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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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You are feeling sleepy :eyebrows:. Your eyes are feeling heavy :eyebrows:. You will give them to me!!!

Hahah, with a chance to meet Green Day? i wouldnt miss this for anything, sorry hahaha

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Yeah it's like halfway between Sicily and Tunisia. I went there once. They were filming "Troy" there.

Then why did you ask...?

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Hahah, with a chance to meet Green Day? i wouldnt miss this for anything, sorry hahaha

Okay, so you ARE feeling sleepy :eyebrow:. I AM your best friend :eyebrow:. You WILL take me as your guest!!!

Did anyone ever post about the IC Press Conference giveaway for the same day?

I think so. One way or another, I entered. But I never rarely ever have luck in random drawings :( (I did win Glasgow sound check - but I'm assuming less than the required number of people entered). If it were my daughter, she would win all 250 of them!

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I think so. One way or another, I entered. But I never rarely ever have luck in random drawings :( (I did win Glasgow sound check - but I'm assuming less than the required number of people entered). If it were my daughter, she would win all 250 of them!

My brother is like that. He can just walk by a giveaway/contest and win. It's completely unfair.

I'm still hopeful though! :)

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Then why did you ask...?

Because it was 6 years ago. Who died and made you a douche?

I had to check Google maps. I knew it was somewhere near Europe, but I was 13 then. Sweet Jesus...

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My brother is like that. He can just walk by a giveaway/contest and win. It's completely unfair.

I'm still hopeful though! :)

Me too - I never give up hope, fool that I am :).

I think I'll pin this thread since there's so much happening around this event next week.

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Did anyone ever post about the IC Press Conference giveaway for the same day?

I entered that before I picked up a shift on tuesday at work. I really hope I don't win it. Cause I can't go. For those who are going on April 19th. Is there a time and place yet? I don't want to miss my chance to meet you guys. Plus I also want to stick around the venue that day and see if I can get a chance to meet Green Day. I'm pretty sure they will be there.

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Me too - I never give up hope, fool that I am :).

I think I'll pin this thread since there's so much happening around this event next week.


Awww, seeing this thread pinned again made me really happy! :)

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I am so freaking excited about next week. I know I had issues with portions of the show, but I can't wait to see what they have done and how it's going to be. And just to hear the music in that space! OMG! I get heart fluctuations just thinking about it. haha. I can only imagine how nervous and excited the cast and everyone is... Wow. All I can think of to say is, "break a leg!"

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There's a lot of people coming, can we make a list or something?

I'm also thinking about where we are going to meet in NYC. I can scout out places and such, make sure they are big enough and all that. So, here's some questions:

Are a lot of people underaged?

ARe people going to want to eat and drink before the show?

So, do people want to meet at a bar?

At the theater?

At a restaurant?

What prices are we talking?

We could meet at Chevy's Mexican Restaurant on 42nd and 9th Avenue.

There is also an old fashioned, mostly cheap and wonderfully creepy diner somewhere around there, but I can never remember what street it's on. In a hotel, on like 46th or so, between 8th and 9th.

Incendiary Girl, SallySimpson, and Plaid Ducky, can you suggest places to meet prior to the show on April 19th?

Here's a map link to the theater and neighborhood:


Incendiary Girl and I won't be going to the show that night, but I'm up for meeting people prior to them going in and afterwards, too. I'm seeing the show on 4/7 and then 4/22, so I couldn't get a ticket to this show, too.

Anyway, we still have a bit of time to plan for that day. But throw out some ideas.

Also, the lady from the Daily News said that she may be interested in arranging another interview or something or another for the gang meeting up on April 19. She was very intrigued by the idea and really fascinated how dedicated GD's fans were. If we give her a plan of some sort, we might be able to pitch a story. And that would be kinda cool!

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There's a lot of people coming, can we make a list or something?

I'm also thinking about where we are going to meet in NYC. I can scout out places and such, make sure they are big enough and all that. So, here's some questions:

Are a lot of people underaged?

ARe people going to want to eat and drink before the show?

So, do people want to meet at a bar?

At the theater?

At a restaurant?

What prices are we talking?

We could meet at Chevy's Mexican Restaurant on 42nd and 9th Avenue.

There is also an old fashioned, mostly cheap and wonderfully creepy diner somewhere around there, but I can never remember what street it's on. In a hotel, on like 46th or so, between 8th and 9th.

Incendiary Girl, SallySimpson, and Plaid Ducky, can you suggest places to meet prior to the show on April 19th?

