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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Michael said that he'll let people know the date of his last show but I don't think he knows yet. That being said, he said that he's going to try and overlap iHo & Idiot as much as possible, as in rehearsing iHo during the day and performing Idiot at night. He said that he might fall asleep on the couch one night but he won't be leaving for a little bit. :)

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Why does Theo have to leave before I go back in Feb?

I loved him. he called me adorable after I tried to explain who the Network were to him on the night I met Billie and Jason F there :cry:

seriously bummed about Theo leaving

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Do you know how expensive flights overseas are? :P I would have to pay so much more if I got one way and then another one way to go back.

No, sorry, I can't. I would have to pay a fee and I really dont want to spend more money than I already did.

You are coming to the show on the 27th right? We could hang out that day if you want :)

i have school the next day!! i doubt i can go. i'll see you the 26th but we can't "hang out" because i wanna see the first show and then wait for billie for the second show, and i'll also be with Jill and she doesn't even really wanna go let alone hang out with people lol. but i'll see what i can do. it'd be easier if you just came here afterwards. i can't go to nyc alone.

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i have school the next day!! i doubt i can go. i'll see you the 26th but we can't "hang out" because i wanna see the first show and then wait for billie for the second show, and i'll also be with Jill and she doesn't even really wanna go let alone hang out with people lol. but i'll see what i can do. it'd be easier if you just came here afterwards. i can't go to nyc alone.

Bad timing, I guess =/ But at least we get to see each other and that's better than nothing. I guess we can at least spend some time "hanging out" in line waiting for entrance or so. We'll see.

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arghh i feel like we fucket up with the tickets and i'm just so pissed :pinch:

i hope it all works out, and that i'm just overreacting. What we did wrong (by "we" i mean me and my dad) was that we wrote my name and my dads card information. It says our order is subject to final approval by the credit card company. Will this cause problems or will we just get an e-mail by the credit card folks asking to confirm the order or something?

And another thing was with my cell number we wrote 0047 first, and didn't know this was written automatically, so now it says +470047. It says in the reciept that if the telephone number on the order is invalid, they reserve the right to cancel my order without notification. My dad says thats an obvious mistake and will be no problem, but i can't help getting paranoid by this whole situation =/

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Annnnnndddddd today is apparently Corbin's last day. The new female swing is, I believe, Jennifer Bowles. I don't know her first day, but it's probably Tuesday.

Ben was on for Favorite Son today. Heh. I've completed seeing all for Favorite Sons, now. LOL. He was good, too.

Annnnnndddddd today is apparently Corbin's last day. The new female swing is, I believe, Jennifer Bowles. I don't know her first day, but it's probably Tuesday.

Ben was on for Favorite Son today. Heh. I've completed seeing all four Favorite Sons, now. LOL. He was good, too.

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The St. Jimmy understudies... This week was Andrew Call, who I liked a lot. Chase Peacock is the other St. Jimmy understudy. He hasn't gone on yet.

Funny enough, Billie's name is removed from everything. The sign outside, the callboard, the Playbill... In it, it says 'St. Jimmy is played by St. Jimmy.' Kinda funny. :)

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Who is playing St. Jimmy when Billie or Tony Vincent aren't??

This week Andrew Call is St. Jimmy.

Next month's I think Chase Peacock is playing St. Jimmy.

It's funny because I saw the show on Monday and the Playbill doesn't have a picture of St. Jimmy. Instead where there is a list of characters and actors, it says... "St. Jimmy [is played by] St. Jimmy.

Too bad about Corbin. I heard a Twitter rumor that she was leaving.

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In it, it says 'St. Jimmy is played by St. Jimmy.' Kinda funny. :)

Which 'proves' the 'theory' that St. Jimmy isn't played by Billie Joe; Billie Joe Armstrong is played by St. Jimmy. :shifty:

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This week Andrew Call is St. Jimmy.

Next month's I think Chase Peacock is playing St. Jimmy.

It's funny because I saw the show on Monday and the Playbill doesn't have a picture of St. Jimmy. Instead where there is a list of characters and actors, it says... "St. Jimmy [is played by] St. Jimmy.

Oh sorry, Plaid, I didn't see you had already posted that. Haha, I think I mentioned it in my update from the tuesday show, but yea, I found it pretty funny that there's no reference to an actor playing the part. Someone has been reading the Green Day Community, lol, haha.

I like the way that they are doing this. Bravo, producers, lol!

Which 'proves' the 'theory' that St. Jimmy isn't played by Billie Joe; Billie Joe Armstrong is played by St. Jimmy. :shifty:

ha! indeed!

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Mikey has been earning his Idiot stripes. Since Wallace was out and Ben was doing his own track when he wasn't Favorite Son, Mikey did Andrew's track in Death of St. Jimmy, carried Andrew off, ran & changed costume to East 12th Street, and did Wallace's track at the end of the song.

