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Green Day in Kerrangs Albums for 2009


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Just got the new issue of Kerrang, it gives the albums for 2009 of course green day is listed it basically says the same as all the others with the addiction of "With the album due for release before the summer festival season, keep fingers crossed for a mighty tour later in the year" and underneath its adds the info "Title:tbc Due:April"

So hopefully april release date is comfirmed.

Scan of the article: http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll260/d...degy/img102.jpg

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should we count on it finally?

Yeah.. I hope so! April isn't so far away, so if it IS true.. OMG, that would we so awesome!! :D

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^ I hope (:

Shouldn't this be posted in the news section or something? at least as it is true info ^^

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a mod will move it if its in the wrong place, i didnt know where to put it so it landed here

Oh, okay :)

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Thank you for the scan :D

april wouldn't fit the theory with the radio and the date :D

But nice shot;)

Why not? They said something like march, right? This would be only a month later! (:

I just hope the album will come out before summer.. so spring 2009

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I would like to know what the new album will be called....

you... and everyone else on the forum

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