have to bring in Americans if that happened. :ermm: Declan is an exception because he's Declan. :lol:

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Well, there may be a small chance of our seeing it again sometime between Dec 9 and 14. Keeping my fingers crossed that this trip works out.

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Ugh...I'm bummed that I won't see Michael Esper on Sunday. =/

But, I'm still stoked to see this motherfucker.

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For those of you wondering if AI will be still around after January, you should read this from David Cote of Time Out NY.

If I were you, I'd come and see this show by the end of December. I don't want to say it, and it might not happen, but it's probably best to get it done before the year ends, truthfully. :(

That makes me so very sad. I really want to be at the final performance, but if it could get cut before January 30th... well, that just makes me disappointed.

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Yeah, Esper is out for the entire weekend so he'll return on Tuesday. While Van doesn't have blue hair, he does a great job, so I've heard. I saw him as Tunny and besides a little line mishap, he was good. And the last time Esper was out, Mary was out, too, so Van & Leslie were on together. They're dating so it was cute that they could have got on together. Declan is the Will understudy but I doubt he'll be going on... Fun fact: Theo was the Will understudy in Berkeley but never went on.

Leslie and Libby are the Heather understudies and they're great. Leslie was also good as Whatsername. The new swing, Corbin, is also a Whatsername understudy besides Christina.

Gerard is great in Theo's part. Miguel is Theo's other understudy, so he might go on with Gerard going on for his part in Rock & Roll girlfriend.

how does leslie do as whatsername?

i just can't see a white whatsername and without the hair

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how does leslie do as whatsername?

i just can't see a white whatsername and without the hair

I was wondering the same thing myself, so I'm gonna echo this question! :)

And oh my God, I'm once again totally afraid the show's gonna end before I get a chance to see it ... :cry: I'm buying the tickets tonight for the 9 November date, guys! I'm both excited and terrified. :wacko:

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how does leslie do as whatsername?

i just can't see a white whatsername and without the hair

I really liked Leslie as Whatsername. I thought that she played her a little bit more innocent than Becca. She and Johnny were good together, too. Leslie puts her hair is pigtails before LOTAG/SAR. It's pretty cute. Her voice is good, too.

I haven't seen her, but whenever Libby goes on for Extraordinary Girl, at the end, she's referred to as Military Barbie. Heh... :lol:

I would say that it's stranger for there to be a white EG than a white Whatsername. Then again, Andrew Call as Favorite Son is my favorite understudy action ever and you would think that that's a strange role for it to be white, but it works.

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It makes me smile a bit how all of us are sad that we won't be seeing Michael. Just goes to show what a great job he does sitting on that couch.

:happy: well seems like most of us have the same taste :lol:

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Alright folks, we've been commanded to bring out the "Awesome as Fuck" signs for the Talkback tomorrow!

Greenday: "When we do the talk back on sunday, everyone should hold up signs that say Awesome as Fuck. That be.. Uh.. awesome as fuck?"

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