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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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i'll be there tonight! my train gets into the city around 6:15 and i'm meeting up with a few people, we're not quite old enough for drinks haha, and i have no idea where that is, but thanks for the invite! hopefully we will have a chance to meet either before or after the show. see you there!

Well, just in case - it's on 44th between 8th and 9th, about a block down from the theater, and they serve other-than-alcohol, too! :) Hope to meet you, too!

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Wow thanks for all the pics and videos! Gonna have a nice time looking at all this. So glad for everyone who got to go!

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Thanks guys for all the awesome pictures/videos/articles! <3

Have fun everyone who's going to the musical! :happy:

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Everyone going have a blast. :D I can't wait to go in June (I think that's what my dad said) when I get out of school. I'm excited.

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Such a weird idea that the first showing of this on Broadway is starting in a couple of minutes from now.

I hope everyone will have fun :D (although I don't doubt that)

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So the (first) Broadway show of AI will start around this time? Awesome. I wish I was there <3

I'm sure everyone is going to have a blast :D

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i hope we get a few videos from the night. also if you go onto facebook now matt caplan is on and he will talk to you in chat if you talk to him first

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so i just got back from the play and i must admit, i didnt like it too much :/

i dont know, i felt the story wasnt developed enough.

but the cast had AMAZING voices and the music was fantastic.

btw i saw the person wearing the mad hatter hat! i didnt know your name so i didnt say anything

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so i just got back from the play and i must admit, i didnt like it too much :/

i dont know, i felt the story wasnt developed enough.

but the cast had AMAZING voices and the music was fantastic.

btw i saw the person wearing the mad hatter hat! i didnt know your name so i didnt say anything

Aw at the first part ):

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so i just got back from the play and i must admit, i didnt like it too much :/

i dont know, i felt the story wasnt developed enough.

but the cast had AMAZING voices and the music was fantastic.

btw i saw the person wearing the mad hatter hat! i didnt know your name so i didnt say anything

Lol its ok. If I remember correctly, Tanya didn't like it the first time she saw it either, it took a second time for her to enjoy it (correct me if I'm wrong Tanya)

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^Justin, (at least i think thats your name, im sorry if im wrong!) were you there tonight?

i remember you mentioning you had tickets for sometime soon/?

oh btw the band was at the show tonight.

billie joe waved at me! and tre passed right by me.

didnt really see mike though.

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^Justin, (at least i think thats your name, im sorry if im wrong!) were you there tonight?

i remember you mentioning you had tickets for sometime soon/?

oh btw the band was at the show tonight.

billie joe waved at me! and tre passed right by me.

didnt really see mike though.

Yes, Justin is my name indeed. No, I was not there tonight, I'm still in Utah. I was there in my mind though, I was listening to my recordings of the Berkeley show at the same time it was running. I don't see the show until May 4th

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Yes, Justin is my name indeed. No, I was not there tonight, I'm still in Utah. I was there in my mind though, I was listening to my recordings of the Berkeley show at the same time it was running. I don't see the show until May 4th

oh ok cool!

since you saw it in Berkeley, perhaps you can answer my question about the play.

Is St. Jimmy Johnny's alter ego? or is he an actual person? that part kind of confused me

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oh ok cool!

since you saw it in Berkeley, perhaps you can answer my question about the play.

Is St. Jimmy Johnny's alter ego? or is he an actual person? that part kind of confused me

Yes, he is an alter ego. From talking to Michael Mayer on Facebook, he also described him as a personification of Johnny's drug addiction (hence him singing in Last Night on Earth).

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the first preview was AMAZING. i died a little bit. i was almost in tears as the curtain rose.

i went to the after-party and it was my first time meeting the band so forgive me for being super-lame, but tre took my wine glass out of my hand and sipped from it when i met him, and billie joe hugged me.

i can die happily now.

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Yes, he is an alter ego. From talking to Michael Mayer on Facebook, he also described him as a personification of Johnny's drug addiction (hence him singing in Last Night on Earth).

ohh ok thanks! :)

the first preview was AMAZING. i died a little bit. i was almost in tears as the curtain rose.

i went to the after-party and it was my first time meeting the band so forgive me for being super-lame, but tre took my wine glass out of my hand and sipped from it when i met him, and billie joe hugged me.

i can die happily now.

wow how did you get into the after party?

i went into Sardis and got kicked out LOL

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the first preview was AMAZING. i died a little bit. i was almost in tears as the curtain rose.

i went to the after-party and it was my first time meeting the band so forgive me for being super-lame, but tre took my wine glass out of my hand and sipped from it when i met him, and billie joe hugged me.

i can die happily now.


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Hope everyone loved the show! And I am so jealous that y'all got to see the band in the flesh too! Wish they would just apparate at the St. Jimmy Theater on May 14th....oh well! I'm so super-psyched to see this show!

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JFC. I'm just so proud of them.

I don't know...all of this. It's just making me tear up and giving me shivers. They're just so inspiring.

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JFC. I'm just so proud of them.

I don't know...all of this. It's just making me tear up and giving me shivers. They're just so inspiring.

:wub: yes.

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