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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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I'm so conflicted. I really, really want to go see Davey but I don't think I can handle the show again right now after Sunday night. Is anyone else feeling this way?

A little bit... that's why I'm going next week and not this one...

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Eh, maybe he's better suited for Broadway, but I liked the way Billie did it. More human, as J'net mentioned in her review. Addiction personified, rather than some malevolent alter ego influencing Johnny's thoughts and actions. I fucking loved his performance.

Don't get me wrong, I loved it as well - I believe I mentioned before how I literally had a revelation about what American Idiot was influenced by when I saw the scene after Give Me Novacaine when St. Billie comes between Whatsername and Johnny in order to hand him drugs. His acting was stellar because he was essentially reinacting his own life, all I'm saying is that Davey's voice is perfect for the Broadway stage. Its funny, because I wanted to kill myself seeing AFI this summer with him as the lead in that band, and I regarded Billie as the best frontman in modern rock, but I take the opposite view in regards to their vocals in relation to Broadway.

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Now... Libby...

I'll admit I did not like her the first time I saw her on. The second time was Mary's last and still didn't do it for me. The more recent times have been hit & miss. I feel that she's a little stiff and that the songs, particularly "Extraordinary Girl" are not really in her natural vocal range. That being said, I've gotten used to her "21 Guns" and it's actually nice & different than Christina's. I'm still giving her (and myself) time.

I think they should have given it to Aspen with Libby as the understudy. She kicked some serious ass with it when I saw her on for Christina on 1/9.

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WAIT - that's Justin Guarini as Will? Like, American Idol season one loser? Like From Justin to Kelly movie star? I think I just died a little.

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Don't get me wrong, I loved it as well - I believe I mentioned before how I literally had a revelation about what American Idiot was influenced by when I saw the scene after Give Me Novacaine when St. Billie comes between Whatsername and Johnny in order to hand him drugs. His acting was stellar because he was essentially reinacting his own life, all I'm saying is that Davey's voice is perfect for the Broadway stage. Its funny, because I wanted to kill myself seeing AFI this summer with him as the lead in that band, and I regarded Billie as the best frontman in modern rock, but I take the opposite view in regards to their vocals in relation to Broadway.

Billie's vocal quality grew several orders of magnitude while he was working with the show's vocal coaches....and he's going to bring that back into the studio when the band does their next album. It's going to be so goddamn amazing to hear what he sounds like now. GAHHH! :wub:

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I think they should have given it to Aspen with Libby as the understudy. She kicked some serious ass with it when I saw her on for Christina on 1/9.

I agree, Aspen rocks at EG. She has a leading role in another show, though, so I think she was already planning her departure when Christina announced hers.

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The night when I was front and center, he said "SHUT the fuck up" and gestured for them all to go away :lol: That was the 26th. And then on the 27th, yeah, he said "GET the fuck out" and we all laughed.

Aw, it was hilarious. I felt weird when you, me, Jade and her friend were the only ones who laughed.

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and he's going to bring that back into the studio when the band does their next album. It's going to be so goddamn amazing to hear what he sounds like now. GAHHH! :wub:

I never thought about that! Fuck, that's going to be awesome :o

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Billie's vocal quality grew several orders of magnitude while he was working with the show's vocal coaches....and he's going to bring that back into the studio when the band does their next album. It's going to be so goddamn amazing to hear what he sounds like now. GAHHH! :wub:

That was one of the first things I thought of when his Jan-Feb run was announced. If I was blown away by the falsetto in LNOE and other songs on 21CB, I'll probably need to pick up my jaw from the floor when the next album comes out.

Also, it's not going to be just an improvement on the studio...imagine how much better he might sound on the next tour! He'll have all these tips and things that will improve his live vocals :woot:

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Interview with Van, which, amongst other things, he says the cast could get a free tattoo from Billie. lol. And he mentions Foxboro Hot Tubs as his favorite experience with AI so far. http://www.broadway.com/shows/american-idiot/buzz/155486/whats-up-van-hughes-the-american-idiot-rocker-on-taking-the-jump-from-standby-to-star/

Also Justin Guarini's taking questions about...well, anything, but AI is definitely included. If this was posted already, sorry.


I haven't seen the new cast yet, but I'm giving Justin a shot solely for the fact that he just did Women on the Verge before AI, was great in it, and all the Broadway divas in that show didn't eat him. lol. If he sucked, you know Patti Lupone would've done something about that...

