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Green Day US Election Message


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Just a teeny bit pushy ey.

If the average person can put a campaign sign in his lawn or a sticker on his car, Green Day can use their microphone to announce to the whole world.

I don't see why there is any obligation for a band to show a single bit of neutrality.

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If I were a rock star and someone told me my position as someone who is listened to meant I shouldn't endorse a candidate I supported, I would tell them to fuck off pretty fast.

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They can do what they like. Free speech, after all. Plus, if you take your political inclination from a band then you probably shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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Yeah just because they are musicians it doesn't mean that they can't voice their opinions. It's obviously something they feel very strongly about and if they want to talk about it, they are entitled to do so. I recall reading posts a few months ago saying that the band have been too quiet about this upcoming election and that they are being hypocritical for not speaking out about it. Now we have people giving off because they are discussing it. I feel sorry for the band sometimes, they have a lot of cynical fans :lol:

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yeah, no.

i agree with the encourage people to vote thing, but them saying they strongly support Barack Obama is influencing other peoples' opinions.


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Exactly. Sheep are sheep and can't be turned into anything other than sheep. We might as well use the sheep out there to get something done.

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I couldn't care less if they tell people who they're going to vote for. But it all sounds a bit "If you're a Green Day fan, you'll vote for Obama" to me.

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I couldn't care less if they tell people who they're going to vote for. But it all sounds a bit "If you're a Green Day fan, you'll vote for Obama" to me.

Like I said, you have fucking church pastors saying "If you don't want to burn in hell forever than vote for McCain".

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Did I say there wasn't? No.

Well people are going to say what they're going to say.

I am sick of looking out for stupid people. Really fucking sick of it. If someone is dumb enough to mindlessly obey an authority, too damn bad.

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I am sick of looking out for stupid people. Really fucking sick of it. If someone is dumb enough to mindlessly obey an authority, too damn bad.

Sometimes I just think that too, like: Let them go to hell, if they are too stupid to think for themselves. I find it espescially annoying, if they attack you out of "fear of the unknown", like: I don`t understand what you`re talking about, that scares me - you must be a freak.

But we cannot let stupid people go to hell because they are too many and they will take us all with them. And if you`re smarter than the rest, you have an obligation to care for them. Not by telling them what to do, but by supporting them to find out for themselves.

In the meantime, I mean until everyone is well educated and open minded, exceptions might be made in times of crisis, which is why I think it is totally ok, if Green Day is openly supporting Obama.

And I found it very interesting, that Billie Joe said recently, he would vote for Obama, but that he is sceptical about people acting like Obama was the Second Coming. He was only a politician, not a revelation or so. I don`t remember where I read this, it might have been on GDC.

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No, there are no sides... Sheep are sheep and will follow anyone at any given time

What I mean is there's uninformed sheep who will vote for Obama, and also uninformed sheep who will vote for McCain. Both candidates will inevitably receive some of their votes from sheep, so it evens out.

I don't see why there is any obligation for a band to show a single bit of neutrality.

Exactly, me neither. Apparently that's the rule now, if you're in a band you're not allowed an opinion!

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Exactly, me neither. Apparently that's the rule now, if you're in a band you're not allowed an opinion!

Golly, I regret saying anything now. Seems there is no such thing as an opinion anymore.Sorry I stated mine. I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

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Exactly, me neither. Apparently that's the rule now, if you're in a band you're not allowed an opinion!

I don't know who said that, but I said over and over that this was 100% ok for them to do

Golly, I regret saying anything now. Seems there is no such thing as an opinion anymore.Sorry I stated mine. I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

You're not a 16 year old who supports Obama, you don't belong :mad:

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There's nothing hypocritical about the members of Green Day stating they support Obama. They're all about standing up and saying what you think, expressing yourself - they always have been. Well, that's exactly what they've done, simply stated what they think. And then encouraged others to consider what they think instead of being apathetic.

It would've been more hypocritical if they didn't stand up and say their opinion.

It's a totally indirect correlation. Green Day are a somewhat liberal band, they have a liberal message in their lyrics. Therefore of course more liberal people are going to be attracted to their music and become fans, so a higher percentage of their fans would be democratic supporters. That's not because Green Day have said they're democrats and people are following blindly, it's because the kind of people who have those beliefs are also the kind of people who would like Green Day.

Of course there will always be a few idiots who will follow a bands politics blindly, but that's a tiny percentage as most will be too young to vote. Also, it's always been trendy and 'cool' to support a democrat rather than a republican. So those who vote on that silly basis would be voting for Obama anyway, even if Green Day didn't exist.

In fact, none of this even matters, because Green Day can do what they want just like anyone else! If that influences people, tough luck, it's up to them.

You're exactly right and they are a somewhat liberal band, with the message being liberal for one they are from "California" a democratic state. So of course they would be more leaned toward the democratic point of things. You are exactly right about that Hermione I have been trying to say that to people for month's now about this issue.

I think that a person shouldn't be influenced by a band they should look up the issues of each politician and see what they agree with and who they want to run this country. That is what I did because generally I am in the middle of republican/democrat all the time. But this year I am more democrat than republican because of the [i[issues that I agree with. And are more democrat. You see more people democrats on here because of what Hermione just explained. And I've seen a few republican's on here. Not everyone is a democrat on here.