Here's a map link to the theater and neighborhood:


Incendiary Girl and I won't be going to the show that night, but I'm up for meeting people prior to them going in and afterwards, too. I'm seeing the show on 4/7 and then 4/22, so I couldn't get a ticket to this show, too.

Anyway, we still have a bit of time to plan for that day. But throw out some ideas.

Also, the lady from the Daily News said that she may be interested in arranging another interview or something or another for the gang meeting up on April 19. She was very intrigued by the idea and really fascinated how dedicated GD's fans were. If we give her a plan of some sort, we might be able to pitch a story. And that would be kinda cool!

I'm going on the 19th.

No I'm not underage

I'm probably going to want to eat first cause I'll be getting in around noon. I plan of stalking the theater also. :eyebrow:

Mexican food may not be the best idea

I have a sensitive stomach

I think the theater would be best cause then we could discuss where we want to eat.

And nothing to expensive but nothing to cheap. (FYI I WILL NOT eat Mcdonalds, Wendys, Burger King, or any fast food like that)

Also I was wondering what is the dress code? Do we have to dress nice or can we wear a Green Day shirt?

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Do we want someplace close to the theater or do people mind walking a little bit?

If close by and has fast service, there's a Junior's kitty-corner to the St. James. Reasonable prices. Food's good. Plus they're good about large groups. There are two Dallas BBQ around as well.

Umm... for something different, there's a place called Xie Xie on 9th, between 45th and 46th. It's basically an Asian-inspired sandwich shop. :) But it's good.

Throw out some qualifications and maybe we'll hit something. :lol:

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I think we should meet at the theater. I think that's the easiest. That way everyone will know where to go (for people like me who don't know there way around there own neighborhood) and then we can all decide what we want to do from there.

Also who's in for staying at the theater most of the day with me just in case the bands there?

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There has to be beer.

Juniors would be good, though it is a little expensive, but the food is pretty good. They also have an outdoor seating around, and that would be kinda cool.

Folks who wanted to... ugh... stalk... could come and go... and folks who wanted to eat or grab a bit can sit outside.

OMG, thier website plays B'way music! "There's No Business Like Show Business!" haha...

here's the site, they have a menu there, also.

We'd need to make reservations.


Billiejoe1, what's your real name?

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im so jealous! ... I wish I could see the show :(

I wish I lived in the States ... fml!

but still Im so happy for all of you that are meeting there!

I hope you can maybe meet the band too! :D

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Is anyone going April 23?

My friends, who are coming in from San Francisco, and I are seeing the matinee on the the 23rd.

Scratch that... it's the 24th. :pinch:

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Is anyone going April 23?

Awww, is that what day you're going? I'm disappointed I won't get to see you - I'm going to the Mystic Knights of the Cobra show that night :( ... oh wait, I'm going to the Mystic Knights of the Cobra show that night :).

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Gah. So tpday my mom was like ' I would be interested enough to buy you, your sister and I tickets to see that. You know I don't hate Green Day, I actually like them half the time!' One can only hope this plays out :D

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There has to be beer.

Juniors would be good, though it is a little expensive, but the food is pretty good. They also have an outdoor seating around, and that would be kinda cool.

Folks who wanted to... ugh... stalk... could come and go... and folks who wanted to eat or grab a bit can sit outside.

OMG, thier website plays B'way music! "There's No Business Like Show Business!" haha...

here's the site, they have a menu there, also.

We'd need to make reservations.


Billiejoe1, what's your real name?

My name's Robin.

Yeah I was thinking of stalking the theater and anyone who would like to join me is very welcome to come along. You never know what could happen. I just don't want to miss out in case they are there. I'm dying to meet them. I would like to get a bite to eat with you guys too. All I know is I'm very excited and I plan on getting into the city around lunchtime so I have plenty of time to hang around with everyone and everything with no rush.

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There is a diner - not sure if it's what you are referring to Tanya - called the Westway Diner on 9th around 43rd, 44th St, I think. It's a usual diner, nothing special, but good food, can accomodate a crowd.

and there's a place on 44th St, betw 8th and 9th called the Irish Rogue. They have a bar (for beer!!) and tables, a lounge downstairs, etc. I went there for a party once, don't remember much, lol, but the hubby went a few times as his union hall is right down the street. The food is good and it's reasonable. I do remember that they make a mean (and delish!) black and tan :D

For those who are going on April 19th. Is there a time and place yet? I don't want to miss my chance to meet you guys. Plus I also want to stick around the venue that day and see if I can get a chance to meet Green Day. I'm pretty sure they will be there.

I don't think you'll be able to miss us, Robin. :lol:

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