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Green Day and the 2008 US Elections


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When Green Day put out American Idiot they were all over the media protesting against the Bush government and trying to not get him re-elected. They even sort of supported John Kerry, I remember on the David Letterman show.

So, in this elections, where some people consider John McCain to be Bush3, do you think Green Day should be saying something about it? Like their thoughts on both candidates? Cuz they were so outspoken during American Idiot and now they're not getting involved anymore, as if it was just an album merchandise act, since the album criticized the government. We all know they support the Democrats(or at least the current democrat candidate), but the only proof that Billie Joe is really supporting Barack Obama (not that I would think otherwise) were 2 very sloppy pictures, one sort of paparazzi-ish and one with an old Asian couple.

So what are your opinions on this? Should they be speaking out about this election? Did they do enough in American Idiot? Was it only a phase? Was it only against Bush? Put in your thoughts about it, I think it's a very cool thing to discuss.

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I think the timing of American Idiot worked for them. I don't think they planned to release the album around the election time to try and sway votes. I think this time around it just happens that they're still working on stuff and aren't out advocating much for that reason.

I'd like for them to be more outspoken about getting young people to register. I don't really wanna see them out there campaigning for Obama.

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I'd like for them to be more outspoken about getting young people to register. I don't really wanna see them out there campaigning for Obama.

Andres you know as well as I do that in 2004 when bands were hoping young people would vote, *for Kerry* was undoubtedly implied. If they were doing an album around this time, or were touring as Green Day, I'm sure they would endorse Obama anyway.

Billie Joe is actually a registered Libertarian...

LOL@ the thought of Billie Joe endorsing Bob Barr. I really love to give 3rd parties a fair shake, but Bob Barr is the most awful libertarian candidate ever.

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Sanah is right :cool:


anyway, i was thinking a bit on something along the lines of this eariler today.

with all the "economy going down the tube" and another political campaign these past few months, i dont know if Green Day will have used any of this in their writings.

i know what i just said is probably unrelated to the topic, but i remember reading a few years ago that they want to keep writing on current issues (be it their own or the county/world as a whole).

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Billie Joe is actually a registered Libertarian...

Oh, I meant as if in they support Democrats or Republicans.

Ok, I edited the first post.

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I have no problem with them endorsing Obama. I'd just rather not seem them at any sort of campaign events or putting out videos saying why they support Obama.

I wouldn't mind if they came out and stated their own reasons for supporting him and issues they have with him - but i don't want to see them acting like Bruce Springsteen opening up shows for him.

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haha No, not this time.

This time they should butt out, granted that AI was an amazing record against

the political system then (and still makes sound points now) I think this year

they're better off if they just stay out.

I mean they can endorse whoever they want but leave it at that.

They've said all that they can last election year, there really isn't much

new this time around.

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Guest TwoDollarMellie

I think they were already outspoken enough about it 4 years ago.

I think it's good when a band does say something about it, but when they kinda go over the top, it gets a little annoying.

I mean, how many times can you listen to "FUCK BUSH", "THIS SONG IS FOR ALL THE FUCKING POLITICIANS", "MY NAME IS ASSHOLE (referring to Bush)" without getting a bit annoyed?

I prefer how they are right now; speaking out, but not too much.

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haha No, not this time.

This time they should butt out, granted that AI was an amazing record against

the political system then (and still makes sound points now) I think this year

they're better off if they just stay out.

I mean they can endorse whoever they want but leave it at that.

They've said all that they can last election year, there really isn't much

new this time around.

So are you saying that they would sound Redundant and that American Idiot already says it all, and since it's they're last album it's their "last opinion" out in the media so everybody already knows what they think?

I prefer how they are right now; speaking out, but not too much.

How are they speaking out about it right now? :blink:

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So are you saying that they would sound Redundant and that American Idiot already says it all, and since it's they're last album it's their "last opinion" out in the media so everybody already knows what they think?

Basicly, next time election time rools around then they can open their

mouths :)

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I think they should shut the f up and play music. I dont give two shits who they support or dont support. I certainly don't go looking for my political knowledge from musicians.

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I think that if Green Day came out again and encouraged people to get active in the elections that would be great. They have the power to, so why not do it?

I don't totally think they should push a candidate or anything.

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I think they should shut the f up and play music. I dont give two shits who they support or dont support. I certainly don't go looking for my political knowledge from musicians.

Thats why i said i think they should encourage young people to get out and vote. That's a cause that doesn't need to be to promote any candidate.

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Keep away from the whole politics gimmick this time. It got really boring. Every time the band had an interview about American Idiot been politically motivated they repeated the same old crap over and over again. They should just do the same approach they did on the pop disaster tour.

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I think the timing of American Idiot worked for them. I don't think they planned to release the album around the election time to try and sway votes. I think this time around it just happens that they're still working on stuff and aren't out advocating much for that reason.

I'd like for them to be more outspoken about getting young people to register. I don't really wanna see them out there campaigning for Obama.

Yeah, I don't necessarily want them campaigning for Obama, either. I mean, I think (this is just my opinion) bands and/or public figures have more sway if they stay kinda neutral, and not be such loudmouths about it. Like trying to get kids out there to vote, for whomever they choose, as long as they're voting. If you so publicly support one candidate over the other, you're not reaching the other side, and I think it's important for EVERYONE to vote, ya know? Even if they don't agree w/ me. It might even encourage people to become more informed. If they're 1st time voters, maybe it will cause them to pay more attention since 'Green Day' is paying attention, or whoever. I dunno. Nothing wrong w/ being a celebrity and supporting whomever you choose, and not being ashamed of it or shy about it, but being pushy seriously alienates people..... Encourage people to inform themselves and not be puppets, make their own decisions.. I like that.

I think they should shut the f up and play music. I dont give two shits who they support or dont support. I certainly don't go looking for my political knowledge from musicians.

Yeah, I don't necessarily look to musicians for political knowledge or anything, but a lot of people do. They're public figures, and a lot of people look up to them. I know some of the things I've read in interviews and such that they've said have encouraged people to make up their own minds, and that's an opinion I can definitely get behind. But the truth is, a lot of kids look up to them. They have a tremendous power to do good, and so far, I think they mostly have. But that decision is ultimately up to whoever is making it, and if they're so easily led into whatever someone is saying, I hope they listen to someone positive.

Edit-I mean the people listening to GD or other public figures, to listen to someone positive.

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Billie Joe is actually a registered Libertarian...

Is he really? I thought I remembered someone saying that it wasn't true.

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i seriously could not give a shit.

there musicians, they should be playing and creating music, not endorsing a political candidate.

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^ agree. although AI was a great album, too much of anything cannot be good for you/them/the public in general. Besides what fun would if be if one of your favorite bands was shoving a candidate down your throat?

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I don't really care, but I'd rather they stayed away from politics.

aha, the same here. they should talk more about existence and philosophy as long as their music style let them though.

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