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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Does anyone know if the American Idiot musical is coming to England? I would be the first one in the queue to buy tickets if it were. :happy:

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Does anyone know if the American Idiot musical is coming to England? I would be the first one in the queue to buy tickets if it were. :happy:

no one know yet, but if i were you, i'd give it six months or a year to see a London production. that is usually the time frame for these things to move to london, if they do. i'm also sure that it will certainly be announced if it happens!

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no one know yet, but if i were you, i'd give it six months or a year to see a London production. that is usually the time frame for these things to move to london, if they do. i'm also sure that it will certainly be announced if it happens!

Oh, sweet. Cheers. 6 months?! I might just have to move to America. :)

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Oh, sweet. Cheers. 6 months?! I might just have to move to America. :)


Haha, I'm just saying that the minimum amount of time these things happen. But believe me, if it moves to London, everyone here will know it!

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Haha, I'm just saying that the minimum amount of time these things happen. But believe me, if it moves to London, everyone here will know it!

Haha, okay then. :)

I will eagerly await the day.

Have you seen the musical?

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Haha, okay then. :)

I will eagerly await the day.

Have you seen the musical?

yes... i have. but i live in nyc so it's easier for me to have seen it.

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yes... i have. but i live in nyc so it's easier for me to have seen it.

Oh, yeah. Was it amazing? :lol:

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At Times Sq in a daze. Ran into Esper and had a nice chat (and hug). It's all so surreal, in need someone to come pinch me

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Haha, I'm just saying that the minimum amount of time these things happen. But believe me, if it moves to London, everyone here will know it!

I always thought that things stayed on Braodway for years before moving...and then there's some shows that are in a whole bucnh of places at once, like, it could be in London and Las Vegas or somewhere at the same time? (With different actors abviously) Does anyone know how that works? :ermm:

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At Times Sq in a daze. Ran into Esper and had a nice chat (and hug). It's all so surreal, in need someone to come pinch me


Ok, ok, I tried.... :lol: Awesome that you had a chance to meet him!

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I always thought that things stayed on Braodway for years before moving...and then there's some shows that are in a whole bucnh of places at once, like, it could be in London and Las Vegas or somewhere at the same time? (With different actors abviously) Does anyone know how that works? :ermm:

It varies by production and the backers. It's pretty much all about money. Heh... Like "The Addams Family" (which got worse reviews than "American Idiot" but is certainly raking in the moolah) announced today that they're doing a tour starting in September of next year. If the production can rake in the money, then it has a better chance of tour or having an international production, etc. Many shows on Broadway right now have a tour or at least have a planned tour.

Does that answer your question?

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Thanks J. You're super sweet.

When I saw it in previews in Berkeley, I went in really really wanting to love it and came out with mixed feelings. However, I've been seven times since and I'm consistently amazed how they've interpreted a key (if not THE key) 21st century musical text for the stage. My suggestion: go at least twice. I think you'll enjoy it the first time you see it, but you'll appreciate its depth, creativity, and integrity on subsequent viewings. And while it's always wonderful to see any show from the orchestra section, balcony seats work just as well and are a pant-load less money.

I don't think you'll be disappointed.

It varies by production and the backers. It's pretty much all about money. Heh... Like "The Addams Family" (which got worse reviews than "American Idiot" but is certainly raking in the moolah) announced today that they're doing a tour starting in September of next year. If the production can rake in the money, then it has a better chance of tour or having an international production, etc. Many shows on Broadway right now have a tour or at least have a planned tour.

Does that answer your question?

One word: Cats.

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So I saw the play today *I got tixs for my 21st bday* and omg!!! I cried during Boulevard of broken dreams, Give me Novocaine, and 21 guns :happy: . It was fucking brilliant and I mean it was holy shit good! so good in fact my parents bought us tixs to see it again :wub::banana:

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I'm going tomorrow at 8! I'm so excited to see it! I haven't watched a single video of the cast performing and I still haven't listened to my AI soundtrack album cuz I wanna wait until after I see it! Anyone else going tomorrow night?

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no one know yet, but if i were you, i'd give it six months or a year to see a London production. that is usually the time frame for these things to move to london, if they do. i'm also sure that it will certainly be announced if it happens!

Spring Awakening took over a year to get to West End and it wasn't exactly a hit with that crowd.

