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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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One of my friends has just got back from NYC (she didn't go see the musical - SILLY SILLY GIRL) but she still bought me back some pretty cool merch. I now have a pair of black pants with AMERICAN IDIOT MUSICAL written over them in pink lettering with the hand grenade in pink on the back. Right....... lol.

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Hey guys! My friend wants to come in to see the show on Sunday night. Is anyone selling two tickets to Sunday evening's performance? PM me or reply!

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I'm going Saturday at 2 PM by the way.

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Yeah, he's engaged.

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Yeah, he's engaged.

I knew that, but I haven't seen any pictures of them together. Whatever, engagement means nothing. I can still work with this.

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I knew that, but I haven't seen any pictures of them together. Whatever, engagement means nothing. I can still work with this.

Hahahha. Well these days, marriage means nothing either pretty much! ;)

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Hahahha. Well these days, marriage means nothing either pretty much! ;)

I was thinking that, but didn't wanna push it too far. :D

I am Stark's Extraordinary Girl.

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I am still in shock :runaround: After AI tonight I was just setting in my wheelchair doing nothing & this guy walks up to

me and asked "are you the medic?" I said yes. He said I am th drummer from AI and I want to give you these drum sticks

and I think he thanked me for my service or something to that affect. He said he reads the Boards. So I am assuming he

read about me being a medic in the Army & getting deployed and injured & in this wheelchair now. Later Starks talk to

me for a while he is so sweet. He didn't try and talk down to me he got down on his knees down to my level and talked

then he signed my drum sticks for me. What an awsome guy. I will put pics up later someone is supposed to email

them to me. what a night. Next hoping to run into Billie and get that hug I have waited 19 years for :hug: . Its been almost

2 decadeds since I saw Green Day for the first time in Tampa in 1991. So far this trip has been a dream eacept for I

am stuck in the last row in the wheelchair section and due to catching shrapnel in my eye whils on deployment

I don't see all that great. Who knows with the great things that have happened maybe just maybe I will get that hug.

I know I'm just dreaming. But I love to dream :wub: because where there is a dream there is always hope, and let's

face it the world would be a pretty sorry place without hope. Anyways what a fanfuckingtastic night :woot:

Edit: I wanted the drummer to sign the drum sticks too. but I was in suck shock and he left so

quick. It's all a blur. I have 2 more nights so hoping to get him to sign them too. It would be nice to get all the cast and Billie

Joe to sign too. I am on cloud nine. Now I just need that hug from Billie I have waited almost 2 decades for and I'd be past

cloud nine, I'd be up in the stratosphere somewhere :hug::wub:

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Trying to convince my parents to let me go over in January to see it, I haven't even asked yet, because I'm scared of their answer, wish me luck guys :runaround:

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I am still in shock :runaround: After AI tonight I was just setting in my wheelchair doing nothing & this guy walks up to

me and asked "are you the medic?" I said yes. He said I am th drummer from AI and I want to give you these drum sticks

and I think he thanked me for my service or something to that affect. He said he reads the Boards. So I am assuming he

read about me being a medic in the Army & getting deployed and injured & in this wheelchair now. Later Starks talk to

me for a while he is so sweet. He didn't try and talk down to me he got down on his knees down to my level and talked

then he signed my drum sticks for me. What an awsome guy. I will put pics up later someone is supposed to email

them to me. what a night. Next hoping to run into Billie and get that hug I have waited 19 years for :hug: . Its been almost

2 decadeds since I saw Green Day for the first time in Tampa in 1991. So far this trip has been a dream eacept for I

am stuck in the last row in the wheelchair section and due to catching shrapnel in my eye whils on deployment

I don't see all that great. Who knows with the great things that have happened maybe just maybe I will get that hug.

I know I'm just dreaming. But I love to dream :wub: because where there is a dream there is always hope, and let's

face it the world would be a pretty sorry place without hope. Anyways what a fanfuckingtastic night :woot:

Edit: I wanted the drummer to sign the drum sticks too. but I was in suck shock and he left so

quick. It's all a blur. I have 2 more nights so hoping to get him to sign them too. It would be nice to get all the cast and Billie

Joe to sign too. I am on cloud nine. Now I just need that hug from Billie I have waited almost 2 decades for and I'd be past

cloud nine, I'd be up in the stratosphere somewhere :hug::wub:

it was really amazing to finally meet you :) sorry about the whole dog-tag bit. i just have been told some people get offended by it, and wanted to make sure you weren't!

