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Green Day references


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Hey community cats,

Know of any songs by other bands that mention or make reference to Green Day? I think it's sorta fun when they do, but I only know of the following two:

Weezer - El Scorcho

I asked you to go to the Green Day concert

You said you never heard of them

How cool is that?

The Mr T Experience - Dumb Little Band

The guy at the bar says he thinks we're ok

We kind of remind him of Green Day

P.S. I honestly didn't even know where to begin searching for this... forgive me if it's been done.

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haha. Not a reference in a song. But, the first review on iTunes of the remastered Working Class Hero says "MUCH BETTER THEN GREEN DAY!". Ha.

I found that funny.

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That's fucking great!

I've always hoped to hear Green Day namechecked in a song - especially as I listen to a lot of rap, and rappers often reference very random things, and I've heard of a few rappers who rate Green Day - but to no avail.

I'll have to track these songs down and listen to them. Good work!!

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NOFX sang the chorus of Basket Case while they were doing a live performance of The Longest Line, the 2 songs sound familiar and NOFX were implying that Green Day ripped it off them...which I think is a bit farfetched... You can find it on "They've Actually Gotten Worse Live!"

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Dropkick Murphys mention them in "Mob Mentality", and I'm sure you all know this already but Weird Al sings basket case (among heaps of other songs) in "The Alternative Polka" :lol:

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Weezer - El Scorcho

I asked you to go to the Green Day concert

You said you never heard of them

How cool is that?

Just listened to it..The way they sing "how cool is that" reminded me of Turk [scrubs].. dont know why :P

Really cool song.

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Dropkick Murphys mention them in "Mob Mentality", and I'm sure you all know this already but Weird Al sings basket case (among heaps of other songs) in "The Alternative Polka" :lol:

HAHA I love The Alternative Polka!!! And I love how Weird Al didn't really make a video for it, they just used the clips from the artist's actual videos and changed the speed. LOL And then, of course, there's the wonderful Canadian Idiot. :lol:

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Well THAT'S strange, I was just about to seek this thread out.

As I said I think it's very cool that Green Day have been mentioned in other people's songs. Checked out the Weezer song, I didn't care for it much. Couldn't find the Mr. T. Experience song but looks great from the lyrics, they made me chuckle.

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Well THAT'S strange, I was just about to seek this thread out.

As I said I think it's very cool that Green Day have been mentioned in other people's songs. Checked out the Weezer song, I didn't care for it much. Couldn't find the Mr. T. Experience song but looks great from the lyrics, they made me chuckle.

PM me your email address I'll send you the mp3. :wub:

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NOFX sang the chorus of Basket Case while they were doing a live performance of The Longest Line, the 2 songs sound familiar and NOFX were implying that Green Day ripped it off them...which I think is a bit farfetched... You can find it on "They've Actually Gotten Worse Live!"

I love that part..it took me like 3 listens to hear that they started playing basket case..

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