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Pretty good acoustic Green Day covers


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I found a bunch of nice acoustic covers of some of Green Day's older material on YouTube. It's recorded by some guy called Daniel Soxic and apparently he was involved in some sort of Green Day Hoax thing back in 1997 where he, according to himself, without intention managed to fool the world that two of his demos were rare Green Day demo tracks. They were posted on greenday.com and the whole thing spun out of proportion.

Walking Alone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfa18FryB3c

Worry Rock: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiQem9KbQ0I

Pulling Teeth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZUO3cSbhGc

Paper Lanterns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvYG20qDdSo

There's more...

Made pretty good songs of his own too: http://soxicmusic.com/mainpage/?page_id=73

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ahh...so you found them?

i think you are the guy but its just me ;) not bad these covers, i like them :)

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i remember the hoax. it was pretty funny in the sense that it was worry rock with different singing. not much of a trick really.

p.s. your user name is really bad.

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^His username sounds like it's meant to go before your username!

Ha I'd never heard of this hoax thing before. I can imagine it would've pissed me right off if I'd been taken in by it :lol:. The covers are pretty decent.

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No, I'm not the guy, but we are from the same country. Don't know him personally though. I think many who have been fans of Green Day since the early day's and used to visit greenday.net when Jason was running it remembers the "green day hoax". Just google for "green day hoax" and you should find some info.

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He is quite famous actually (or infamous to some). But I don't think the recent fan base knows about him. I like his music a lot though. His covers are exellent and obviously he was blessed with a voice similiar to billie joe. same vocal range, tone and nasal sound. His own music is pretty original though with influences from green day to clash. There is another thread about him here: http://www.greendaycommunity.org/Forum/ind...showtopic=60136

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I was too distracted by the hilarity of your username

(yes hilarity is a word (ga) )

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Lol@your username XD

I don't like covers of Green Day songs, but these ones are not that bad.. :)

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