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I went back into the city today and stood at barrier from 5:30 til about 10:30 with my friend. We met these really nice girls from Maryland and these girls from CT and we made up the front row on the right side of the door. We linked arms once they brought the barriers out because we did not want anyone to get in front of us because we'd been there forever.

So, yeah, I like, kinda "met" JGJ!! :woot: I felt bad because everyone was like "OMGZ ITZ JOHN!" as he was trying to go into the theatre and they were all hitting him up for autographs and my friend was like "get a pic with her!" to him and a security guy came out and was like "John, you going in?" and he was like "I need one more pic, then I'm in." so I was the lucky last one!! Yay!!

*insert drool/fangirl ness here* (USING MY SHARPIE, BTW :whistle: )


SDC12979.jpg:wub: :wub:

And I passed my love of JGJ on to my friend. :lol: She was like "omg he's so cute I love him now!"


Saw Tre from three feet away as he was walking in! Totally awesome! Got most of the cast to sign my Playbill from last night, got my pic with Michael!

He was like "this is such an awkward picture" because my friend was like squished up against us with the camera, lol. He was so funny!


Except Stark didn't come out...was he there? :( I saw him last night, but not tonight.

And then of course, the amazingness that is Billie Joe. Jake or Joey came out...couldn't tell exactly which one, he shot out of the theatre and into the car. with a bodyguard..then Adrienne came out looking beautiful as usual. :wub: THEN BILLIE!!! :woot: He signed my copy of Nobody Likes You and he looked so exhausted! I felt so bad. Poor guy looked dead on his feet. My friend took a couple good pics with her camera, cuz I was obviously too occupied :P so I'll post them when I get them.

Autograph of Billie...


My friend got her shoe signed, lol.



Gerard and then Brian:



So yeah, I had the best night everrr!!!

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it was really amazing to finally meet you :) sorry about the whole dog-tag bit. i just have been told some people get offended by it, and wanted to make sure you weren't!

nothing for you to be sorry about and It was do great meeting you also. Thank

you for the AI tags :thumbsup:

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The show was amazing again. The place was packed there was no getting to the barricade

to see any of the cast because a lot of people that didn't even see the show were crowded

around the barricade before the show was even close to being over which makes it unfair for the

ones that paid to see it (people did it the other night too)It's so aggravating :dry: and again I didn't

get to see the encore because this time I had a an aisle seat which would have been better to

see the encore but Michael Mayer went down the aisle and just as the encore was starting & just

stood there blocking my view. This was my second night to see the show and the second time I

was unable to see the encore because wheelchair seating sucks :cry: because they stick

wheelchairs on very back row (it's so unfair) and from way back there if anyone stands up in front

of me it blocks my view of the stage. Actually wheelchairs suck in general. In 2 months I will be

able to get rid of this damn chair & get my right leg traded in for a prosthetic one and then I will be

able to walk again. It's a long process but so very worth it to be able to walk again. Isn't that weird

I have to loose a piece of myself to gain a piece of myself back more normal life?

Now back to the show. I cried more tonight than last night. The part that is the hardest for me to watch is the part

where the nurse has to sponge bath him. I guess the reason it made me cry so badly is that I still have to go through

that. It is so humiliating to be a grown ass woman and not be bath my own self without help. It's very hard to keep

your dignity intact when you can't do the most basic things for yourself. I realize something tonight that I didn't

realize the 1st night I watched it. I realized I didn't just identify with the Soldier I could see me in all three of them.

The Soldier part is obvious (me being a medic in the Army & now just a disabled Afghanistan war veteran) I Identify

with the drug addicted character. Except I am not addicted to illegal drugs. The military doctors have had me on

so much pain medication since my injury that I am almost immune to it's effects but still cannot live without it.

Also the character that sit on the couch stayed home watching life pass him by and people come and go out of his

life and he can't get himself out of the situation that he is in. I Identify with him because that's how my life feels now.

I sit at home as the whole world passes me by. Even a trip like this takes a toll on my body. I have to head back a day

early because my leg is retaining so much fluid from sitting in the wheelchair so much and not laying down and keeping

my leg up & not putting so much pressure on my back. But my love for Green Day was worth the risk. I am so glad I

came because American Idiot is so amazing.It adds another demention to the already masterpiece American Idiot album

that you couldn't imagine. You would have to actually see it to know what I mean.