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Ok, I've watched the Letterman "Holiday" a few times now and I have been refraining from one of the major reasons I had a problem with it for a couple reasons as will become apparent. After speaking to a few friends that have actually seen the show, they feel the same so I don't feel like it's completely ridiculous to discuss or ask.

Here is my issue with just Holiday. Firstly, I love the "car" and think that it's produced fantastically, and I like watching it, even out of the context of the whole story. "Maybe I'm the faggot America, I'm not a part of a red neck agenda". Now, this has always been a much discussed lyric but it's pretty cut and dry to me. Not up for much interpretation. He is condescending the people who don't like the ones who think we shouldn't be at war, and they are a bunch of faggots, meaning scared, not necessarily homosexual. Like you would say to someone afraid to ride a roller coaster with you, "come on, don't be a faggot, get on".

Now, after crudely explaining that, why is the part of the "Zeig Heil to the president gassman, bombs away is your punishment...etc" is sung by a character dressed in Nazi looking garb but yet is the most flamboyant part of that song. At first I was jusr confused, but retrospectively, I took away a few possibilities.

First, and no offense to the cast member who sang that part, great job. I don't know if that person is homosexual or not and frankly, don't care. I am not a homophobe in the least. And I'm not one of those "I have a gay friend" guys, i really could care less what someone does to get off, or fall in love so this is not a bigotry issue, it's a story issue.

So the question, and maybe the critique is why was the part of the person representing government played as a flamboyant gay man?

Here are my theories in order of probability.

The first is the most poetic and I hope the reason.

1) The real "faggot" is the government and therefore the producers/writers wanted to make that statement by having him act as such (but by displaying it with flamboyancy).

2) That wasn't supposed to look flamboyant but the actor who played him is, and it just SHOWED THROUGH.

3) I had a third reason but the few brain cells in my head lost it but there was a third reason.

If, #1 is the reason, it's VERY cerebral and will be missed on MOST people and especially people that haven't really discussed the lyrics ad nasuem of the whole album.

At first, i was just like "why is this part so fucking flamboyant, it makes no sense" and then I came up with my theory #1 of which I believe is the reason. If anyone saw the understudy play that role and it wasn't like that, I'd lead towards theory two but there, I said it, reluctantly of being labeled a homophobe WHICH I AM NOT.

Ummm you completely misread that I think. First of all, Theo is STRAIGHT (maybe bi). Second of all, thats just his style of acting. You're reading into this WAY too much

Saw the show both last night (Friday) and tonight (Saturday), and it twas amazing! SOOOOOO many changes in there, big and small. And last night I got to have the most lovely chats with a lot of the cast, especially Rebecca. Didn't get to talk with them as much tonight because of the bomb the found in Times Square. Also someone had a seizure in the balcony (where I was sitting tonight), scary shit. Thank you to sundaymorning6am for helping me lotto yesterday which got me in on my first day of NYC!

I would love to talk in more detail and stuff, but I'm very tired from walking around all day, so it will just have to wait!

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Here are my theories in order of probability.

The first is the most poetic and I hope the reason.

1) The real "faggot" is the government and therefore the producers/writers wanted to make that statement by having him act as such (but by displaying it with flamboyancy).

2) That wasn't supposed to look flamboyant but the actor who played him is, and it just SHOWED THROUGH.

3) I had a third reason but the few brain cells in my head lost it but there was a third reason.

If, #1 is the reason, it's VERY cerebral and will be missed on MOST people and especially people that haven't really discussed the lyrics ad nasuem of the whole album.

At first, i was just like "why is this part so fucking flamboyant, it makes no sense" and then I came up with my theory #1 of which I believe is the reason. If anyone saw the understudy play that role and it wasn't like that, I'd lead towards theory two but there, I said it, reluctantly of being labeled a homophobe WHICH I AM NOT.

Okay, first of all, I LOVE YOU for your #3, and I don't believe you're a homophobe. I appreciate your expressing your true feelings. Secondly, I don't feel that this character represents the government. I feel this person is talking to the government. To me, this person is saying, yeah, I'm gay or I have opinions that you would categorize as "gay," so what's your problem with that?

