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Green Day US Election Message


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There's nothing hypocritical about the members of Green Day stating they support Obama. They're all about standing up and saying what you think, expressing yourself - they always have been. Well, that's exactly what they've done, simply stated what they think. And then encouraged others to consider what they think instead of being apathetic.

It would've been more hypocritical if they didn't stand up and say their opinion.

Like I had said earlier, these types of things affect future generations of voters

There is a pretty indirect correlation between the consensus political view here and Green Day's "campaigning" in 2004. If that isn't sheep-like, I don't know what is.

It's a totally indirect correlation. Green Day are a somewhat liberal band, they have a liberal message in their lyrics. Therefore of course more liberal people are going to be attracted to their music and become fans, so a higher percentage of their fans would be democratic supporters. That's not because Green Day have said they're democrats and people are following blindly, it's because the kind of people who have those beliefs are also the kind of people who would like Green Day.

Of course there will always be a few idiots who will follow a bands politics blindly, but that's a tiny percentage as most will be too young to vote. Also, it's always been trendy and 'cool' to support a democrat rather than a republican. So those who vote on that silly basis would be voting for Obama anyway, even if Green Day didn't exist.

In fact, none of this even matters, because Green Day can do what they want just like anyone else! If that influences people, tough luck, it's up to them.

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I can vote either. However general elections in UK next year and if i'm 18 when they happen then I am voting Conservative. Even though the tories now look a lot more like liberals now (moi) than they did in the 80's with thatcher who basically saved the UK's economy. As for the US if i could vote then it would be Macain. If Obama becomes president (which he probably will) then I hope he'll revive the special relationship with the UK.

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yeah, no.

i agree with the encourage people to vote thing, but them saying they strongly support Barack Obama is influencing other peoples' opinions.

I agree with you completely! Its enough to encourage people to vote, not influence WHO they vote for.

How is it?

"Green Day like Barack Obama so that means I do too and will obviously vote for him"

Come on.

Alot of uninformed people will

If someone goes out and votes for Obama just becuase Green Day made that statement, they have a whole bunch of other problems, as well. So, yeah I don't see whats wrong with it.

well sadly it is true

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How is it?

"Green Day like Barack Obama so that means I do too and will obviously vote for him"

Come on.

:lol: I think that only goes with some teenagers and as they're not allowed to vote, no p. I dont think there is any 25 yrs old that will vote Obama only because GD said so.

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I would hope that the Americans vote for Obama, McCain and Paline are a joke, even to the outside world.... seems like a repeat of Bush .. and what a great President he turned out to be

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1) They have the right to their opinion just like anyone else.

2) At this point I don't give a shit, if people vote for Obama just because Green Day is then fine, they're retarded, but at least they're not voting for McCain.

That's exactly my opinion!

To me, there's nothing wrong with convincing others, everyone can try it, as long as he doesn't use violence.

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I don't see why Green Day shouldn't come out and say who they're supporting - its no suprise to anyone they're backing Obama . Other musicians giive thier support to candidates and speak openly about it.

No-one is being told what to think just to think, decide and vote. Most Green Day fans are likely to vote for Obama anyway so they're not changing anyone's vote, just making sure Obama doesn't lose through voter apathy.

Yes, some will vote for Obama because Green Day are doing but that maybe because they agree with Green Day's point of view on other issues.. Some people follow a band not just for the music but because they agree with their views on life and how they see the world, so if they can't be bothered to work things out for themselves they will look to Green Day and think that because they generally support Green Day's opinion then they must be right on this. Yes, its lazy but it saves them reading and making their own choice. (Most fans who think that way would be below the voting age anyway!)

At the end of the day if it increases the Obama vote then its a job well done.

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I'm pretty much on the same page with everyone else. They should say what they're going to say and if their position as a band helps them say it louder than good for them.

I would hope they would do something like speaking out against proposition #8 in California too, though I don't think they will, but it would be nice to hear.

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Alot of uninformed people will

So they shouldn't be allowed to state their opinion just because a few ignorant people will take it the wrong way? It's not Green Day's responsiblity to babysit those people. They have the right to say what they think just like you or me, and it's not exactly Green Day's style to keep their mouths shut when it comes to something so important :D - just look at American Idiot!

I think it's great that they're encouraging young people to get informed about politics, and that's much more important than worrying about being 'biased'.

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There's nothing hypocritical about the members of Green Day stating they support Obama. They're all about standing up and saying what you think, expressing yourself - they always have been. Well, that's exactly what they've done, simply stated what they think. And then encouraged others to consider what they think instead of being apathetic.

It would've been more hypocritical if they didn't stand up and say their opinion.

It's a totally indirect correlation. Green Day are a somewhat liberal band, they have a liberal message in their lyrics. Therefore of course more liberal people are going to be attracted to their music and become fans, so a higher percentage of their fans would be democratic supporters. That's not because Green Day have said they're democrats and people are following blindly, it's because the kind of people who have those beliefs are also the kind of people who would like Green Day.

Of course there will always be a few idiots who will follow a bands politics blindly, but that's a tiny percentage as most will be too young to vote. Also, it's always been trendy and 'cool' to support a democrat rather than a republican. So those who vote on that silly basis would be voting for Obama anyway, even if Green Day didn't exist.

In fact, none of this even matters, because Green Day can do what they want just like anyone else! If that influences people, tough luck, it's up to them.

Are you seriously willing to say that there's absolutely no correlation between the band's stance 4 years ago and this forum's consensus political view?

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Are you seriously willing to say that there's absolutely no correlation between the band's stance 4 years ago and this forum's consensus political view?

