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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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PJ is the new male vacation swing. I don't know when he'll start but I won't be surprise if it's tomorrow. Krystina has been tweeting/blogging about him in rehearsals.

Andrew's out until April, I've heard.So having an extra swing will be helpful.

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My friend brought me the programme back!! yay!! As it's the closest I'll probably get to seeing the fucking thing....

It looks sooo goood... SOB

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I'll never get a playbill.

Sometimes if you write to the cast and ask for one they might send a signed one your way. :)

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My friend brought me the programme back!! yay!! As it's the closest I'll probably get to seeing the fucking thing....

It looks sooo goood... SOB

Same with me! A friend brought home a bunch for all of us, so I have one technically but I'm yet to get it. Can't wait!

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That is simply incredible, I am so delighted for those who were there! :D

Much of the happiness I feel about this is because it gave Billie and co. a chance to hang out, chat and party with Green Day fans that aren't going crazy asking for autographs or doing typical "fangirl" things. Can't wait to hear stories from those who were there.

When I first heard about this last night I felt really angry at myself and miserable, but getting over that it really wasn't worth it. I was never gonna afford to get over there so its not like I thought about it and said no.

Anyway I'm dwelling on me too much, time for those who were there to have their say!

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That is simply incredible, I am so delighted for those who were there! :D

Much of the happiness I feel about this is because it gave Billie and co. a chance to hang out, chat and party with Green Day fans that aren't going crazy asking for autographs or doing typical "fangirl" things. Can't wait to hear stories from those who were there.

When I first heard about this last night I felt really angry at myself and miserable, but getting over that it really wasn't worth it. I was never gonna afford to get over there so its not like I thought about it and said no.

Anyway I'm dwelling on me too much, time for those who were there to have their say!

I understand what your emotional cycle is about this. I know it's difficult for so many who want to be at crazy events but can't get there due to finances and circumstances. And it's easy to feel all sorts of emotions in regards to it. These emotions are to be expected, for sure, it's just how we handle them and then let them go to enjoy that the moments happened and to live vicariously through others. It's ok to dwell on yourself in these moments, as long as you (and not just you, but all of us) can let it go in the end and just be happy.


I think when more people came it did get a little fangirly, but it seems that he was at least able to have a beer, so that's all good. Plus I heard that he was throwing a private party, so he had to run off quickly anyway. It was so awesome of all of them to show up!

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I understand what your emotional cycle is about this. I know it's difficult for so many who want to be at crazy events but can't get there due to finances and circumstances. And it's easy to feel all sorts of emotions in regards to it. These emotions are to be expected, for sure, it's just how we handle them and then let them go to enjoy that the moments happened and to live vicariously through others. It's ok to dwell on yourself in these moments, as long as you (and not just you, but all of us) can let it go in the end and just be happy.


Major happy and a mega-SQUEE going out to everyone who was there last night. WOW. :dance:

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Did they all stay for the same amount of time or leave one by one? How long did everyone (being Billie and the cast n all) stay for?

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Did they all stay for the same amount of time or leave one by one? How long did everyone (being Billie and the cast n all) stay for?

Billie, Bill S, Adie, and Bob Gruen all left at once and stayed for about 45 mins. For the cast it varied how long they stayed for.

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I'm really looking forward to hearing the stories of anyone who is there at the show now. Hopefully they have some amazing stuff to share with us later. :)

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There was stage diving. Michael Esper pulled out a dildo during Favorite Son, and sobbed from WMUWSE through the end. I don't have more words right now, but here's my video of the encore/bows (I was in A13). I took a lot of pictures on my DSLR (I basically held the camera up with my finger pressed on the button during the whole thing, so forgive me if the video is shaking). I've narrowed it down to my favorite 170, so I'll put those up soon.

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That dildo was the fucking best. If it had been anyone else, their asses would've been chewed out.

Dammit Stark for making me cry harder. The performance was so fucking emotional and I don't even know what to say. During Nobody Likes You in Homecoming, you could barely hear Esper. I felt like he was really emotional. And during his 'Will' introduction, his cigarette kept falling out of his mouth. And..ugh, I just can't.

