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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Just putting in my two cents for April 19th...I think it's crucial that the place we eat and./or hang out lets us stay awhile. Carmine's does have seating for large groups of people but that place can be pretty full (I''ve waited for a table there before on a weeknight) so I'm not sure how tolerant they would be of us holding a table for hours if others are waiting. They might be better about it since there are no shows other than AI that night.

Other things to consider - I remember drinking there being kind of expensive and, unless they have changed, they serve "family style" - big portions of food on the table in serving dishes so there will be dishes to agree on and perhaps complicated bills to split. It's a great way to eat (relatively) cheaply in the area, but not without its headaches.

I am so excited for you all going in just a few short days! Hope those of you who are IC members got your entry forms in for the Press Conference and now the morning Sound Check on the 23rd!!! Good luck to everyone who entered. It's nice that the IC is getting some love. :wub:

I love Carmine's too, food is delish, and it's a great place. But I have to agree with Dorie for this instance. There are going to be 20-25 people, coming and going. Sometimes it's really hard to get a reservation there, Monday prob will not be a problem, but for such a large crowd, it's possible. I think a pub type place or diner would be better all around for the mixed crowd that will be there.

The first and only time I ate at Carmines, my friend's family paid, and there were 17 of us and the bill came to over $800 or something... so, thinking about Dorie and Cheryl's comments, and remembering that... hmm, might be too much.

I'm going up there after work today, I'll scope out some places, I'm still leaning toward the trashy diner in the old, beat up hotel, though... if I can only remember where it is! :)

I really should just keep out of this conversation since I'm not going to be there. So I will.

Enjoy wherever you decide to go. Can't wait to hear all about it!

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I like trashy diners. :)

Me too :)

I really should just keep out of this conversation since I'm not going to be there. So I will.

Enjoy wherever you decide to go. Can't wait to hear all about it!

I can't speak for anyone else, but I will for myself - I always appreciate suggestions! Thanks for joining the conversation! :) Any time I am going to Times Square, Carmine's is the first place I think of, too. Their appetizers are TO DIE FOR, lol. Fried zucchini, ftw! :lol: But this is gonna be such a mixed, large crowd, and we are gonna be loud and somewhat out of control, methinks...(Well, I hope so, lol)

I think a trashy diner would be perfect. :D

Tanya, if you have time while you're there today, check out the Irish Rogue - it's on 44th, not expensive, bar type atmosphere, and it's an all ages place WITH a bar. :)

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Yay, next week! Too bad there's no way I can see the musical, but oh well. I'm excited anyway :)

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Me too :)

I can't speak for anyone else, but I will for myself - I always appreciate suggestions! Thanks for joining the conversation! :) Any time I am going to Times Square, Carmine's is the first place I think of, too. Their appetizers are TO DIE FOR, lol. Fried zucchini, ftw! :lol: But this is gonna be such a mixed, large crowd, and we are gonna be loud and somewhat out of control, methinks...(Well, I hope so, lol)

I think a trashy diner would be perfect. :D

Tanya, if you have time while you're there today, check out the Irish Rogue - it's on 44th, not expensive, bar type atmosphere, and it's an all ages place WITH a bar. :)

Thanks for saying. And after being reminded of Carmine's, I think we'll probably go there for our pre-theatre dinner in June. I'm drooling already!

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Just so you guys know, the American Idiot facebook has uploaded a video blog from the interns. You can hear about 5 seconds of WMUWSE about halfway in, while they're talking. It''s a good watch. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=666896312283&ref=nf

Thanks for posting. I keep forgetting to check their fb and twitter :/

Oh and you hear BOBD in the beginning, too.

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virgils bbq is good but it might be pricey. i use to frequent the playrwright when i worked by there....49th and i think 7th?

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Okay, some of the comments for their video blog irk me. The absolute negative ones, that is. It's their first video and of course, they're not going to be able to show the stage in-depth. Plus, they're doing 10 hours of tech right now. The crew isn't going have time to do an interview. Grr... sorry, but some people can be so rude. :mad:

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Cheryl, I'll check out the Irish Rogue... and maybe have a beer, too. :)

I think I've been there before. If only I could remember... haha.

Okay, some of the comments for their video blog irk me. The absolute negative ones, that is. It's their first video and of course, they're not going to be able to show the stage in-depth. Plus, they're doing 10 hours of tech right now. The crew isn't going have time to do an interview. Grr... sorry, but some people can be so rude. :mad:

I know what you mean... but after being a fan of GD for years, you 1/2 get used to people saying, "that sucks..." but, only 1/2 way used to it!

