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Green Day Quotes


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Studies show that lesbians typically ask for extra ketchup on their hamburgers. Coincidence? I think not.

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hm. well i love vag but genuinely hate ketchup. explain that one.

That makes you a poser

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(When asked about which Green Day song he would like his sons to be influenced by)

"Probably a song like "Waiting". I'd say "Waiting" right now, because it's about putting your best foot forward, even if you don't have any idea what's in store for the future, about trying to make a difference in your own life, about having high goals even though you're not fully sure of what you want or where you're going to end up. You just keep moving forward and don't give up. That's good enough for me." - Billie Joe Armstrong.

It's from the interview with Lawrence Livermore in 2001.

I live by those words.

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"My mother was a waitress and

she raised six kids by herself and managed to keep things alive. When I

was, like, 17 and was still living at home, my gig money was going to pay

rent. I knew I didn't want to work like a good steady, Joe Schmo job. I was

a little too out of control to actually have a job. Music was a great thing

for me. When I started getting paid for it, my mom said, `You have to pay

$300 a month to live here.' I said, `Fuck that. I'm gonna go live in a ...

warehouse for $50 a month and spend the rest of my money on Top Ramen.'"- Billie Joe Armstrong

Here's the link :http://web.archive.org/web/19970708023704/www.greenday.net/zine7.html

"A lot of the songs are about meth-amphetamine, in fact," reveals

Billie Joe. "There's also one about a girl leaving home to live in

the city, which is based on my wife, while another about kids waiting

for their parents to die so that they can inherit what they own. Like

everything I write, they deal with boredom, frustration, love, anger,

tits and pussy."


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girl interviewing for fuse: what's the bullwincle tré??

billie: nevermind...!!

tre: i would demostrate but...I-

billie: he would need a volunteer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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"Music to me it's uhh... the air that I breathe, the blood that pumps through my veins, that keeps me alive, y'know? So uhh, without it, I - I dunno what I'd do - I mean, I'd probably have a job or something... people say to me, 'What would you do if you didn't have Green Day?' - Or you know, people say, 'What do you think of people that only talk to you or like you because you're in Green Day?' And I say, 'Well, I AM Green Day. That is me... that is, my life.'

-Billie Joe

"No man can eat 50 eggs" - Tré

"Roll roll roll a joint, twist it at the ends. Light it up, and take a puff, and pass it to your friends." -Tré

All from the BIAB DVD.

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Only on GDC could an innocent topic about quotes slowly turn into a graphic conversation on menstruation. :sick:

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Ha, I say "ya know" way too much as well... "like" "umm" and "uhh" also make frequent appearances, as well as "like uhhh" or "like ummm" or even "like uhhhhhh ya know"

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Oh, another Tre quote, from Bullet in a Bible:


Now if we all had such high self esteem, while at the same time realizing that there's nothing wrong with being an asshole, half the world's problems would be solved. We can learn much from Tre.

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Mike: Why are there no clouds in the sky?!

Tre: 'Cause God wants to watch his favourite band again!

I have to say the quotes the GDCers have come up with so far are better than some on the GDA. :P

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"I think the listener can expect multiple audio orgasms and they're gonna cum out of their earholes. I'm telling you, you won't need Viagra when 'Warning' hits the stands."

(Kerrang, 2000)

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"I think the listener can expect multiple audio orgasms and they're gonna cum out of their earholes. I'm telling you, you won't need Viagra when 'Warning' hits the stands."

(Kerrang, 2000)


Big time lawl.

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I liked the one about the Waiting video

If they had hip hop chicks shaking their asses then It would've gotten airplay or something along those lines

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Guest Billie Joe's Punk

“A guy walks up to me and asks 'What's Punk?'. So I kick over a garbage can and say 'That's punk!'. So he kicks over a garbage can and says 'That's Punk?', and I say 'No that's trendy!” - Billie Joe

“I'm an idiot anyway, but sometimes you feel like an idiot times ten when you're stoned.” -Billie Joe

"I have a daughter and she's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. She gives me a good excuse to watch cartoons.” - Mike Dirnt

“When I was a kid, my influences were just my early friends' punk rock bands and listening to the radio." - Mike Dirnt

“They should legalize pot! Do it! DO IT!” - Tre Cool

“I like Fisher Price music, nursery rhymes, and the alphabet song.” - Tre Cool

“I wish people would turn off their computers, go outside, talk to people, touch people, lick people, enjoy each other's company and smell each other on the rump.” - Tre Cool

Hope none of these are already posted. :happy:

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^ Some of them aren't, but most of them I've already seen in the quote section :)

I like the Tre cool ones :D

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"What's that...up there...is that...no...it's a dick. There's a dick in your monument!" Tre

"I told you! I told you!" Mike

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