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American Idiot Musical (Theatrical Production)


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Haha. I found it for you.

About the third post down. It's the long winded wasted one. I would read it with caution as you might get lost in a sea of words and not find your way back. I think it's more humorous because I tried to write it while completely drunk off my arse. As the minutes went on, it got harder and harder to type. Now it stands as a testament as to why partying too hard can do damage to ones brain. Reading the page after that, the Tony after party at the BE, and crashing Rockefeller, I realize I still need to augment that post and get some pics off my camera. I have some dandies. I saw the matinee show before the Tony's.


EDIT: By the way, please to note my day before Tony's call of the intelligent lighting and them winning that Tony for lighting and set design. ;)

Ha! I am glad you reposted this! I was on vacation when you saw the play and also when all the Tony buzz was going on. so I didn't bother catching up on missed posts. Highly entertaining. :lol:

I asked "why does billie have your name on the back of his baseball jersey?" He replied "it was the first thing that popped into his head...and because he loves me so much...and because I'm so sporty". Then I said "but you don't even play, do you" and he shook his head and laughed and said nooooo. I assume he was bs-ing me. He has the biggest facial expressions of anyone I have ever seen.

I love this story! :wub:

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Alysha is doing a solo act at one of the local gay bars on the 12th. I love her voice :D

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Alysha is doing a solo act at one of the local gay bars on the 12th. I love her voice :D

that woman has a serious set of pipes. id love to hear her sing solo.

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holyshit. I saw it sunday and it was mind-blowing and I got to meet John Gallagher Jr!! :banana: I had third-row seats and the energy almost rivaled the energy at a GD concert. I got chills, cried... every part of it was just fantastic. afterwards, after most of the actors had come out to sign autographs and take pictures, they said "no one else is coming out." I was kinda disappointed because John hadn't come out yet, but I went outside and about a minute later, he came out the side door! he was in a rush but he was kind enough to take a picture with me. I told him I was from DE, too :lol: Delaware represent! I didn't get to see Tony though, which was too bad... he played his part perfectly. but so did everyone else... now I want to see it again :(

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Oooooo good news for the show, grosses and attendance was up this last week!


This is great news!

Not directly related, but I met a woman while waiting in one of the airport queues yesterday who had seen the show in Berkeley. She's a Berkeley Rep subscriber and was not a Green Day fan. She said the show "Blew [her] away!" The fact that the show appeals to more than just us crazy, rabid fans has to be one factor in its success so far :).

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This is great news!

Not directly related, but I met a woman while waiting in one of the airport queues yesterday who had seen the show in Berkeley. She's a Berkeley Rep subscriber and was not a Green Day fan. She said the show "Blew [her] away!" The fact that the show appeals to more than just us crazy, rabid fans has to be one factor in its success so far :).

One of my non-fan friends actually said that she read good things about the musical and asked me more about it. haha.

This is exciting. xD

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Alysha is doing a solo act at one of the local gay bars on the 12th. I love her voice :D

why is she doing a show in a gay bar?

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Oooooo good news for the show, grosses and attendance was up this last week!


That's GREAT news! :banana:

....And just this past weekend a facebook gaming friend of mine just went to the matinée and said it was so AWESOME! (He is a man of little words.) This made me happy to hear!

(and I like to think I helped persuade him to go with my postings and going on about it!) :)

@crock6000, I first read your....very interesting, entertaining, lengthy review right when you first wrote it! But honestly you freaked me out a bit and I sure as hell didn't want to be the first to respond. haha! ;) I'll reread later tonight.

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Absolutely, like I said, I saw it with a bunch of industry people. There were more people in suits than ties (for the matinee) to give you some perspective and everyone LOVED it.

So did they like it enough to want to make the movie?

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Members of the American Idiot cast will be playing Joe's Pub on 7/25 at 9:30. That night Prima Donna will be at the Bowery Electric also. Prima Donna are the headliners, they go on late, I believe.

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Members of the American Idiot cast will be playing Joe's Pub on 6/25 at 9:30. That night Prima Donna will be at the Bowery Electric also. Prima Donna are the headliners, they go on late, I believe.

Do you mean July? June 25th was 3 days ago.

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Do you mean July? June 25th was 3 days ago.

Of course I mean July. Sorry about the typo and thanks for kindly pointing it out. Ahem. I'll change it.

Sorry, I just saw Prima Donna in Santa Cruz and Oakland, so my brain is still on three days ago...

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Of course I mean July. Sorry about the typo and thanks for kindly pointing it out. Ahem. I'll change it.

Sorry, I just saw Prima Donna in Santa Cruz and Oakland, so my brain is still on three days ago...