Declan started 'Good Riddance'... And it was a bit interesting... Someone should listen to today's matinee and tell me what was different with how he was playing it. Anyways, Dec sang Gerard's and Wallace's part, Miguel sang his, Corbin sang Libby's, Omar sang Dec's and Mikey sang Andrew's. It was strange. Heh.

Overall, the theatre was packed for the matinee today. People were lining up at 1:45/2. It was weird considering how empty it was on Friday. But it was nice for it to be full. :)

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arghh i feel like we fucket up with the tickets and i'm just so pissed :pinch:

i hope it all works out, and that i'm just overreacting. What we did wrong (by "we" i mean me and my dad) was that we wrote my name and my dads card information. It says our order is subject to final approval by the credit card company. Will this cause problems or will we just get an e-mail by the credit card folks asking to confirm the order or something?

And another thing was with my cell number we wrote 0047 first, and didn't know this was written automatically, so now it says +470047. It says in the reciept that if the telephone number on the order is invalid, they reserve the right to cancel my order without notification. My dad says thats an obvious mistake and will be no problem, but i can't help getting paranoid by this whole situation =/

I don't think you did something wrong (: When I bought my tickets back in December, I did the same thing as you, I put my name for the billing info so it was written on the tickets too, and I put my mom's card number because obviously I don't have one. I'm pretty sure they say that the order is subjet to final approval in each email they send cos I received the same message in mine and everything was ok. I think it only means the transaction will eventually be shown on your credit card account to pay it after or something like that..

I don't know if the 0047 you wrote first is like your area code. Like here it's 514 so I put 514 before my phone number and in the billing info on my email it was written 1-514 because calling from Montreal to New York is a long-distance call. Idk if it's why it says +470047 on yours now.. Anyway I hope it helps you a bit :)

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Bad timing, I guess =/ But at least we get to see each other and that's better than nothing. I guess we can at least spend some time "hanging out" in line waiting for entrance or so. We'll see.

you're not seeing the musical every single day, are you? maybe i can go on a weekday and be home by 10 or something.

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Overall, the theatre was packed for the matinee today. People were lining up at 1:45/2. It was weird considering how empty it was on Friday. But it was nice for it to be full. :)

I am glad people are still coming this week that BJA is out. It's just such a great show, even without him.

I imagine they remove everything about him as St. Jimmy just to be very clear to people seeing the show that he is NOT in it right now so no one can complain about being misled.

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I don't care I still find Billie attractive in all those pics regardless of signs of aging :lol:

I don't see what you see :lol: he looks hella sexy to me! nom nom nom

he's like Johnny Depp...just gets better with age.

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Funny thing about the matinee... Esper was very chatty on the couch. He and Jeanna didn't even kiss during "Holiday." She was talking for a little bit but then he took over telling stories. Like hand motions and everything. When Miguel & Dec joined him, same thing - Esper was chatting them up. When Theo joined him, ditto. I don't know. It was amusing. However, someone on his side of the stage was taking a picture and he gave her an evil glare.

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Happy Sunday night, guys!

I was all nostalgic over Next to Normal closing today and I found a few videos from Tom Kitt's (orchestra for AI) band (The Tom Kitt Band) playing at The Bitter End on June 1st, 2009 right before he won a few TONYs for Next to Normal. He's wicked awesome, and Michael Aarons (current AI lead guitarist) is the guitarist in his band. I have five or six videos uploading, so if you're not watching the Golden Globes, and feel like it, you can take a look back at these videos. I'm hoping The Tom Kitt Band does another show soon - they're really awesome to see in concert.


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Sean Wing

Joshua Henry

Mary Faber

Joshua Kobak

Sydney Harcourt

Tony Vincent

Corbin Reid

Coming up:

Theo Stockman

Michael Esper

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I haven't seen the musical, and probably won't get to unless it comes to London. But someone mentioned in another thread about how near the end during Whatsername, Johnny is singing it and St. Jimmy is still around in the background somewhere. I fell in love with this concept, that he never really "killed" Jimmy. Can anyone shed a bit more light on how this is represented in the musical?

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I haven't seen the musical, and probably won't get to unless it comes to London. But someone mentioned in another thread about how near the end during Whatsername, Johnny is singing it and St. Jimmy is still around in the background somewhere. I fell in love with this concept, that he never really "killed" Jimmy. Can anyone shed a bit more light on how this is represented in the musical?

I could be completely wrong, but I always thought of that as like someone with a drug addiction. You might be over whatever you're dependent upon, but it never really goes away. It's always lurking, with the potential to come back and destroy a person again. With American Idiot, it really leaves the story line open. You don't know if St. Jimmy will ever show up again, but he will probably always be in the back of Johnny's mind.

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