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Songs that sound like Green Day


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This Alkaline Trio song started playing on my iPod today and the music really reminded me of Green Day. With Billie Joe singing, it really seemed like something that could have been on Dookie or Insomniac.

You can hear it on lala.com (first result)


What songs do you know of that you think could be Green day songs based off the music? (Search a post a link to listen to the song from either lala.com or last.fm so everyone can hear)

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Sum 41

actually they don't

Not looking for entire bands, but specific songs. I don't know if i really hear too many sum 41 songs and think "this could be Green Day"

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Not looking for entire bands, but specific songs. I don't know if i really hear too many sum 41 songs and think "this could be Green Day"

Me neither for the most part, although She's A Rebel does sound uncannily like Motivation by Sum 41.

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Blink 182-What's My Age Again? I think I read that the chords in that song are basically the same to Basketcase.

I might get stick for posting this but here goes;

Yes, it's McFly but I think this song sounds kinda American Idiot-esque. It's still a pop song but I can imagine Billie Joe singing the verses in particular.

Underclass Hero by Sum41 also reminds me of a Green Day song in parts, especially when it goes ''May I pledge your allegiance please...'

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^ The chords in What's My Age Again? are similar to When I Come Around, not Basket Case.

There's this song called One of My Lies that has the same arrangement as Basket Case however. :rolleyes:

Since my last post I've been watching new Silverchair videos and wishing it had been Chris (the bass player) who came out of the closet instead of Daniel... as if I'd have a chance with either, but a girl can dream...

Daniel's gone all Freddie Mercury on us now too. LOL Chris is effing hot. He looks like Alexandre Despatie (Canadian diver).

...I need to go now.... :whistling:

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Blink 182-What's My Age Again? I think I read that the chords in that song are basically the same to Basketcase.

I might get stick for posting this but here goes;

Yes, it's McFly but I think this song sounds kinda American Idiot-esque. It's still a pop song but I can imagine Billie Joe singing the verses in particular.

Underclass Hero by Sum41 also reminds me of a Green Day song in parts, especially when it goes ''May I pledge your allegiance please...'


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I have to correct myself... apparantly Daniel Johns isn't gay. I guess those were just rumours I heard before. Good thing I found out before I ended up back stage at a "chair" concert and throwing myself at him.

Who am I kidding? I'll do it anyway.

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:lol: Yeah he was married to Natalie Imbruglia. Maybe they spilt up because of his confused sexuality? You never know.....
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:lol: Yeah he was married to Natalie Imbruglia. Maybe they spilt up because of his confused sexuality? You never know.....

The rumours really started when they split, and I've just been reading that the rumours really put Daniel through hell, so I kinda feel like an ass for believing what I read. Not that I was spreading it like herpes or anything, but I should have done more research before believing something about his personal life.

Gang, when I'm famous, please don't believe everything you hear. A lot of it will be true, but you don't know what's true and what's not, so... you know... just don't believe any of it. kthx

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I have to correct myself... apparantly Daniel Johns isn't gay. I guess those were just rumours I heard before. Good thing I found out before I ended up back stage at a "chair" concert and throwing myself at him.

Who am I kidding? I'll do it anyway.

Lol he tried to crack onto my dads friends son.

he was like flirting with him and then the son goes can i getmy girlfriend and dan says yes and when he went back with his girldfriend daniel was gne.

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Lol he tried to crack onto my dads friends son.

he was like flirting with him and then the son goes can i getmy girlfriend and dan says yes and when he went back with his girldfriend daniel was gne.

I didn't understand a word of that... :huh:

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Yeah, it's played/strummed very similarly, but the chords of course are different.

the thing I love about Brain Stew... it's a hit song that has NO CHORUS! LOL

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