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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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I leave this thread for a few weeks and come back to find out my favourite AI actor (Theo) is leaving, bummer. :( Why is he leaving? Does he have other projects?

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I've heard a few rumors that the temp St.Jimmy for February is going to be a woman? Any truth in that at all or... :lol:

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I've heard a few rumors that the temp St.Jimmy for February is going to be a woman? Any truth in that at all or... :lol:

You mean the rumor that I've heard from two people about Melissa Etheridge? Lol, we'll see. I don't think anyone knows yet except for those people who are in the know. And those people would not be us! :blush::blink::shy::cry:=/

Though I wouldn't mind seeing a woman in the part. That would be pretty interesting...

Edited by t ann
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I didn't know it was her! :woot: That'd be pretty awesome, did she do well in Million Dollar Quartet? I never read any reviews.

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I didn't know it was her! :woot: That'd be pretty awesome, did she do well in Million Dollar Quartet? I never read any reviews.

Don't know. I've heard it from two people, Broadway-type folks, but I have no idea in hell about the truth of it. They might also be hearing it from the same source, I don't know. And I don't know how she did in MDQ... Would be interesting, either a woman or her.

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And speak of the Devil, the New York Times just tweeted this:

nytimestheater NYTimes Theater

Melissa Etheridge will take over as St. Jimmy when Billie Joe Armstrong leaves @AmericanIdiotNY

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When is this happening? :|

They don't say. Either it's for Billie's week off next month or "when he leaves" at the end of February.

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Probably after Billie leaves. He's only doing 50 performances anyway.

But seriously? Melissa Etheridge? ....Okay.

She's going in Feb 1-6th. Just tweeted.


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Ooh this will be fun. Well as fun as it can be from the other side of the pond :rolleyes:

Will they have to change much for her or is St.Jimmy fairly androgynous as a character?

I probably wouldn't like this as much if her music wasn't drilled into me as a child :lol: I just really think a female Jimmy would be cool.

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They don't say. Either it's for Billie's week off next month or "when he leaves" at the end of February.

When is his week off?

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yeah, all i have to say re: melissa etheridge is... wtf.

This. There probably going to have to change a few lines. But I'm kind of curious as to how there going to do Homecoming. She's obviously not going to take her shirt off. Could be interesting seeing a female version of St. Jimmy though.

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To be clear, Billie is out the 1st to the 9th. Melissa will be on the 1st to the 6th. Either Andrew or Chase (*crosses fingers*) will be on the 8th and 9th.

Also, Gallagher will be out this entire time as well so Melissa will be opposite Van (and maybe Chase, if Van calls out).

If you haven't noticed, I just really want Chase to go on for anything. :lol:

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To be clear, Billie is out the 1st to the 9th. Melissa will be on the 1st to the 6th. Either Andrew or Chase (*crosses fingers*) will be on the 8th and 9th.

Also, Gallagher will be out this entire time as well so Melissa will be opposite Van (and maybe Chase, if Van calls out).

If you haven't noticed, I just really want Chase to go on for anything. :lol:

Thank you for clearing that up :P

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"While other St. Jimmys throw glitter, St. Peacock throws feathers."

The Powers That Be, let this awesomeness happen!

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a female st. jimmy.. wow.

i just read the tweet and was like "oh :mellow: "

when reading her name, absolutely nothing clicked in my head.

so is this getting a usual thing or something?

letting other, popular people play st. jimmy for a couple of weeks?

i always thought it was specially done for billie ...

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yeah, all i have to say re: melissa etheridge is... wtf.

A) She does rock.

B) Draws in older crowd, male and female.

C) Draws in lesbian older/younger crowd

D) I am thinking this is the best stunt casting since... Billie Joe Armstrong playing Billie Jo... er... St. Jimmy in American Idiot, lol.

Joan Jett someone mentioned, but she has never been in a show before, I think. Etheridge has acted here and there, so she has that under her belt.

I know one thing, Etheridge being added to the show makes someone like me, in her late 40s, kinda proud and happy that AI cast her. Kudos, people, kudos.


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Wait... You don't know who Melissa Etheridge is? :lol:

Sorry, it never occurred to me that people didn't know who she is.

She's a well-known singer/rocker. She still has a large fan base.

It will be interesting to see what changes there will be.

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^ His last show is (apparently) the 30th and so far, no projects lined up right now.

Great! That's one of the shows we're going to! :happy:

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