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How Would You React If You Met Green Day?


Ever met Green Day?  

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ive always had this situation running through my head...

i somehow meet them whilst wearing my red hi tops, and tre is also wearing his, and i say something like 'hey, nice shoes' and then we swap one shoe.

The likelihood of that happening is..well...im going to go return to my dreaming :lol:

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I'd just act really shy, and do my best to let them know how much they mean to me, without sounding fan-girly.

Then, I'd just try to have a normal-person conversation. Then I'd fail at that.

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When I got on stage, I screamed. A lot. But I don't think I'd do that if I ran into them on the street, haha.

I'd probably get a little flustered because I'd have so much that I'd want to ask or say, but I'd hope that I'd be able to pretty much keep my cool and have a decent conversation!

Although I'd probably pass out when it was all over.

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i thought of it thousand times... so in theory i'd stay quiet thinking of what i'd like to say and how not to do stupid things and then i'd start the conversation, after a while.

in practice - hell knows how i'd react... i'd definitely not be screaming and jumping around them like a small kid cos that's just stupid, they're regular people just like us, i see no reason to freak out...

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Its weird. I react one of two ways when I meet people I feel the strong nervous need to impress and they're both polar opposites. I either:

1. Become really quiet and small.

2. Explode with chatter and crazy antics and just trying to fill the room with my personality.

I think I'd be more like the second one because I don't think they'd make me feel too intimidated and I'm just always like that at Green Day shows. Plus, there's no way I'd pass up the chance to geek out about music with Billie. That'd pretty much make my life.

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I would need some time to assimilate the situation, and then I'll try to talk with them as a normal person about how amazing they are to me if my nervous and my shitty english allow me

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hmmm...if I 'got a meet&greet I would probably give them a gift..

If I got on stage I'd take the change and steal a kiss from every one of them XD :wub:

if I accidentaly met them on the street I'd probably say hi! and wait their reaction and have a chat^^

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i have no idea how i would react

i think that i would try to act as normal and calm as i can and say thank you for all those amazing shows and music they've given us

of course it could also go completely wrong:

- lose my ability to speak

- start talking non-stop

- go hysterical


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I would try to be calm and have a normal conversation with them, but when I'm when back home I would probably totally freak out. I really don't know, I just don't wanna be of those people who are like ' OMGZ BILLY JOE YOU ARE S00 SExY!!'

Oh and I would take a picture with them. Fuck the autograph!

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I'd probably scream so loud they would go deaf....Not really. I'd be speechless. And maybe cry...just a little bit. Although, I'd do everything in my power to hold back my tears of joy. I'm such a teenie. :rolleyes:

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I'd probably try to break the ice with some joke that wouldn't be funny in the least.

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It would be aamzing to meet Green Day. I would probably freeze and I would want them to sign my green converse and take a pic I would probably be scard to ask though and shock and amazed the my dreams came true. I've met bands before and I was kinda shy, but it was never anyone as awesome as Green Day!!! When I met the Used Dan asked my friend and I if we wanted a drum stick and we were just like umm sure.

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I didn't met them, yet.

But if this would happend, I think I'd try to stay as calm as I can.

If I'm able to do that ofcourse. xD

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I know I wouldn't like scream or anything, I would just say Thank you ('cause that's what I really want to say) and then freeze and maybe cry :pinch:

I would totally force myself to say something else and try to look calm... But I'm so so shy.

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My absolute goal would be to get a picture with all 3.

And have a good conversation. (Try to have a good conversation, anyway)

This is cheeky but I would love to kiss Billie. :ninja:

Oh! And autographs. There's pretty much zilch chance of all of that happening aha.

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I can't even imagine what my reaction could be if just seeing them live made me so excited that I couldn't sleep for 5 nights...but let me met them and I'll tell you XD

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maybe, i'd be stoned and would just stare at them!

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i deff froze when i met billie..:P

i froze when i met tre too. but i planned to ask him 3 things-to sign my vest, to take a pic with me and a hug. planning that worked out better :P:thumbsup:

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I've never met them till now but what I can say that there would be 4 things happening in a row.

1. Freeeeeeezeing with open mouthand shocked eyes.

2. Start crying. Yep call me a teeniegirl if you want to but i just let my emotions go and because this band means so much to me,they're my life and my heroes i`'d be overwhelmed to meet them and cry.

3. Thank them for all they've done and tell them my feelings about them. But mostly just thank them.

4. Get hugs, pictures, autographs and if the time's left i wanna sneak a kiss from billie :happy:


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If I managed not to make a complete tit of myself I'd be pleased. And obviously i'd need a picture for proof :D A bit of a chat would be a bonus! But what i'd reallllly want to know is how tall I am compared to Billie :ermm: I've always wondered lol.

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If I were to meet them this is how it would go:

In my head, it would go like this:

Break the ice with a casual joke to ease the tension and briefly talk about how much their music has done for me.

Perhaps ask to snap a photo or two and thank them for everything they do.

Maybe ask for a hug as well.

Thank them so much for being awesome and tell them I'll see them at their next show!

In reality:

I would stand in front of them awkwardly and freeze.

Probably stutter out "You're awesome!"

Stand their nervously some more forgetting everything I ever wanted to say to them

Then I would be too shy to ask for a photo because I am so overwhelmed that I am meeting my heroes.

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If I managed not to make a complete tit of myself I'd be pleased. And obviously i'd need a picture for proof :D A bit of a chat would be a bonus! But what i'd reallllly want to know is how tall I am compared to Billie :ermm: I've always wondered lol.

:lol: thats what i wanna know too :lol: i think he's about 4 cm taller than me XD

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That just would be the best moment of my life. I'd open my eyes so wide and stare at them for a bit, open my mouth wide like: ''OMG is that.. is that all real? :woot: '', freeze and then finally, go talk to them if they have some time, ask for autographs, make a photo with all of them and me, hug them and really just thank them for everything.

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OMG. I just met Billie Joe tonight!!!!! =O Emily's Army played at Chain Reaction here in Anaheim, CA tonight, and I got a text from a friend who works there...and I hung out in the parking lot. She said him and Adie were there.


I didn't recognize him at first. My friend hit me after he walked past me and I went behind him and was like, "Billie!"

He turned around as if he was a random civilian. Didn't even act famous or anything. I was like, "Oh my god, I'm a huge fan of your band. Could I get a quick picture with you?" He was REALLY hesitant, it was obvious he was in a rush and his little bodyguard guy (whoever he was) was rushing him the whole time saying "Dude we gotta go". So Billie was like, "oh...sure..." And my phone took FOREVER to take a picture (I swear, the ONE day I don't carry my SLR with me....FUCK), and I didn't think my friend got it bc she was like, "idk how to get this to work" and the guy was rushing Billie and he was like, "I gotta go, I'm sorry" and right then we got the picture. YAY YAY YAY. I'm on a permanent high right now, it was so quick, it was INSANE. I froze up and even had Warning inside my jacket and a sharpie....completely forgot. XD

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