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That dildo was the fucking best. If it had been anyone else, their asses would've been chewed out.

Dammit Stark for making me cry harder. The performance was so fucking emotional and I don't even know what to say. During Nobody Likes You in Homecoming, you could barely hear Esper. I felt like he was really emotional. And during his 'Will' introduction, his cigarette kept falling out of his mouth. And..ugh, I just can't.

Yeah, he had tears streaming down his face from the moment WMUWSE started through the end.

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I understand what your emotional cycle is about this. I know it's difficult for so many who want to be at crazy events but can't get there due to finances and circumstances. And it's easy to feel all sorts of emotions in regards to it. These emotions are to be expected, for sure, it's just how we handle them and then let them go to enjoy the moments that happened and to live vicariously through others. It's ok to dwell on yourself in these moments, as long as you (and not just you, but all of us) can let it go in the end and just be happy. :hug:

No truer words have been written about how we feel about not being able to share every crazy fun stupid event. Beautifully said. I was feelin blue (sad, not the guitar) yesterday for not going up to NYC this past weekend. But like you said, I dwelled, dug myself out, and let it go. Dang woman. The fangirl emotional cycle. So perfectly said Tanya!

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Its not just the fangirls cycle!

my bad! you are so correct. my apologies for the sexist comment. the cycle of the fantard

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Aw no its not sexist! I've used the term fangirls on boys too, it just seems appropriate a lot of the time! I suppose you don't have to be a girl to be a fangirl. No offence taken!

Just been looking through an album of photos from the GDC meet up with Billie and the rest in NY. Aside from the obvious jealousy, I think its so cool that it gave Billie and the rest a chance to interact with fans on a more personal basis, not just screaming fans begging to get onstage or for an autograph.

Like there's one photo where Tony (greendaytone) and Billie are standing beside each other. They both have pints in their hands and aren't even looking at each other. I'm not sure why that particular image stood out for me but its so cool that they were relaxed enough around each other to just hang out, no big deal.

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I understand the jealousy from afar feeling. Even though I was lucky enough to see Billie once, I really would have liked to have seen the last performance. Even so, I am still very happy for those that did have the opportunity. It's still a shared experience even if it was on different dates.

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There was stage diving. Michael Esper pulled out a dildo during Favorite Son, and sobbed from WMUWSE through the end. I don't have more words right now, but here's my video of the encore/bows (I was in A13). I took a lot of pictures on my DSLR (I basically held the camera up with my finger pressed on the button during the whole thing, so forgive me if the video is shaking). I've narrowed it down to my favorite 170, so I'll put those up soon.

This was amazing! Thanks for sharing!! Really wish I could have been there but it's awesome to see that they went out with a bang of amazing-ness. :)

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No truer words have been written about how we feel about not being able to share every crazy fun stupid event. Beautifully said. I was feelin blue (sad, not the guitar) yesterday for not going up to NYC this past weekend. But like you said, I dwelled, dug myself out, and let it go. Dang woman. The fangirl emotional cycle. So perfectly said Tanya!

I know I had a moment myself of sheer emotional upset after American Idiot last night, that I'm not going to go into, and I had to talk myself down also. It happens to us all. Just gotta dig your way out of it, and remember that good shit happens to everyone at least once. Hopefully.

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I understand the jealousy from afar feeling. Even though I was lucky enough to see Billie once, I really would have liked to have seen the last performance. Even so, I am still very happy for those that did have the opportunity. It's still a shared experience even if it was on different dates.

i know...who doesnt want to sit on billie joe's lap listening to him read goodnight moon while getting their hair stroked. goodnight billie joe. goodnight tre. goodnight mike. goodnight bill schneider. goodnight jason white. goodnight jeff matika. goodnight jason freese.

im not the only one that thinks they all live together in a big house like the waltons, right?

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i know...who doesnt want to sit on billie joe's lap listening to him read goodnight moon while getting their hair stroked. goodnight billie joe. goodnight tre. goodnight mike. goodnight bill schneider. goodnight jason white. goodnight jeff matika. goodnight jason freese.

im not the only one that thinks they all live together in a big house like the waltons, right?

duh. of COURSE they do.

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