However, this person is also saying that it's wrong or doesn't make sense for one government to believe all its actions are right no matter what anyone else says ("Pulverize the Eiffel Towers who criticize your government!" i.e if France doesn't agree with our policy then ... pulverize them!). So, the way some governments believe that NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS, they are always right (for whatever reason), is STUPID ... it's WRONG.

That's the way I've always seen this part. The only thing I don't like about Theo's interpretation is the "bang bang." I would like to see that performed with more ... I don't know ... drama? power? or something.

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I LOVE that you love my #3. Ha. Ok, I think we have a fundemental difference of what that character represents then.

So ummm many thoughts, but the one thing I want to make sure I express is that I believe the line, "Zeig Heil to the president gasman" is basically saying that Bush is behaving as if he were Hitler and expects us to "Zeig Heil" him. I don't believe it's talking about Hitler at all except in the way that it's comparing Bush to Hitler. And "Bombs away is your punishment" is a threat to other countries that "America is so strong, you don't even want to cross that line." I must say, as an American, it makes me sick to even think about this interpretation, but I believe that's what the song is saying.

And ... we are going to be good friends whether you like it or not :).

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Does anyone know if the American Idiot musical is coming to England? I would be the first one in the queue to buy tickets if it were. :happy:

I imagine it will, though maybe not for a couple years =/

I might be wrong about this, but I seem to remember that when it went to Broadway they held open auditions for the new cast ? Am I just making that up or did that happen ?

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So ummm many thoughts, but the one thing I want to make sure I express is that I believe the line, "Zeig Heil to the president gasman" is basically saying that Bush is behaving as if he were Hitler and expects us to "Zeig Heil" him. I don't believe it's talking about Hitler at all except in the way that it's comparing Bush to Hitler. And "Bombs away is your punishment" is a threat to other countries that "America is so strong, you don't even want to cross that line." I must say, as an American, it makes me sick to even think about this interpretation, but I believe that's what the song is saying.

The threat was right there in 'if you're not with us, you're with the terrorists'. Post 9/11, there was such an outpouring of love and support towards America, people to people. I remember waiting a couple of weeks to go and sign the Book of Condolence at the Embassy, because the lines were so long. I remember people all over the place wearing shirts that said 'NYFD' or 'I Love New York' - everyone wanted to show their solidarity.

I remember writing an impassioned message to my friend in Philly going 'Why is Bush telling his people they should be scared? Why is he not trying to raise morale? Why isn't he telling them that, hard as this is, it's a flea-bite on the ankle of the world's greatest democracy? Why am I not seeing fucking Britney Spears in star-spangled mini-skirt singing the Star-Spangled Banner?'

But one of my first thoughts, post 9/11, was 'shit, this guy gets to do whatever he wants to do now'. What he was saying to his own people played on their fears - and what he was saying to other sovreign nations was not that they should ally with him, but that they should submit to him. So yeah, it felt like America was stomping around in jackboots, for real.

American Idiot was the voice I was waiting to hear - the voice that spoke from the heart of an America I believed in, because something was telling me that the propaganda was not the voice of the people. Well, I guess it was the voice of some of the people, but not my people - beyond nationality, beyond government. I was so fucking glad to hear that voice. :)

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I might be wrong about this, but I seem to remember that when it went to Broadway they held open auditions for the new cast ? Am I just making that up or did that happen ?

It's required by Equity to have auditions. And while I don't any of them went through open auditions (them having appointments are more likely), they did re-cast the role of Tunny and one of the female ensemble roles as well as added two new swings and the male lead stand-by. Also, I'm sure that they keep a file of those that auditioned who they liked in case they need a replacement, such as now with Chase temporarily out and Sean Wing to step in for the meantime.

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So ummm many thoughts, but the one thing I want to make sure I express is that I believe the line, "Zeig Heil to the president gasman" is basically saying that Bush is behaving as if he were Hitler and expects us to "Zeig Heil" him. I don't believe it's talking about Hitler at all except in the way that it's comparing Bush to Hitler. And "Bombs away is your punishment" is a threat to other countries that "America is so strong, you don't even want to cross that line." I must say, as an American, it makes me sick to even think about this interpretation, but I believe that's what the song is saying.

^I concur with this interpretation of Zeil Heil part.^

I would probably expand it a bit as a take on the attitude of some Americans, who believe that America can do no wrong and the world has to do what we say or we punish them for thinking otherwise.

And yes, what Justcause said, too.

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