I think it's great that they're encouraging young people to get informed about politics, and that's much more important than worrying about being 'biased'.

Exactly, the important thing they were trying to get across was to vote and get informed about politic's and who you want to support. It is ok to put in thier opinion but I don't think that would sway a lot of people. And at this point don't you think most of the people who will vote know who they are going to vote for anyway. If they know about the issues a band is not going to sway thier opinion. Plus we all know that they support Obama anyways. It is not much of a shock. But I wouldn't like it to say only Obama is important if I was a McCain supporter so I can see that side a bit.

Are you seriously willing to say that there's absolutely no correlation between the band's stance 4 years ago and this forum's consensus political view?

If you think of it this way. Which places have more McCain supporter's. Country rural state's and populations. Which are generally only vote Republican always. Which states are democratic state's. Those urban state's with at least one huge city for them and a higher population. There is a correlation there. Like there are probably more people on here from California than like my state Kentucky. Because California has a vast population and are liberal. Here they aren't so much. Most urban people would like Green Day's music than like my state which is kind of country around where I live would like country music. Those who are urban are most likely "democrat" and most people here are probably from a state that has a big city there not like Kentucky which has Lexington and Louisville. There is kind of a similarity there. Republican's tend to like more subtle and not out there music while democrat's like more urban music.

And like I said about a dozen times before, this isn't about anyone 18 or older who's voting next week... This is about young kids who DO get swayed and influenced easily by such things as this. These things do stick with them and I really find it no surprise that everyone here is crazy about Obama. you can deny it all you want, but there are a lot of "sheep" in this world, some of which frequent these forums.

I agree, some people would be swayed by the view's of Green Day. Those people aren't even mature enough to vote and are what 12, that is normal. There is no way in hell I would follow like sheep to the majorities views. In my state everyone just love's McCain and I get bitched out a bit for supporting Obama. I defy acting like a sheep in those situation's and I debate my view's on the candidateship and the issues.

Probably more of a correlation with why Gibsons are more popular than Fenders than politics. Teenagers are more naturally liberal.

I agree definitly. That is just how they are.

If the average person can put a campaign sign in his lawn or a sticker on his car, Green Day can use their microphone to announce to the whole world.

I don't see why there is any obligation for a band to show a single bit of neutrality.

I agree, it is completly ok to voice your opinion just like it is ok to debate with someone with different view's as your's. Just that you are not saying they are stupid if they disagree but they have good points for thie position. Everyone these days are putting out thier views on the election and it is completly ok. They have the right to free speach and they can express it out they like.

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Golly, I regret saying anything now. Seems there is no such thing as an opinion anymore.Sorry I stated mine. I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

Hey, I never said you can't have an opinion, it's just a bit of friendly debate. The whole point of threads is to discuss and debate things, not for everyone to just say their opinion and be done with it - that would be pretty boring and pointless. We happen to disagree, that's all, no need to take it personally.

For the record when I said that I wasn't talking about you. I was saying I disagree with the idea that bands shouldn't express their political view, because it genuinely surprised me that some people would think that. I didn't expect such an innocuous message from Green Day to be so controversial :lol:. It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.

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US election and Green Day AGAIN

A little off topic here, but am i the only one who's thinking they put out an album when it's around a new election?

i mean...yea 2009, close enough. pattern?

like a pavlov response in some way...idk. it just popped into my head when scanning the thread i guess.

forget it :rolleyes:

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I dont live in the US, but my parents wanted to vote for Clinton.......They think she's a bitch but she's a WOMAN. :ermm:

I don't know about them, but I'd vote for Obama. :D

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If I were a rock star and someone told me my position as someone who is listened to meant I shouldn't endorse a candidate I supported, I would tell them to fuck off pretty fast.


and i like obama too

half because info, half because gd

too bad can't vote in the US

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A little off topic here, but am i the only one who's thinking they put out an album when it's around a new election?

i mean...yea 2009, close enough. pattern?

like a pavlov response in some way...idk. it just popped into my head when scanning the thread i guess.

forget it :rolleyes:

they wont release the album cuz of the election they did it before. and they never repeat it AGAIN

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And I found it very interesting, that Billie Joe said recently, he would vote for Obama, but that he is sceptical about people acting like Obama was the Second Coming. He was only a politician, not a revelation or so. I don`t remember where I read this, it might have been on GDC.

I found the quote: He said, Obama was not Magic Man.


There are this quote and others related in the GDA news archive, July, 3 rd, 08.

I like, that he is questioning the personality cult thing. I am not that deep into the subject, but I sometimes get the impression, that there is somewhat like hysteria going on about that Obama guy. And I am always sceptical about important political desicions being mixed up with too much emotion.

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I found the quote: He said, Obama was not Magic Man.


There are this quote and others related in the GDA news archive, July, 3 rd, 08.

I like, that he is questioning the personality cult thing. I am not that deep into the subject, but I sometimes get the impression, that there is somewhat like hysteria going on about that Obama guy. And I am always sceptical about important political desicions being mixed up with too much emotion.

I'm starting to think that it's becoming like a sporting event for some people

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