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Green Day questions?


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I'm not going to read through all of these, but it should be quite obvious who's had their political views changed from Green Day

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Well he's 11.. I just wasn't sure whether he was acting retarded to be funny or if he IS retarded.

As iffy as I am with the work retard, I say he's either TRYING to be funny or doesn't have a clue what left and right is

what!? i dont know the difference between liberal and conservative!

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what!? i dont know the difference between liberal and conservative!

You're a stupid troll

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1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?


2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?

Very liberal

3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?

Very liberal

4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

Very liberal ~ Liberal

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?

1 = not at all

6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?

5 = very important

7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?

4 = active, a bit involved in political protests/parties/activties

8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?


11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?

No. I'm not listening to conservative "I am totally gay for America, although gays are wrong and going to hell" bullshit.

12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?


13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Artist (ie. looks/life/personality) Yeah. I was a very vain 13 year old. Billie Joe's "hawtness" totally won me over.

14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Style

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The before and after questions don't really work well... people started listening young, their views probably would have changed regardless of listening to Green Day. If this is real research, you have some major issues with your study.

I see what you're saying, but he really did word things to differentiate between your general outlook on politics and GD's sole influence on your political views ~ Perhaps this survey should be edited a bit to suit the "vets" lol

I dunno... I'm a bit iffy on this questionaire too ~ So many things have gone on the past few years that it may be impossible to pinpoint any one thing that influenced a person's current views (in this case, a band).

Personally, I don't think the political tones of AI were really written to sway anyone, but more to just get people to open their eyes to what's going on in the world.

I'm just rambling... Anyway, here's my thingy...

1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?

5 (assuming 5 means a big fan) because I may not like some of the things they do, but I have an immense amount of respect for everything they do

2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?

I'd have placed myself at about 8 years old...So...clueless...

3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?

Liberal ~ Though I've been listening to them for a long time & can't really say that they've influenced my political perspective

4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

~ Liberal ~

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?

2 = a tiny bit

Only in that they've made me care a little more

6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?

2 = not very important

7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

(Though I have been to a couple of protests heh)

8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?

8 years old...

10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?

Of course.

11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?

Yes ~ Their lyrics are too intricately written for them to ever lose my interest

12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?

~ Maybe ~

I'd still buy their albums, but I might not be too happy about it lol (*cough* AI *cough*)

13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

~ Music ~

14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

~ Lyrical Content ~ (assuming FHT doesn't count as "GD's material"; if it does, then music hehe)


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1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?


2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?

Very liberal ~ Liberal ~ Centre ~ Conservative ~ Very Conservative

3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?

Very liberal ~ Liberal ~ Centre ~ Conservative ~ Very Conservative

4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

Very liberal ~ Liberal ~ Centre ~ Conservative ~ Very Conservative

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?

1 = not at all

2 = a tiny bit I already had pretty much the same political views as Green Day did and still do.

3 = partially

4 = quite a lot

5 = totally

6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?

1 = totally unimportant

2 = not very important

3 = neither important nor unimportant

4 = important

5 = very important

7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?

1 = not at all active, don't vote, wouldn't vote

2 = not very active, might vote but not really bothered

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

4 = active, a bit involved in political protests/parties/activties Definitely during the 08 election.

5 = very active, actively involved in political protests/parties/activities

8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?

1 = not at all active, don't vote, wouldn't vote

2 = not very active, might vote but not really bothered

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

4 = active, a bit involved in political protests/parties/activties

5 = very active, actively involved in political protests/parties/activities

10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?

Yes ~ Maybe ~ No

11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?

Yes ~ Maybe ~ No

12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?

Yes ~ Maybe ~ No

13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Style ~ Music ~ Lyrical Content ~ Artist (ie. looks/life/personality)

14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Style ~ Music ~ Lyrical Content ~ Artist (ie. looks/life/personality)

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1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?

5 (I'm Green Day obsessed)

2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?

Very liberal ~ Liberal ~ Centre ~ Conservative ~ Very Conservative

Centre- I was 10 before I started listening to them, I didn't understand politics.

3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?

Very liberal ~ Liberal ~ Centre ~ Conservative ~ Very Conservative

Liberal- I think they've made more opened minded about the world and the things going on.

4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

Very Liberal-Liberal- I don't think they're quite Very Liberal but they're not just Liberal somewhere in the middle of the two.

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?

1 = not at all

2 = a tiny bit

3 = partially

4 = quite a lot

5 = totally


6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?

1 = totally unimportant

2 = not very important

3 = neither important nor unimportant

4 = important

5 = very important


7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?