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does anyone know when the mailing list competition from yesterday is being drawn?

the one for tickets to the last soundcheck on tuesday with the band there.

i know there were 100 tickets up for grabs and it was first come, first serve. i replied to the email pretty quickly...

just wondering if the winners have been emailed yet so i know i'm not going to have to worry about booking last minute flights.

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does anyone know when the mailing list competition from yesterday is being drawn?

the one for tickets to the last soundcheck on tuesday with the band there.

i know there were 100 tickets up for grabs and it was first come, first serve. i replied to the email pretty quickly...

just wondering if the winners have been emailed yet so i know i'm not going to have to worry about booking last minute flights.

The only information given was that winners would be notified by 3/22. So, that's not much notice for booking flights. Good luck!

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i was hoping that 'by 3/22' meant they would just get it over with once they had enough replies in, lol.

fingers crossed for sometime during the weekend.

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Here's the e-mail you should have received after e-mailing them back:

Thanks so much for your entry.

All winners will be emailed additional information by Monday, March 22.

If you qualify to attend, you must be able to check in at the St.

James Theatre on the morning of March 23 at the time specified in your

winning email.

If you do not receive a further email from

AmericanIdiotRSVP@gmail.com, unfortunately you were not among the

first 50 people to enter. Sorry, but there is no wait list for this


Good luck, and we look forward to seeing you at AMERICAN IDIOT on

Broadway, beginning March 24.

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i got that email, was just trying to find out if anyone had been emailed yet or knew exactly when the emails were being sent as it just says 'by monday'. thanks anyway. :)

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Ok, it's the Cafe Edison at the Edison Hotel on 47th bet. 8th and Bway.

Didn't see a menu, but I took some pictures that I will upload later. It's nothing fancy but they have whole kinds of beer!! Lol.

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Is that where were meeting? Also I'm not much of a drinker but it doesn't matter to me. Also no one answered this before, but what is the dress code. Do we have to dress semi nice or can we wear a Green Day t-shirt?

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Ok, it's the Cafe Edison at the Edison Hotel on 47th bet. 8th and Bway.

Didn't see a menu, but I took some pictures that I will upload later. It's nothing fancy but they have whole kinds of beer!! Lol.

Awesome, Tanya! Thanks for checking it out. I didn't see a menu on the hotel's site (might have missed it), but I found one on menupages.com.


They even mention their beer! :)

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Oh god your making me hungry. Lol. What's the prices like in there? I can't afford anything to expensive.

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As a performing artist. This is something that really interests me, and if I ever get to see it over here in the UK sometime, Im certainly gonna be onto it

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Sorry, that's TWO kinds of beer! Lol.

The menu said "domestic beer" and "imported beer". Are those the two types? lol

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Is that where were meeting? Also I'm not much of a drinker but it doesn't matter to me. Also no one answered this before, but what is the dress code. Do we have to dress semi nice or can we wear a Green Day t-shirt?

I personally dress up a bit for plays and for NYC in general, but you will see all kinds of dress there. I wouldn't wear a t-shirt, although maybe you feel comfortable with that. It was pretty casual in Berkeley but this is a little more formal in lots of ways. Since it's still technically the preview night , perhaps a little less formal. You will probably see a variety of dress there - from t-shirts and jeans to after five wear.

Then again, you could just wear your "punk rock costume" if you have one, LOL.

Tanya, the Cafe Edison looks like it has a nice selection of stuff. Expensive? Depends on your frame of reference, I guess!. I have paid $12 for a pastrami sandwich and chips in the city, and that is very expensive for here in little old Ohio.

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I personally dress up a bit for plays and for NYC in general, but you will see all kinds of dress there. I wouldn't wear a t-shirt, although maybe you feel comfortable with that. It was pretty casual in Berkeley but this is a little more formal in lots of ways. Since it's still technically the preview night , perhaps a little less formal. You will probably see a variety of dress there - from t-shirts and jeans to after five wear.

Then again, you could just wear your "punk rock costume" if you have one, LOL.

I have to admit, I've worn jeans to quite a few shows and I've never been the only one. (Note: I've never worn a T-shirt and sneakers to a Broadway show, but I've seen quite a few people do it.) I think it depends on the show and the night. You definitely see more dresses and suit jackets walking by The Phantom of the Opera's theater (Majestic) as opposed to Hair's (Hirschfeld) or Next to Normal's (Booth). I think it's up to the person and the show's demographic. It's fun to dress up once in awhile though. :)

lol I'm sure we'll see a few "punk rock costumes" sooner or later!

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