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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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By the way, another cast member is leaving. He is leaving on January 30th and many female hearts will be broken. Heh. (Not JGJ, Esper or Stark.)

I just read about this on Twitter. My heart won't be broken, but I do find it sad. But, these things happens.

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By the way, another cast member is leaving. He is leaving on January 30th and many female hearts will be broken. Heh. (Not JGJ, Esper or Stark.)

noo! who? :o

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How do you do it to come up with these amazing analysis? :lol:

After reading what you say, I thought that St. Jimmy's part in the song shows a parasite-like relationship, at least from St. Jimmys point of view, on how much he sort of needs Johnny, because at the end Johnny can go on without him, but for St. Jimmy it's like his life depends on Johnny and their twisted relationship (which can really mess your head if you look at this from the point of view that St. J is not real and it's a part of Johnny's mind :wacko: ).

But there's something that confuses me from what you said, that St. Jimmy singing that part was a change done when Billie came on to the show, and this can be just because all I know about the storyline comes from the soundtrack CD, posts in here and the random and few videos on youtube (including the performance of the cast at Sessions at AOL), but I thought that since the begining of the musical the first part in the song was done by St. Jimmy? :blink:

Thanks. :) I do think you're right, checking the credits from the cast album I see Tony Vincent *is* on vocals for LNOE. My recollection of when he was in the show has to wind back 8 months to April, as opposed to Billie's being in it which was just last weekend. I stand by my interpretation but stand corrected on whether St. Jimmy was originally intended to sing the beginning of LNOE. :pinch:

Yes, St. Jimmy has always sung in LNOE since at least Berkeley. However, the reason why is how Bastard decribes it. Well, as far as I agree to that analysis.

By the way, another cast member is leaving. He is leaving on January 30th and many female hearts will be broken. Heh. (Not JGJ, Esper or Stark.)

Thanks, yeah I fucked that up a bit. Sorry!!

So we're getting yet another Favorite Son, eh?

Theo's leaving on the 30th.

THEO?? Damn, he's a good one too. Holiday especially won't be the same without him.

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Aw, Theo will be missed. I wonder what he is moving on to. I always especially love him in Too Much Too Soon weariing his "Save the Drama For Your Mama" tee and crazy hair. :lol:

I've seen Tony sing the beginning part of LNOE more than a few times, but I think it became especially clear to me what the intended meaning of him singing it (as a love song to Johnny) was when I saw BJA sing it recently. Michael and Billie as much as said in the interview they were really going for that meaning with this go-round of BJA in the role. With Tony, I just thought of his part of it as an overview from above type of thing, not singing it to anyone in particular.

It's funny - with BJA in the role, Michael has been able to expand it a bit, fill the role out a little more than he could with Tony. Every part of St. Jimmy seems more intimate with Johnny now - physical interaction (he kissed Johnny full on the lips during the Saturday show last weekend) as well as the emotional ties. You get a much clearer sense that St. Jimmy is actually a part of Johnny that maybe was not so clear before, especially to first time viewers of the show. No digs against Tony - he is a supurb actor no question - but I do love what Billie Joe brings to the role.

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interesting that Theo is leaving before Billie's run is up

tag was saying theo was like his bodyguard

Nah. They're buddies, though. I think that one time Theo intervened to get BJA inside and away from the fans, but that is not usually his role.

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Theo said so himself last night.

I will say, that is a pretty good source.

How was the show last night?

Are you seeing John at Rockwood tomorrow?

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The show was good.

- Jeanna wasn't as pitchy as she was on Sunday but cracked a little bit at the beginning of Dearly Beloved. Her and Esper on the couch during Holiday is more sexual than it ever was with any of the other Heathers. LOL.

- Omar was still doing both Andrew and Declan's tracks with some exceptions like Brian doing Declan's line in American Idiot.

- Mikey is fitting in nicely *and* got the line right in Good Riddance. Miguel was watching him, smiling when he was singing. Heh.

- Esper left the couch once. Not sure why...

- Theo wasn't as crazed as he usually is. Or at least I felt he wasn't.

- Andrew settled down a bit from what I heard from Tuesday. I felt his Jimmy was a combination of Tony's and Billie's... And I think that it worked for him.

- Johnny's monologue during Homecoming was probably the best I've heard it. He put more depth to it than he normally does.

- Still not a fan of Van!Tunny. His singing is fine but I felt his acting was really one note.

Since my friend was visiting me from Canada, I asked if we could have a proper backstage tour, so Christina gave us a little tour. Theo passed by us while we were waiting in the freezing backstage alley. He almost got to the stagedoor but realized he forgot his phone. He said that he had to go up the stairs again. I told him that they should put an escalator in and he replied that that would work. Then I said the someone should just carry him. He then asked me if I would. I told him 'Not tonight. Another time.' Heh.

We chatted with Johnny for a little bit since he was literally wandering around backstage. Brian, Omar, Miguel, Aspen, Van, Leslie, Alysha and Esper were also mingling about. I talked to Johnny about his dilenma of glasses versus contacts. Poor boy was driving on the Jersey turnpike and missed his exit because he couldn't see the the exits. We told him that we'll be at Rockwood on Sunday. :) See you there?

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The show was good.

- Andrew settled down a bit from what I heard from Tuesday. I felt his Jimmy was a combination of Tony's and Billie's... And I think that it worked for him.

Thanks for the update about all. I've been wondering especially what Andrew's St. Jimmy was like. Sounds like a good night out for you & your friends. How wonderful to have a backstage tour to top it off. :)

Sad about Theo leaving. but so it goes. =/

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Does anyone have any tips on getting Billie's autograph?

here you go:


now as for actual replies:

basketcase: maybe you could take a look in this thread, it probably has some tips for you.

plaid: :dry: I don't like those kind of people. And they can't even spell Billie's name right.

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This makes me even more mad because I'm in a position where I'm not sure whether I'll even get to see AI, with or without Billie (I'm pretty damn certain I won't get to see it was Billie Joe), and then there are these people who do this!! GRRRRRRR

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The show was good.

- Jeanna wasn't as pitchy as she was on Sunday but cracked a little bit at the beginning of Dearly Beloved. Her and Esper on the couch during Holiday is more sexual than it ever was with any of the other Heathers. LOL.

- Mikey is fitting in nicely *and* got the line right in Good Riddance. Miguel was watching him, smiling when he was singing. Heh.

- Theo wasn't as crazed as he usually is. Or at least I felt he wasn't.

- Andrew settled down a bit from what I heard from Tuesday. I felt his Jimmy was a combination of Tony's and Billie's... And I think that it worked for him.

- Still not a fan of Van!Tunny. His singing is fine but I felt his acting was really one note.

We told him that we'll be at Rockwood on Sunday. :) See you there?

--I really like Jenna, but I can see what you mean. And yea, the couch is getting uber hot... on fire...

--Mikey! I like him! Glad to hear he got it right.

--Did someone read my acting note?

--Glad to hear it about Andrew. Yea, he does have the nice combo of Tony and Billie with the character. And glad the singing settled.

--Gotta say, have loved Van in all the parts I've seen him in.

--Aw, poor John. I know the feeling about the eyesight. It's a drag.

--See you there!

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I'm 99% sure that I'm an Esper fangirl :runaround:

You and me both omg he mimicked me when I started freaking out when he came out the stage door akoreaokreaora

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I'm not surprised that Theo's leaving. I'm surprised that he wasn't fired or let go for missing shows because of Lea and other related stuff.

And Esper is fucking ace. He IS my favorite and I hope he is still with the show when I go see it (maybe not because of the play but I'm being very hopeful.)

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