No problem. (Hoping you're not being sarcastic. I wasn't trying to seem like a smart-ass. :) ) Dude! How were they? /off-topic

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Broadway.com had a little interview with John. Some pull-quotes below. Full interview here: http://www.broadway.com/shows/american-idiot/buzz/152881/american-idiots-john-gallagher-jr-on-rocking-with-green-day-and-supporting-his-glee-buds/

Johnny is the self-proclaimed "Jesus of Suburbia.' What exactly does that mean to you?

He’s kind of smart and has a taste for irony and views himself as being a martyr. He feels he suffers for the sins of his parents and is always looking for someone else to blame, and it usually ends up being his mother and abusive stepfather. This is all very subtextual stuff, but Michael and I decided, with Billie Joe’s assistance, that the truest connection this boy has probably ever known was years ago with his father who passed away.

Were you a big Green Day fan before the show?

I’d been a big fan since I was in the fourth grade and Dookie came out. I remember hearing those songs on the radio for the first time, then I followed their career and was so impressed with the way they push themselves in an era where pop music seems so disposable. Green Day seems to be one of the only bands from their generation that has stayed relevant and pushed themselves further. People want to take them to town for selling out; I don’t really know what that’s about, because if you meet them, they’re incredibly committed people of deep artistic conviction. I think everybody has these emotional watershed moments in their life, and [the release of] American Idiot was definitely one of those for me.

Did you hear a story in the music the first time you listened to the album?

Absolutely. I remember one night taking a bunch of my friends out in my mom’s minivan and making them listen to “Homecoming.” I loved how it was so theatrical and unapologetically grandiose.

What was it like to collaborate with the band on the show?

I have to remind myself from time to time that I can be their friends and not just a fan. The support and mutual admiration that we’ve shared has made the show what it is. What’s onstage would not be the same if they’d been like, “OK, we’ll send you some stuff and pop in for one rehearsal and be there opening night. Let us know how it goes.” On the other hand, it wouldn’t have worked if they were peering over our shoulders constantly saying, "No, sing this that way.” Billie Joe has said he’s a very hands on/hands off collaborator. He understood immediately the best way to collaborate on a project like this: You give a little bit and then you step back a little bit.

Now that the show’s up and running, does Green Day still stop by the theater?

Whenever they’re in New York, they drop in to see us. There are no words to describe how generous they’ve been. What we do every night couldn’t happen without what they’ve given us personally. When we performed at the Tony Awards, Green Day had just gotten off a plane from Europe. They had flown back to New York because they didn’t want to miss the awards and wanted to play a song with us. The next day they flew back to continue their European tour. It’s amazing and really humbling to think they’re out there playing these huge stadiums in other countries and came back for one night just for us.

That was your second time performing live on TV with them [after the Grammys]. How insane were those nights?

I don’t remember any of it! Those shows happen so fast and there’s so much adrenaline involved. As a fan, there’s a surreal element any time I’ve been able to step out on the same stage as them. It’s incredibly overwhelming.

Any post-Idiot plans on the horizon?

One of the things I wish I could do more on the side is play my own music. In July or August I’m going to try to do a show somewhere in the city. Someday I’m going to put out a record and do some touring, but definitely not while I’m doing [American Idiot].

You could open for Green Day!

Precisely! People will come to a huge arena and say, “Uh, a folk singer is opening for them? This is weird…”

One of my favorite performances of his. Just sharing. :)

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No problem. (Hoping you're not being sarcastic. I wasn't trying to seem like a smart-ass. :) ) Dude! How were they? /off-topic

Lol, only partly sarcastic. :)

I like them. I saw them open for Green Day at the 02 and liked their style and the music is upbeat. Kevin's pretty dynamic, and a fun performer. He has no fear on the stage, it's pretty exciting. In Santa Cruz, he jumped from a tall speaker onto the stage floor and there weren't that many people on the floor to catch him, but somehow they did. It was epic. They and the Mystic Knights of the Cobra were doing a mini-tour of the East Bay area. I had to go out to Sacramento for something, so I just spent a few extra days and went to some shows. Good times! Their show on Sunday in San Jose got canceled and they played a benefit for one of the MKOTC's friends instead and also with a local band called Bobby Ebola and the Chicken MacNuggits at Toot's in Crockett (BEST BLOODY MARY ON THE PLANET!). I was sad that I had to miss it, but I had to fly back on Sunday.

Prima Donna aren't for everyone, though. There were some punks at the show who wondered out loud what they were doing on the lineup. They just don't understand that Kevin is the punkest of them all! And the prettiest, too, lol. This was the first time I've seen Prima Donna play since London, but I did see Kevin play at the FBHT shows in NYC.