I wouldn't say Davey's voice is absolutely perfect; from the clips I heard he's a little off pitch. But it's just adorable how excited he is to be in the show and I'm looking forward to it. More importantly, who's coming in after the 13th?! If it's someone new they should be in rehearsals/watching the show by now.

Van!Johnny. So, so, so happy he' was made full time Johnny. JGJ did a good job, don't get me wrong, but Van's Johnny just seems so much more likable. You feel like he really expects his life to get better and wants to try to make it better (although he totally derails from that), whereas for JGJ's Johnny I felt like he was motivated mostly by boredom. Again, just my opinion.

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can we organize all going to see esper's new show together? esperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Ooh nice idea Abbey! Anyone up to see John's new show as well?

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Ooh nice idea Abbey! Anyone up to see John's new show as well?

I want to see John's new show but it's expensive and it's three hours long...:unsure:

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Van!Johnny. So, so, so happy he' was made full time Johnny. JGJ did a good job, don't get me wrong, but Van's Johnny just seems so much more likable. You feel like he really expects his life to get better and wants to try to make it better (although he totally derails from that), whereas for JGJ's Johnny I felt like he was motivated mostly by boredom. Again, just my opinion.

For me, I felt that JGJ's Johnny was more vulnerable and essentially, his downfall was more heartbreaking. Physical appearance also helped with that, too. If you look at both John and Van, I would pick John to be more of the outcast than Van. I also feel that Johnny, although he screwed up, he needed some sort of redemption at the end and JGJ was able to portray that more than Van. Either way, both John & Van are great as Johnny.

I want to see John's new show but it's expensive and it's three hours long...:unsure:

It's a play. :lol: But at least there are two intermission. However, some of the best plays are those which are long but still hold your attention. Example: "August: Osage County" was a great play and seriously, it flew because the story/performances were amazing.

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It's a play. :lol: But at least there are two intermission. However, some of the best plays are those which are long but still hold your attention. Example: "August: Osage County" was a great play and seriously, it flew because the story/performances were amazing.

Yeah, I want to go but at the same time I don't know if I'm really interested in the storyline so idk if I could sit through three hours even though there are intermissions. I would love to see Johnny just acting but at the same time I have a ton of things I need to pay for in the immediate future. :lol:

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Example: "August: Osage County" was a great play and seriously, it flew because the story/performances were amazing.

Oh my God, this this this this this. Best piece of theater I've ever seen.

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Doubt it. A lot of the castmembers use FB as a PR tool and friend anyone who requests. We all know there are a ton of fake names on there.

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General rule: Facebooks for band members are probably not real, Facebooks for cast members probably are.

There's no genuine FBs for the guys, but Esper has one, Larry Livermore does too.

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Doubt it. A lot of the castmembers use FB as a PR tool and friend anyone who requests. We all know there are a ton of fake names on there.

A PR tool? Not really. Maybe one or tow but a majorly of them will just accept people just because. No PR hidden agenda.

General rule: Facebooks for band members are probably not real, Facebooks for cast members probably are.

There's no genuine FBs for the guys, but Esper has one, Larry Livermore does too.

For the cast, a majority have a public FB which accept fan request or FB Fan Page which they themselves run (Stark, Declan, Tony, Krystina). The only fake FB that I've seen of the cast have been Theo. Heh...

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A PR tool? Not really. Maybe one or tow but a majorly of them will just accept people just because. No PR hidden agenda.

Oh, I didn't mean "PR tool" in a bad way. Just another way to get their name and photos out there to people who have seen their work or heard of them through others. I assume they are in the business of wanting to be publicly known, given their line of work. :lol: Rather than using FB as a communication and keep-in-touch tool with people they actually know like most of the rest of us do.

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:woot: :woot

god loves us.

The tour of "American Idiot" will perform in Los Angeles at the Ahmason Theatre, March 14th to April 22nd in 2012.


I am seriously dancing around the house right now. I feel like yelling and taking out all my college savings and throwing the money in the air and kissing it and just going crazy oh yes.

oh my god i just saw asked my dad where is this and he said downtown it's so close to me. :woot: :woot:


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For those in Arizona, the musical tour will stop in Tempe. I don't know the dates yet, though.

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