What I was hoping for didn't happened tonight like I'd hoped. The hug I have waited to get from Billie. It's nothing

even like the girls that want to kiss him and do more. The hug I want to give him is out of admiration & respect & to thank

him from the bottom of my heart. Because with out his words in Green Day's music I really don't think I would have pulled

through both physically & mentally from the injuries I had sustained during my 3rd deployment. I remember when I woke

up in Germany in the military hospital they asked me if there was anything they could get me to make it more comfortable

I said, "yes can get me Green Day music." I said,"get me a cd mp3 or something please" The nurse said to me after that

she was referring to something for the pain & I said "yes,so am I." After saying that I got so much Green Day music & other stuff

from the staff during my stay. One day the one of the staff at the hospital said to me that it was the weirdest request they have ever received

from a patient just waking from a coma. The she asked me what is was that made me ask for that. I told her every since I 1st

heard Green Day & seeing them live for the 1st time back in 1991 that when ever I needed help I turned to Green Day. Their lyrics/music

has always helped me no matter how I may be feeling. They have songs that make me laugh when I all I feel like doing is crying.

They have songs that help me vent my frustrations when I feel like I am going to loose it. They have songs that give inner peace

when I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. So I owe a lot to Green Day their music helped me hold it together when

everything was so out of control. Actually it is still doing that very same thing for me still. I get to see the show for the last time on Sun.

night so I really hope that I am able to meet Billie just long enough to hug him & thank him for all he has helped me through in my

life. Especially these past few years they have helped me in such a profound way with their music. Though I am no longer at war

overseas I fight a new war here at home. It's a war I am fighting with my own body & Green Day's music is helping me fight and

not give up. This is a war I will win or die trying. Even if my hope/wish doesn't happen when I see the AI show for the last time

tonight at the Sunday night showing I will still hope that one day I will be able to get that hug and say thank you. It would mean

the world to me to be able to do that someday. OMG..sorry...I can't believe I wrote so much. Once I started writing it all just

came flooding out. I love my GDC family because you all read what I have to say and are so encouraging and loving :wub:

Cross your fingers for me that tonight everyone that some way some how my wish will come true at tonight's show before

I have to go home Mon. morning. I have to cut my trip short, was going to stay till Tue. but being on this trip with no help has

almost pushed my body to it's limits. Wish me luck tonight, cause I'm sure it will be a long while before I am in close proximity

to Billie Joe again. Even if it doesn't happen I am so glad I came and saw the show. If you haven't seen this show yet you should

find somehow to do it because you are missing out on something that is truly amazing. I flew from Texas all alone & I'm in a

wheelchair so if I can manage I am sure a lot of you could too. I promise you will not be disappointed. Wish me luck and I'll

shut up now with my wall of text....lol

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The show was amazing again. he place was packed and again I didn't get to see the encore because

this time I had a an aisle seat which would have been better to see the encore but Michael Mayer

went down the aisle and just stood there blocking my view. This was my second night to see the

show and the second time I was unable to see the encore because wheelchair seating sucks :cry:

because its in the back and if anyone stands up in front of me it blocks my view of the stage. Actually

wheelchairs suck in general. In 2 months I will be able to get rid of this damn chair & get my right

leg traded in for a prosthetic one and then I will be able to walk again. It's a long process but so very

worth it to be able to walk again. Isn't that weird I have to loose a piece of myself to gain a piece of

myself back more normal life?

Back to the show. I cried more tonight than last night. The part that is the hardest for me to watch is the part

where the nurse has to sponge bath him. I guess the reason it made me cry so badly is that I still have to go through

that. It is so humiliating to be a grown ass woman and not be bath my own self without help. It's very hard to keep

your dignity intact when you can't do the most basic things for yourself. I realize something tonight that I didn't

realize the 1st night I watched it. I realized I didn't just identify with the Soldier I could see me in all three of them.

The Soldier part is obvious (me being a medic in the Army & now just a disabled Afghanistan war veteran) I Identify

with the drug addicted character. Except I am not addicted to illegal drugs. The military doctors have had me on

so much pain medication since my injury that I am almost immune to it's effects but still cannot live without it.

Also the character that sit on the couch stayed home watching life pass him by and people come and go out of his

life and he can't get himself out of the situation that he is in. I Identify with him because that's how my life feels now.

I sit at home as the whole world passes me by. Even a trip like this takes a toll on my body. I have to head back a day

early because my leg is retaining so much fluid from sitting in the wheelchair so much and mont laying down and keeping

my leg up. But my love for Green Day was worth the risk. I am so glad I came because American Idiot is so amazing.

It adds another demention to the album American Idiot that you couldn't imagine you would have to actually see it to

know what I mean.

