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Green Day's "American Idiot" is one of the best protest songs...


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Green Day's "American Idiot" was chosen as one of the best protest/political songs by Alternative Press, along with NOFX's "USA-Holes," Hatebreed's "Divine Judgement," and many others.

I will edit this thread with a scan of the article later tonight.

Edit // Here's the scan, everyone:


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I suppose so. If your American that is.

Half the countries of the world get dragged into our wars, I wouldn't be personally offended if a Brit or Aussie wanted to sing along about American idiots, there sure are a lot of them.

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as much as i love Green Day, i absolutely hate American Idiot.

i was so disappointed to see this.

I agree, i don't really think it makes a good protest song.

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My father told me son it's futile to resist

You can topple ideology, but not the armies they enlist

I questioned the intentions of the boy scouts chanting 'war'

"Well that's the sound of freedom, son" he said, free to say no more...

That's a good protest song. And if you have to google it to know it then you have no soul.

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Tie a yellow ribbon round the oak tree my friend,

"Gee Wally, that's swell!

Fuck the troops to hell!

Propagandhi= :wub:

American Idiot is a pretty decent protest song, given the time period. Guerilla Radio has to be the best "modern" (aka last 10 years) protest song... tough decision though, there have been a lot of good ones during the Dubya terms...

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Okay Tess is my new girlfriend since no one else finished my favorite Propagandhi song.

oh that is so going in my sig. I am winning at life today!

I also forgot to mention When the President Talks to God. There is a picture of Conor Oberst under "protest songs" on wikipedia people. It's that good :lol: Plus he totally scared the shit out of Leno...

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This is excellent news, and very well deserved :happy:. A surprisingly small number of mainstream acts spoke out about their opinion of the state of the US and the government at that time, I'm impressed they had the balls to do it. Especially as it meant taking the gamble of taking such a different new direction with their subject matter.

I love the song, it gets the point across with minimum fuss, and manages to be insanely catchy too - perfect ingredients for a protest song.

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I'm glad the boys are at least on the list somewhere. I'm not asking for any Number 1 Spots because honestly, there are better protest songs as John and Tess have so ably demonstrated above me. But there should be a GD song somewhere on the list, so I'm glad to see they made it.

And yeah^ definitely one of the better AI songs.

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yay some sort of GD news!

I believe that AI should be on the list and all and I think it deserves to be on there and all but....

I still think AP magazine is a peice of hypocritical shit at times because lest not remeber to long ago when those teeny scene/emo kids voted GD as 'Band that needs to throw in the towel' .

hypocritical, I think so my dear watson!

ahem, theres my daily rant.

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