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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Uhhhh, "Cuddles"? :blink:

Hahaha - he changed that after he posted the comment, because I quoted him and it still said Andres back then! (Oh, and it's something his New York harem came up with) :lol:! You'll have to ask them if you want an explanation.

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Ok Here's my review of both nights.

American Idiot Musical April 19th and 20th

April 19, 2010

Started out as a normal day. Woke up around noon, helped my dad with the laundry and then was on my way to the train station. Train was at 2:55. Got on and listened to the cast album the whole way there. Got into the city about 4:45. Headed towards the theater to take some pics. Everytime I would try to get a pic of the door a whole group of people non stop would walk right in front. But I managed. Then I headed towards the diner where I met up with Cheryl, Beth, Andres, Zoe, Hannah, J'net, Niki Lee, Dorie, Jordan, and a bunch of other people. I know I'm missing some of you I'm sorry! :'( We all met at the Westway Diner. It was so much fun. Then we all headed back to the theater and got in line. Once they let us in I signed the wall. Then I headed upstairs to the balcony. What a climb upstairs. My legs were numb and I was out of breath by the time I got up there. I was about 3rd to the last row on the balcony and had a great view. No legroom though and the security woman was a real bitch. "No photograghs in the theater please." Then the lights went out and the show started. I seemed to be the only one in my section besides the girl sitting 2 seats from me who even knew what Green Day was. The 1 guy on my left just sat there the WHOLE night. The guy on the right seemed to have enjoyed it. He was rocking his head a couple of times. Suprisingly I didn't tear up at all. The play was so good. I was so surprised when they played Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) at the end. Then the play ended and oh boy did I have to use the bathroom. So I quickly did that and got my ass outside to meet the cast and hopefully the band (but it turned out they weren't there that night) I met a few of the people. I got pics and autographs with Michael Esper, Rebecca Naomi Jones, Stark Sands, Mary Faber and 2 others but I don't know there names. After I waited a little longer to see if I could meet John and Tony but no luck and everyone else had left already. So I left too. I got home at 12:45 and I couldn't sleep the whole night thinking tomorrow I get to hopefully meet the band.

April 20, 2010

I woke up at 11:30 to go for lunch and food shopping with my dad before I had to go to Erins house. Then I found out about the Foxboro Hot Tubs show being in NYC on Sunday at the Bowery Electric so I quickly went over to Kohls to check my scheduale and of course I have off sunday but have to work Monday. So I decided not to go. Then I left for Erins house and got there about 2:30. We watched some Green Day videos and waited for her sister and friend. We went to the train station about 4:00 and got in about 5. We stood outside the the theater waiting to see if the band goes in. Which we did. Then Olivia's mom went to get us all pizza and I almost was choking on it because we saw Jason White, Jason Freeze and Jeff Matika! We waited a little longer and saw Whoopi Goldberg. We also saw this kid all dressed up keep walking back and forth (looked like he could have been with the band or the show or something. You'll find out later who he was) Then we saw Donald Trump? (Yes Donald Trump) Walked RIGHT in front of me! Then Erins mom bought Erin a ticket for tonights show and asked me if I wanted to go. She's so nice! Then the big moment came and probably the best moment of the night (yes before the show) They let us in and we saw Jason White, Jason Freeze, Jeff Matika and Adrienne (ADRIENNE!) talking and signing autographs. So of course my teenie self had to get my ass over there for an autograph. Adrienne was so nice "Are you excited about the show!" She screamed. And we all yelled. Got her autograph. Then went over to Jason Freeze first and asked him for an autograph. Then Jeff he was so nice and Jason White (who had a bunch of stuff in his hands so he asked me to hold my playbill and I couldn't stop shaking!) but I got there autographs. I still wanna thank Erins mom for getting me a ticket and making it possible for me to meet Jason Freeze, Jason White, Jeff Matika and Adrienne. Then me and Erin went to out seats. We were separated from Kara and Olivia (I still feel bad for your shitty seats) I must say the show was better the second time. Turns out Hannah was sitting with us and a bunch of other GDCers behind us which made it so much better then the first night because of the screaming and singing. Then it ended and we got our asses outside to meet the band (didn't happen btw:'''''''( ) but we saw that kid again that was all dressed up with this other kid and everybody kept asking the younger kid how he liked the show (who are these kids?) So I started talking with the kid next to me with the bushy hair about Green Day and how I was waiting for them to come out) Then they left with someone and this lady who was going to the afterparty told me who those kids were. The Naked Brothers Band (from Nichelodeon) Not that I like them but I was talking to celebrities! Then the lady told us the afterparty was at Roseland Ballroom so we went over there and Erin saw Tre inside but we had to leave before the band came out and it was a good thing we did cause we didn't get home until midnight. But then I found out that Olivia's mom had an extra ticket for PNC Bank Arts Center on August 14th with Green Day and AFI!!!!!! and I'm going! Then went to bed close to 2 and went back to work with one of the craziest days ever. The store was JAMMED! Now we wait until August 14!

Edit: I forgot to mention after the show I saw Kevin Preston come out and was standing right next to him!


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My best friend and I already have our plans to see Green Day as our thing to do together this summer. She's not a fan at all but loves Broadway shows more than anything so she kept asking to see the play instead since it would be for both of us. I told her no way because there's nothing like seeing Green Day live. Welllll I just called her and said "Uhh I think we need to see the play" and she said "I was afraid this would happen..." haha I knew I've wanted to see it for a while but seeing the boys live instead was a no brainer. Now I've got to find a way to still do both! Especially after hearing the cast album and reading such great, great reviews. I just have to find a way to see this show!