I honestly don't think anyone of voting age here would've voted for McCain, but is now voting for Obama solely because of Green Day. The vast, vast majority would've been inclined towards Obama anyway. I really don't think Green Day hold much sway in this election :lol:, they're mostly preaching to the converted. The only real difference they might make is a few people who wouldn't have voted may now bother to do so.

My main point is, I think their right to express their views far, far overrides any responsibilty they might have to guard against stupid people misinterpreting what they say. It's not their problem.

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I honestly don't think anyone of voting age here would've voted for McCain, but is now voting for Obama solely because of Green Day. The vast, vast majority would've been inclined towards Obama anyway. I really don't think Green Day hold much sway in this election :lol:, they're mostly preaching to the converted. The only real difference they might make is a few people who wouldn't have voted may now bother to do so.

My main point is, I think their right to express their views far, far overrides any responsibilty they might have to guard against stupid people misinterpreting what they say. It's not their problem.

I think you underestimate the stupidity of our country

And like I said about a dozen times before, this isn't about anyone 18 or older who's voting next week... This is about young kids who DO get swayed and influenced easily by such things as this. These things do stick with them and I really find it no surprise that everyone here is crazy about Obama. you can deny it all you want, but there are a lot of "sheep" in this world, some of which frequent these forums.

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^There's sheep on both sides though, and a million other things for them to follow - Green Day is just one of them. What's the solution, for everyone in the public eye to remain totally unbiased at all times and never express their opinion? I think that would be worse than a few sheep.

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I honestly don't think anyone of voting age here would've voted for McCain, but is now voting for Obama solely because of Green Day. The vast, vast majority would've been inclined towards Obama anyway. I really don't think Green Day hold much sway in this election :lol:, they're mostly preaching to the converted. The only real difference they might make is a few people who wouldn't have voted may now bother to do so.

My main point is, I think their right to express their views far, far overrides any responsibilty they might have to guard against stupid people misinterpreting what they say. It's not their problem.

If people are dumb enough to base their vote on what a band, a celebrity, a tv show or radio show says then they are the idiots. They should be informed and make their own decisions. Its ashame how many people don't tho.

I think celebrities should stick to their jobs and leave politics out of it, but it is their right to do what they want. Isn't that what America is all about?

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The most we hear from them in months and it's about the election :rolleyes:

It doesn't apply to me anyway because I don't live in America.

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Alot of uninformed people will

A lot of uninformed people vote based on how their church tells them to do. At least no one fears divine retribution if they disappoint their favorite band.

Are you seriously willing to say that there's absolutely no correlation between the band's stance 4 years ago and this forum's consensus political view?

Probably more of a correlation with why Gibsons are more popular than Fenders than politics. Teenagers are more naturally liberal.

I think you underestimate the stupidity of our country

And like I said about a dozen times before, this isn't about anyone 18 or older who's voting next week... This is about young kids who DO get swayed and influenced easily by such things as this. These things do stick with them and I really find it no surprise that everyone here is crazy about Obama. you can deny it all you want, but there are a lot of "sheep" in this world, some of which frequent these forums.

I wish stupid people wouldn't vote at all. But some do.

For example, when I'm handing out "No on prop 2" fliers for the rest of this week and a few people vote no just because they liked my fliers, all the better for my cause. I'd rather people vote no because it's the obvious thing for an educated person to do, but if my cause is advanced then I won't bitch.

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^There's sheep on both sides though, and a million other things for them to follow - Green Day is just one of them. What's the solution, for everyone in the public eye to remain totally unbiased at all times and never express their opinion? I think that would be worse than a few sheep.

No, there are no sides... Sheep are sheep and will follow anyone at any given time

Probably more of a correlation with why Gibsons are more popular than Fenders than politics. Teenagers are more naturally liberal.

I agree. It's like that quote "You're born a liberal and die a conservative" (Don't know the exact words and can't find it either)

I wish stupid people wouldn't vote at all. But some do.

For example, when I'm handing out "No on prop 2" fliers for the rest of this week and a few people vote no just because they liked my fliers, all the better for my cause. I'd rather people vote no because it's the obvious thing for an educated person to do, but if my cause is advanced then I won't bitch.

Yeah man, that's cool. I never said there was anything wrong with Green Day campaigning. It's 100% ok IMO, and it's a free country. The goal in campaigning IS to sway others' opinions in your favor. I just found what Green Day did was a tad hypocritical.

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Sorry but what happened to freedom of speech? If GD say they want to vote for Obama then fine. I love GD but I don't support Obama. Also people who just follow bands in politics in that way usually aren't old enough to vote anyways then they realise they have to make their own mark in the world.

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If anybody is influenced by this and this alone, then they deserve to be slapped.

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I don't really get the point why it was a mistake to tell us they're supporting Obama. This is something we already knew... I mean, it was clear that they wouldn't vote for McCain, because he's like Bush in some ways... so what's the problem? And I don't think, they influence people... those who could be so influenced that they would vote for Obama, just because GD also does are too young to vote anyways... and the ones who are old enough have their own opinion, i guess. and btw... and think there's hardly any GD fan who would vote for McCain and other people probably won't read the message :wink:

well, i'm quite interested in politics, it's one of my main subjects in school... but even if you're not, try to inform yourself and go voting... cause you can't change anything by just saying "all politicians are the same... they're all assholes, so i don't vote" maybe they are, but then you have to choose the one who's the nicest asshole :wink: and if they were all the same, there wouldn't be elections...so^^

and btw... i think in germany it would be an obvious victory for Obama :happy:

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They have every right to mention whom they support. The idiots that are influenced by Green Day or any other famous group/celebrity have no right to vote, however.

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