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Your plans for the next Green Day tour...


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They better come to Scandinavia. On their last tour I went to see them in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. I'll go to as many shows as I can. :)

I'm gonna go see them in England for sure. Even if they do come to Norway.

You'll probably go to London then. I'm so going to stalk you.

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I preferably want to see them at manchester as its easier for me to get to, but also willing to go to birmingham if i have too. Or wherever they are thats nearest to me, unfortunately i cant afford to go to all of them!

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I'll go and see them if they come close to my area. But I won't be able to afford travelling abroad just to see them that's for sure.

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if they come anyway near me i will see them

even if i have to walk

and if i can't get tickets for a show within England

i might if get on a plane which is a big deal for me cause i have never been on one before

and i had a panic attack on the train that goes up mount snowdon so me surviving the take off and the actual flight would be a minor miracle

but i will if i know a green day concert is on the other end

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am on gig 24, yet to meet the guys. but now am older wiser more money, less out goings, ready to get my gig on!

*Dan Lunges to get stretched and prepared for gigs*

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I'm, hopefully, gonna see them at least twice.. That's the plan... Around here, where I live, somewhere, and in Houston. but that might no happen... but it might! lol I'm at least seeing them near where I live. The closest they'll probably come is Nashville, again. Maybe atlanta. I hope Nashville, cause my cousin lives there and i'll have somewhere to stay. Atlanta would be sooo expensive... And violent...

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I will definately go to at least one Green Day show. Even if they don't come here, I would make the trip to Dublin or the UK. I'll travel alone if I have to :D I would just love to see Green Day play live at least once during my lifetime. Sounds pathetic and desperate, but w/e.


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i wouldn't care at what point of the tour my stop would be, i just want them to come within a 3 hour radious of where i live.

it would probably be the ford ampetheatre in tampa, which sucks because im thinking it's all seats.

maybe someplace where i can get cheap floor tickets- i've never been to any concert in my life.

what would really be awesome is if i could meet up with some gdc people, but being so far south it's kind of hard to do that.

the best timing would be if i was on vacation in europe and green day was playing near where im staying, but that's not happening lol.

after seeing old videos on youtube and even the phgp/fht videos, i dont really want some large venue. but with green day's large success there is no chance of them playing a small thing.

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i wouldn't care at what point of the tour my stop would be, i just want them to come within a 3 hour radious of where i live.

it would probably be the ford ampetheatre in tampa, which sucks because im thinking it's all seats.

maybe someplace where i can get cheap floor tickets- i've never been to any concert in my life.

what would really be awesome is if i could meet up with some gdc people, but being so far south it's kind of hard to do that.

the best timing would be if i was on vacation in europe and green day was playing near where im staying, but that's not happening lol.

after seeing old videos on youtube and even the phgp/fht videos, i dont really want some large venue. but with green day's large success there is no chance of them playing a small thing.

Yeah, I think I'm one of only 10 GD fans in the state of Alabama, and the other 9 are my friends :lol: So yeah, I understand what you mena about being so far South. Most of the folks who frequent this place are from overseas or somewhere far, far from me. Sucks.

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Alanna you should get your parents to come on holiday to England :D

I know what you mean about the small venue thing. Hearing about the Foxboro shows has made me expect too much :/. But I know that a big venue will still be awesome really - just have to make sure I get to the front somehow.

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^ Yea yea yea!!! i can imagine the look on my mom's face when im somewhere and im recognizing all these people lol!

Yeah, I think I'm one of only 10 GD fans in the state of Alabama, and the other 9 are my friends :lol: So yeah, I understand what you mena about being so far South. Most of the folks who frequent this place are from overseas or somewhere far, far from me. Sucks.

hah yea, i didn't even think there was green day fans in florida untill i came here!

but even the closest 2 people to me live an hour and 45 minutes away, and 2 hours away.

i know!!! i MUST go overseas when i hit 18 and take a visit to all my european friends (and if the UK isn't considered real europe, then i'll come vist them too)!

i really dont mind, as long as i get to see them before their "going away" tour.

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Alanna you should get your parents to come on holiday to England :D

I know what you mean about the small venue thing. Hearing about the Foxboro shows has made me expect too much :/. But I know that a big venue will still be awesome really - just have to make sure I get to the front somehow.

The FHT show was beautiful, awesome. I got up close to them, I met Tre..... But it still didn't beat my first Green Day concert, and we were probably about 100 yards from the stage, maybe a little less. It was just different. I wanna get as close as possible, of course, but I was being crushed at the FHT show, until I moved over to the side. I was right in front of BJ, and I couldn't handle it lol Too many people, and they were violent. I'd rather be a little further away and enjoy the show. I still got sweated on haha

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i wanna see them 2 times

once hear in the Toronto area

and once in London with the person who introduced me to them (also the only family member who likes them)

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I've never had a chance to see them live, so I am definitely planning on going during their next tour

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I've never had a chance to see them live, so I am definitely planning on going during their next tour

It's the smeg. Unforgettable lol Billie Joe OWNS that stage, I've never seen anything like him. And then to hear him in interviews, he seems so awkward sometimes. I guess it's cause he's comfortable on the stage, it's where he belongs.

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The FHT show was beautiful, awesome. I got up close to them, I met Tre..... But it still didn't beat my first Green Day concert, and we were probably about 100 yards from the stage, maybe a little less. It was just different. I wanna get as close as possible, of course, but I was being crushed at the FHT show, until I moved over to the side. I was right in front of BJ, and I couldn't handle it lol Too many people, and they were violent. I'd rather be a little further away and enjoy the show. I still got sweated on haha

Hehe, that's great, sounds like the squashing and sweat was well worth it, but it's good to know the experience was still unforgettable from a little further away :)

I can't WAIT to see them, whatever the venue it's gonna be epic. Can't wait to see that man's unbeatable charisma and stage presence for myself!

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They have been to Spain before so who says that they won't come now?

I mean there aren't dates by the moment.

Of course I know they will come someday.

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