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Filter Green Day topics


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i dont see this "top" button next to every post Dai.

and unrelated, i also didnt see that "report" button next to the posts that andres mentioned either.

i must have a messed up computer or something

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You gotta be shitting me.

Nope. I just believe in robust user-friendliness. Just like the little form is down at the bottom with the Go button that I often use to return to Green Day/General Chat (even though it's also in the breadcrumbs at the top), it would be nice if the Green Day Topics was accessible from down there, too.

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i dont see this "top" button next to every post Dai.

and unrelated, i also didnt see that "report" button next to the posts that andres mentioned either.

i must have a messed up computer or something


Nope. I just believe in robust user-friendliness. Just like the little form is down at the bottom with the Go button that I often use to return to Green Day/General Chat (even though it's also in the breadcrumbs at the top), it would be nice if the Green Day Topics was accessible from down there, too.

It's too fucking clicks, don't be lazy.

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It's too fucking clicks, don't be lazy.

I said in my original request that I'm lazy; however, I don't really think it's of major importance - if it never happens, I'll be too lazy to complain about it - but I still think it's a good idea.

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Nope. I just believe in robust user-friendliness. Just like the little form is down at the bottom with the Go button that I often use to return to Green Day/General Chat (even though it's also in the breadcrumbs at the top), it would be nice if the Green Day Topics was accessible from down there, too.

I've added it to the bottom left. Same bar where the drop down menu is, just on the left side. Does that work?

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I've added it to the bottom left. Same bar where the drop down menu is, just on the left side. Does that work?

No, it's annoying there.

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LOL stop being lazy and just click one of the TOP buttons and click the link at the top

It's kind of weird being at the bottom

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Nice one, I like the Green Day topics button being down there. It makes it much easier.

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^ :lol::lol::lol:

I don't get what is so difficult about it. I know. Maybe we need a remote control for it Andres' so we don't have to move

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Huge fan of the filtering - thanks so much! :wub:

And I'm all for user-friendliness, too. So, thanks for listening, Andres.

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well it works for me. it better help or else you wasted your time and i don't want that :D

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I've added it to the bottom left. Same bar where the drop down menu is, just on the left side. Does that work?

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

It's lovely, and I just found a new benefit. I am on my lunch hour and accessing my home PC from work. The response is super slow, so when I was doing the two click thing, I had to wait forever for the page to load back to showing the top - then I had to wait forever again for the Green Day Topics filter to be applied and return results. So, people who have slow connections on a regular basis should really appreciate only having to wait forever once :D

I love it, so thanks again, Andres!

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How the hell would i make it look better. It's a link...

Make the link all cool like the block link things at the top for the light skin

I don't care about the dumb red and black skin

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Make the link all cool like the block link things at the top for the light skin

I don't care about the dumb red and black skin

I second this notion.

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How the hell would i make it look better. It's a link...


or put some little hearts at the top of the i's :wub:

EDIT: nevermind, there aren't any i's :/

but seriously what about the warning logo?? (like the ones you had a while in the top link for "green day topics" )

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I can't believe most of this page has been fussing about where the gd topic button is :lol:

What I wanna know is why there are so many GD topics closed in that section, like songs you listen to the most/least and such as that. Why are they all closed? Just wondering.

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^I'm wondering the same thing. I like a lot of those threads, some of them contain some really interesting discussion about the band that isn't found in other threads, and they're not old either. Can't understand why they're closed.

Lets face it there's plenty of much more pointless non-Green Day threads open!

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Looks like when a mod chose those theads to be picked as Green Day topics, they also accidentally closed them. I'm re-opening them.

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Looks like it was a problem with one of the skins, i must not have properly set something to mark those threads correctly. I've re-opened those threads, and will look into the problem.

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