What I was hoping for didn't happened tonight like I'd hoped. The hug I have waited to get from Billie. It's nothing

even like the girls that want to kiss him and more. The hug I want to give him is out of admiration & to thank him

from the bottom of my heart. Because with out his words in Green Day's music I really don't think I would have pulled

through both physically & mentally from the injuries I had sustained during my 3rd deployment. I remember when I woke

up in Germany in the military hospital they asked me if there was anything they could get me to make it more comfortable

I said, "yes can get me Green Day music." I said,"get me a cd mp3 or something please" The nurse said to me after that

she was referring to something for the pain & I said "so am I." After saying that I got so much Green Day music & other stuff

from the staff. One day the one of the staff at the hospital said to me that it was the weirdest request they have ever received

from a patient just waking from a coma. The she asked me what is was that made me ask for that. I told her every since I 1st heard

Green Day & seeing them live for the 1st time since 1991 that when ever I needed help I turned on Green Day. Their lyrics/music

has always helped me no matter how I may be feeling. They have songs that make me laugh when I all I feel like doing is crying.

They have songs that help me vent my frustrations when I feel like I am going to loose it. They have songs that give inner peace

when I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. So I owe a lot to those Green Day their music helped me hold it together

when everything was so out of control. Actually it is still doing that very same thing for me still. I get to see the show for the

last time on Sun. night so I really hope that I am able to meet Billie just long enough to hug him & thank him for all he has helped

me through in my life. Especially these past few years they have helped me in such a profound way with their music. Though

I am no longer at war overseas I fight a new war here at home. It's a war I am fighting with my own body & Green Day's music

is helping me fight and not give up. This is a war I will win or die trying. Even if my hope/wish doesn't happen when I see the AI

show for the last time tonight at the Sunday night showing I will still hope that one day I will be able to get that hug and say thank

you. It would mean the world to me to be able to do that someday. OMG..sorry...I can't believe I wrote so much. Once I started writing it

all just came flooding out. I love my GDC family because you all read what I have to say and are so encouraging and loving :wub: Cross

your fingers for me that tonight everyone that some way some how my wish will come true at tonight's show before I have to go home Mon.

morning. I have to cut my trip short, was going to stay till Tue. but being on this trip with no help has almost pushed my body to it's limits.

Wish me luck tonight, cause I'm sure it will be a long while before I am in close proximity to Billie Joe again. Even if it doesn't happen I

am so glad I came and saw the show. If you haven't seen this show yet you should find somehow to do it because you are missing out

on something that is truly amazing. I flew from Texas all alone & I'm in a wheelchair so if I can manage I am sure a lot of you could too.

I promise you will not be disappointed. Wish me luck and I'll shut up now with my wall of text....lol

Dawn, that is amazing. Your story is so touching, and I for one really hope you get your wish. I couldn't imagine being in your situation myself, I have so much admiration for people like you who have lost something to the war.

It was so nice seeing you at the show two nights. I wish I would have introduced myself.

Once again, I really hope you get that hug!! :)

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Dawn, I really, really, really, REALLY hope you get to meet Billie and fulfill your wish. Your story is absolutely amazing and you are so much stronger than a lot of us. I would have crumbled under all of that with war, pain and all-around crap. I'll be sending SOOOO many good vibes to you for tomorrow that it's insane. I'm happy that you're having an amazing time and tell Michael to get out of the damn way during the encore! :lol:

We admire you and love you. You will never be alone in the world when you have a bunch of us punks and those guys from Oakland.

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Dawn, I wish you all the luck in the world you're getting that hug. And see the encore, haha. You and your story are very inspiring. <3

Going to the musical in Janaury!! Last show! :woot:

Woo great! :woot:

Is there some room left in your purse, by any chance? :whistle

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Going to the musical in Janaury!! Last show! :woot:

Awesome! :woot: I'm really happy for you that you can go to that show, and it's the last one! Wow, great.

(any chance you could stop by at Schiphol airport, so I can sneak into your bag or something? :ninja::lol: )

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Going to the musical in Janaury!! Last show! :woot:

I can't fucking waaaait! :runaround:

So yeah....I think I can book the flights on Tuesday if you're willing to wait til then :P

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Woo great! :woot:

Is there some room left in your purse, by any chance? :whistle

Awesome! :woot: I'm really happy for you that you can go to that show, and it's the last one! Wow, great.

(any chance you could stop by at Schiphol airport, so I can sneak into your bag or something? :ninja::lol: )

That's awesome, Isabel! :)

I'm happy for you!

Thanks you guys! :wub:

It was a very split second decision to say the least :whistle

I will try my best to squeeze you all into my suitcase! :lol:

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Thanks you guys! :wub:

It was a very split second decision to say the least :whistle

I will try my best to squeeze you all into my suitcase! :lol:

A good decision I think :happy:

And yay! Haha :lol:

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