Anyway, I like 'em, they just launched an American tour schedule and then going back to Europe in early Winter. Gonna catch them the night they are here in NYC, and then maybe go and see them in Hoboken at Maxwell's the next night.

Not sure if I'm going to Joe's Pub, though, but it would be a fun night with one, the other, or both.

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I haven't got the chance to go see it yet but I love that it opened on 4-20, very fitting for Green Day.

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Johnny is the self-proclaimed "Jesus of Suburbia.' What exactly does that mean to you?

He’s kind of smart and has a taste for irony and views himself as being a martyr. He feels he suffers for the sins of his parents and is always looking for someone else to blame, and it usually ends up being his mother and abusive stepfather. This is all very subtextual stuff, but Michael and I decided, with Billie Joe’s assistance, that the truest connection this boy has probably ever known was years ago with his father who passed away.

Aw. :hug: JoS = Billie in a way

Thanks for sharing!

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I freaked you out? Lol. Sorry but please understand that was the pg-13 version of what turned into a great/not-so-great for my body weekend.

haha, thankfully you restrained yourself then.

Right from the get-go, I was smiling at what you wrote. You're refreshing, in a good, louder, boisterous way. ...maybe, I'm still fairly new here.

Rereading it, makes me want to see it again. Your honesty and enthusiasm for AI comes across clearly. GREAT seats! I was orchestra, row L ,seat 9-a bit too far to the left and back with taller man in front of me. My own personal obstructed view. I remember wanting to yell out and fist pump too, but didn't think I was in accordance with theater etiquette.

The way you describe Will and Tunny makes me realize that those characters did their job. They were the anchors for Johnny's former life. The one (Will) who does nothing and the other (Tunny) who does something. I liked Will and didn't want to. I thought he did a great job at being the loser couchpotato boyfriend. How hard it must be to play your role from the couch. His story with Heather & unplanned pregnancy was very relatable in what I have seen in life.

Rebecca/Whatsername blew me away too. FIREBALL! haha! Letterbomb= favorite for me!

I agree with what you wrote on St. Jimmy although, he did come across as an alter-ego to me.

All the comedic relief was welcomed. I will never, ever be able to listen to Favorite Son again without a smile on my face, geez! Go Joshua! Oh, he will be missed!

So many beautiful parts that you wrote up so well -the show is a rollercoaster ride!

I didn't notice Johnny and Whatsername's sex scene at first. But when I did, boy, was THAT distracting. (she was on top at the Apr. 22 show)-Heard they change up positions?) haha, keep it interesting.

The song you couldn't remember was , "When It's Time" as you probably know it now, and that was just beautiful they way they handled that! I agree wholeheartedly!

I wasn't satisfied that Johnny ended up behind a desk either, but knew it was going to happen.

So you basically had the story down to what I thought was being told, you told us of the highlights better than I could've have. And impressively so, considering your state and time of day!

Thanks for your review and the trip back to that wonderful night. :)

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One of my favorite performances of his. Just sharing. :)

That is a great interview. In what way is "Brad" an abusive stepfather though ?

I like the "Goodbye Song" and the various clips that show John performing it with the Joe Iconis band but compared to others i find this one very hard to watch. Looking at the date it was taped a few days before Old Springs Pike announced that John had left the band and knowing that it is almost unwatchable. In other clips of the same song, John is obviously feeling better, including this one......durnk Johnny (flowers to the man who invented mike stands) :D

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I cannont make a comment about what they thought. It's not a THEY but a HE/SHE and in the interest of all parties, especially me, I will just say she very much enjoyed the show. That implies nothing AT ALL. I actually had a very lengthy discussion with her about her thoughts and I WOULD LOVE NOtHING more than to post them here but I cannot for so many obvious reasons. Sorry. Nuff bout that. :) I was doing my best to shut up about that so kudos to you for actually bringing it back up, and fuck you too. JK :D

Besides, there is not even a script written for it yet. At least not one known by any of my peeps.

Ironically that was the only question I felt you hadn't answered in your review (yes, I read every word) which is why I finally decided to ask. Obviously without anything definite you can't speculate - I get it. Glad "she" liked what she saw though. Hopefully that's a good sign for the future of this project.

Feel free to drop hints whenever you can. :eyebrow:

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That's great man. How old? New born? Boy? Girl? Congrats.

She'll be three in October. Cute, opinionated, chatty, sometimes a little fussy, and boundless energy 'til she conks out at 7.....definitely daddy's little girl, and she's a handful! :)

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why is she doing a show in a gay bar?

Ha! You perform where you can get booked! Or where you have friends. Or where you hang out. Or all of the above. :)

I love her voice too - would love to see her do this.

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Tony Vincent just wished me a happy birthday on Facebook! I can die happy now! He's such a sweetie!

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