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Ok Here's my review of both nights.

American Idiot Musical April 19th and 20th


hmmm, those photos aren't working for me..its just a blank page.

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Here's another interview. I don't know if it has been posted or not.

ugh the comments on that video piss me off. thanks for the link though!

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haha i LOVE katie and her mom!

idk if that other girl looks at this, but she was saying stuff about the GD fans so idk how i feel about her but whatevs lol :banana:

what a bitch lol superfan my ass

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I'm confused.. were they letting just anyone into the afterparty? Did you just have to buy a ticket or something? ..

I wanted to go to the afterparty SO bad but I didn't think they would let just anybody in.. :( FML, I should've tried!!!

I went to 19th, and showed up on opening night and was able to buy tickets :) show was amazing, just got home a little while ago from both nights, will post recap and pics tomorrow.

I saw tons of GDCers, but mostly didn't say anything because the few people I did try to talk to looked at me like I was insane lol

billiejoe1, my friend and i were sitting right behind u on opening night :P

in the meantime, this is as close as I got to Billie while they were jumping in their getaway cars (Tre and Mike totally took off)

http://s764.photobucket.com/albums/xx290/Nahalehd/?action=view&current=IMG_1662.jpg :happy:

J'net and Andres, I'm so happy y'all had such an amazing time!!!!


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I'm confused.. were they letting just anyone into the afterparty? Did you just have to buy a ticket or something? ..

I wanted to go to the afterparty SO bad but I didn't think they would let just anybody in.. :( FML, I should've tried!!!

I went to 19th, and showed up on opening night and was able to buy tickets :) show was amazing, just got home a little while ago from both nights, will post recap and pics tomorrow.

I saw tons of GDCers, but mostly didn't say anything because the few people I did try to talk to looked at me like I was insane lol

billiejoe1, my friend and i were sitting right behind u on opening night :P

in the meantime, this is as close as I got to Billie while they were jumping in their getaway cars (Tre and Mike totally took off)

http://s764.photobucket.com/albums/xx290/Nahalehd/?action=view&current=IMG_1662.jpg :happy:

J'net and Andres, I'm so happy y'all had such an amazing time!!!!

Nope you had to have a ticket. Me and my friend went over there. Cool! Hannah was sitting next to us. I was glad that we were all together. It was so much more fun hearing people screaming and singing during the songs except just sitting there.

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Whoa. I definitely said no deal was sealed. (JFTR). It's gonna be made though, most likely through Universal because they have fist right of passage and are very interested,

lol it was just an expression, probably used in the wrong context.

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I can't join this topic anymore...too much envy for all the guys who came to the musical! :(


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I'm so happy everyone had such a great time yesterday. :happy: Reading all the reviews and seeing the photos and videos, it must have been an awesome premiere!

btw, I just found a video of the after party where we can see Billie Joe breakdancing at the beginning XD

Seriously, What the Fink? :o:lol:

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^OMG haha first time i ever seen Billie do something like that :lol: and he was quite good!

He does that at concerts sometimes. XD

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^OMG haha first time i ever seen Billie do something like that :lol: and he was quite good!

I think he's doing something like that on every concert during jaded :P

edit: too late haha

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He does that at concerts sometimes. XD

I think he's doing something like that on every concert during jaded :P

edit: too late haha

Ohh thanks for that :) I think i need to watch more concert vids :P

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Did someone already post pics of the Bloomingdale's Display? For once, I've been too busy to keep up with the thread, lol.

Heres an short interview with the magnificent Esper:

5 Questions with 'American Idiot' star Michael Esper


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Here's ALL my videos so far from my NYCAmerican Idiot experience!!! :D

leaving kansas city -

walking around new york -

times square and getting to st. james-

backstage tour of the st. james -

part 2 of the backstage tour @ the st. james (also signing the wall) - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=9D08FRoYTzo

us on the red carpet! -

green day on the red carpet and me getting pics with tre and mike! -

the end of the show with the good riddance encore and gd on stage -

my full interview with rebecca! -

I still have a few more to upload!

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Here's ALL my videos so far from my NYCAmerican Idiot experience!!! :D

leaving kansas city -

walking around new york -

times square and getting to st. james-

backstage tour of the st. james -

part 2 of the backstage tour @ the st. james (also signing the wall) - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=9D08FRoYTzo

us on the red carpet! -

green day on the red carpet and me getting pics with tre and mike! -

the end of the show with the good riddance encore and gd on stage - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=SB5pkPj_j8I

my full interview with rebecca! - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=qoEHmwbdnSY

I still have a few more to upload!

it must be so odd to go back to a small place after seeing new york city

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yeah it was really weird haha, going from HUGE city with buildings everywhere back to flat lands with nothing haha. its good to be home though :D

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Here's ALL my videos so far from my NYCAmerican Idiot experience!!! :D

leaving kansas city -

walking around new york -

times square and getting to st. james-

backstage tour of the st. james -

part 2 of the backstage tour @ the st. james (also signing the wall) - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=9D08FRoYTzo

us on the red carpet! -

green day on the red carpet and me getting pics with tre and mike! -

the end of the show with the good riddance encore and gd on stage - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=SB5pkPj_j8I

my full interview with rebecca! - http://www.youtube.c...h?v=qoEHmwbdnSY

I still have a few more to upload!

Not all of the links are working :(

But I love the ones that I've seen so far :D

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