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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Do tickets for every show til september go on sale to the general public on feb 14? Im so confused :lol:


I don't get your confusion, but tickets for all the shows, with the exception of opening night on April 20th, will be open to the public at midnight on February 14th.

Here's the calendars with the dates and times for your convenience. All the blank dates, with the exception of the 20th, have no performances.


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Originally I wanted to go to opening night, but because tickets are going to be hard to get, I'm going on the 24th hopefully! who else is going on the 24th?

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BTW, the American Idiot on Broadway Facebook page just posted the video also. And some links to the cast's twitters. They will be live tweeting at #aigrammys


Ooh, that's nice. Like, tweeting during the grammy's? Thanks for posting :happy:

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American Idiot cast members will be live tweeting from the Grammy Awards tomorrow! Follow Gerard Canonico (http://twitter.com/gerardcanonico), Declan Bennett (http://twitter.com/thisainttherapy) and Libby Winters (http://twitter.com/libberation) on Twitter as they take you through all the excitement. You can see all of... their #AIGrammys tweets here http://tr.im/aigrammys

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I'm so excited about this! It's gonna be amazing :) I've been crazy busy lately and haven't had time to follow this thread, so i was just wondering, does anyone know if tickets for opening night will be sold? I know they're not available for presale, but i was hoping possibly they'll have a few for sale on the actual onsale date...just wondering. Sorry if this has already been answered!

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Alright! Let's have a drink when you get to town if you have a chance! SallySimpson and IncendiaryGirl and I (if I could speak for them), would love it!

i'd love to :)

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can some one give me the link to tony vincent's facebook

Look at miss_ing's post right above yours (yours that I'm quoting). It's in her sig :).

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I so wish I could see this... it would be epic to get to go to New York to see it but I don't know if I could. At least there will be a soundtrack.

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well, weren't they all amazing at the grammys!?

being that i'm in the UK i've only seen clips on youtube. if anyone recorded a good quality copy of the performance that they can send me / link me to so that i can upload it to tony vincent's official fan site (tonyvincentworld.com) i'd be REALLY grateful.

thanks y'all!


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I'm going on my birthday, March 27th. :happy:

edit: decided to go April 23rd because it's after the official opening (meaning they won't change the story anymore). but still yay. : D

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is anyone going either the end of July or sometime during August? my friend and i are trying to decide what week to fly out and see it.

im so excited to go with her! i thought i would have to go alone. but YAY!

i would love to go around the week of the Tonys but i dont think thats going to work out, since Manchester is just a few days after that.

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is anyone going either the end of July or sometime during August? my friend and i are trying to decide what week to fly out and see it.

im so excited to go with her! i thought i would have to go alone. but YAY!

i would love to go around the week of the Tonys but i dont think thats going to work out, since Manchester is just a few days after that.

i'm HOPING to go in the summer. my friend and are are trying to figure out how much it'll be...

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I don't think anyone knows, but I wouldn't count on it :/

you never know, though.

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Whee! Seeing it on March 27th and then again on April 24th. Heck, I might even sneak back up there on the 10th. :happy:

One of the things that I'm looking forward to, besides how Stark and Leslie does, is see the changes that they've done seen Berkeley and throughout the previews.

Now, as much as I love this cast, especially Johnny whose Broadway attendance record is amazing, I'm sensing some understudy action in June/July. They're going to have 15 straight performances from June 1st to the 12th, their normal 8 performances from June 15th to the 20th, and then 16 straight from June 22nd to July 3rd. Not to mention if they perform at the Tonys on the 13th. Just sayin'... for those who are thinking of coming during the summer. :)

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