1 = not at all active, don't vote, wouldn't vote

2 = not very active, might vote but not really bothered

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

4 = active, a bit involved in political protests/parties/activties

5 = very active, actively involved in political protests/parties/activities


8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?

1 = not at all active, don't vote, wouldn't vote

2 = not very active, might vote but not really bothered

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

4 = active, a bit involved in political protests/parties/activties

5 = very active, actively involved in political protests/parties/activities


10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?

Yes ~ Maybe ~ No

Probably less, One of the reasons for why I listen to them is because of their political thoughts.

11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?

Yes ~ Maybe ~ No

I would still listen to them but their older stuff not their new stuff.

12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?

Yes ~ Maybe ~ No

Sure, I listen to all types of music.

13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Style ~ Music ~ Lyrical Content ~ Artist (ie. looks/life/personality)

Lyrical Content

14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Style ~ Music ~ Lyrical Content ~ Artist (ie. looks/life/personality)


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what!? i dont know the difference between liberal and conservative!

then why post?!

god, go away

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Yup that came to mind as I was filling mine out. My views and decisions to be more involved with politics had less to do with Green Day and more to do with growing up. i'd credit Jon Stewart more for my interest in politics than Green Day, but oh well.

Yep, but that's why I've got question 5 in there as well :)

Thanks everybody by the way...you're all absolutely awesome, and a great help!! Keep 'em coming :) Will post up the results when I've sorted through them all...

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1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?


2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?

I wasn't interested in politics at all, I had no clue about it and so on

but if you need one of these options then I would say Centre

3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?

Very liberal

4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

Very liberal

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?

1 = not at all

2 = a tiny bit

3 = partially

4 = quite a lot

5 = totally

6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?

1 = totally unimportant

2 = not very important

3 = neither important nor unimportant

4 = important

5 = very important

7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?

1 = not at all active, don't vote, wouldn't vote

2 = not very active, might vote but not really bothered

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

4 = active, a bit involved in political protests/parties/activties

5 = very active, actively involved in political protests/parties/activities

8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?

1 = not at all active, don't vote, wouldn't vote

2 = not very active, might vote but not really bothered

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

4 = active, a bit involved in political protests/parties/activties

5 = very active, actively involved in political protests/parties/activities

10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?


11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?


12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?


13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Style ~ Music ~ Lyrical Content ~ Artist (ie. looks/life/personality)

14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Style ~ Music ~ Lyrical Content ~ Artist (ie. looks/life/personality)

I hope I could help you =)

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1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?

5. Durr.

2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?


3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?


4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?


5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?

2 = a tiny bit

6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?

1 = totally unimportant

7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?

3 = neither active nor inactive – would probably vote but not involved beyond that

10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?


11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?


12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?


13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)


14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Style ~ Music ~ Lyrical Content ~ Artist (ie. looks/life/personality)

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1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?


2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?


3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?

Very liberal

4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

Very liberal

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?


6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?


7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?


8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?


10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?


11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?


12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?


13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Content

14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Content

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I hope it's help you :)

1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?


2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?

Very liberal

3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?

Very liberal

4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

Very liberal

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?

1 = not at all

6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?

1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?

2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?

Very liberal ~ Liberal ~ Centre ~ Conservative ~ Very Conservative

3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?

Very liberal ~ Liberal ~ Centre ~ Conservative ~ Very Conservative

4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

Very liberal ~ Liberal ~ Centre ~ Conservative ~ Very Conservative

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?

1 = not at all

2 = a tiny bit

3 = partially

4 = quite a lot

5 = totally

6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?

4 = important

7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?

4 = active, a bit involved in political protests/parties/activties

8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?

2 = not very active, might vote but not really bothered

10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?


11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?


12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?


13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)


14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)


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1. How big a fan are you of Green Day, on a scale of 1-5?


2. Where would you have placed yourself on the political spectrum before becoming a fan of Green Day?


3. Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum now, after having listened to Green Day?


4. Where would you place Green Day on the political spectrum?

Very liberal

5. How much (if at all) has Green Day changed your political perspective?


6. How important are politics to you, on a scale of 1-5?


7. How politically active are you, on a scale from 1-5?


8. How politically active were you before becoming a fan of Green Day, on a scale from 1-5?


10. If Green Day stopped writing political material, would you still listen to them?

Of course!!

11. If Green Day changed their political views dramatically, so they were not in keeping with your own, would you still listen to them?


12. If Green Day changed their musical style dramatically, would you still listen to them?


13. What first (and most) attracted you to Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)


14. What do you like most now about Green Day's material? (Please choose only one!)

Lyrical Content


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