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Assumptions because you're a Green Day fan


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All I know is, if I come across someone who only likes Green Day then I assume they are boring and stupid. There hasn't been a time when I've judged wrong.

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Ive listened to Green Day since back in 93'...damn, I was only 10.

I hate people who hate on them now, because they blew up.

Know what I say?

Fuck em.

I love who im gonna love and if you dont, well....i dont care. Their opinion really wont change the way i feel about a band, only the band itself can do that.

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I haven't worn a GD shirt since I was 16

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Ever get the feeling some of these stories about being picked on for liking Green Day are embellished or complete bullshit?

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i was a green day fan sinc they first send American Idiot on TV.

then i just checked it up. got more and more songs. learned the lyrics to 35 of their songs.

but i like "she" "waiting" and "Redundant" most :DD

i was wearing a green day shirt and the comment i got was: " Green Day Sux big time"


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I've never been slagged for liking Green Day, but because most people in my class know they're my favourite band, everytime a mention of them pops up (for example, our spanish teacher was showing a video clip of bullfighting, with American Idiot as the backing music) most people, especially my mates, all turn and look at me, as if to see how I react. That kinda pisses me off, because they do it everytime and I think they expect me to start screaming "OMG GREEN DAY!"

And yeah, I don't see the problem with people only knowing the singles. I started off only knowing the singles, before I got all other albums. Unless they're claiming to be their biggest fan, they're fine. At least you know yourself what they're missing. :D

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I hate it when people do that.

Actual conversation:

Her: OMG. I know all of their songs!!!

Me: *quirks eyebrow* Oh really? I highly doubt that, dear.

Her: No! I dooo.

Me: Then name them all.

Her: Well... erm... I only know half....

Me: Just name the ones you know.

Her: Wake Me Up When September Ends.... Umm... Boulevard of Broken Dreams...

30 seconds later after waiting for something else:

Me: Of course. You're obviously the biggest fan I know.

And then I just went back to my business.

The next time someone names those two songs, I'm going to say this, "Ok. What about At The Library? Paper Lanterns? 2000 Lightyears Away? Christie Road? Welcome To Paradise. Fuck Off and Die... No, I'm not naming the song... I'm telling you, fuck off and die!"

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so you'd tell someone to fuck off and die because they only liked BOBD or WMUWSE?

you're all a bit weird when it comes to this. apart from a few.

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Indeed....instead of moaning, why don't you recommend some of your preferences from whatever artist?

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The next time someone names those two songs, I'm going to say this, "Ok. What about At The Library? Paper Lanterns? 2000 Lightyears Away? Christie Road? Welcome To Paradise. Fuck Off and Die... No, I'm not naming the song... I'm telling you, fuck off and die!"

Will that make you look cool or something?

Let me tell you now that they won't be impressed or give a shit.

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its about 1 band i dont like....

the vocal LOOKS like a gay (im not telling he is. becouse if someone is reading this and is a fan they gonna kill me..)

he sounds like hes.. 10

acts like a girls.

and the vocal and guitar are GD fans so they are imitating some of the intro songs...


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its about 1 band i dont like....

the vocal LOOKS like a gay (im not telling he is. becouse if someone is reading this and is a fan they gonna kill me..)

he sounds like hes.. 10

acts like a girls.

and the vocal and guitar are GD fans so they are imitating some of the intro songs...



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Guest 16PaperLanterns

People who claim to be huge fans of a band they've really only heard one song from are... pathetic. So are bashers. My general response to these people is " 'kay." *shrug* If it's somebody I kind of know I'll just ask them what kind of music they do like.

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Then thing with that, is like when people act like they are the biggest fan on the face of the earth of a certain band, and wear their shirts, etc. And they've only heard like two songs.


Person 1: "Oh hey, you like Led Zeppelin?"

Person 2: "Yeah, they're bitchin!"

Person 1: "Name some of they're songs."

Person 2: "Uh... Stairway To Heaven and Rock And Roll..."

Person 1: "What about Whole Lotta Love or Dazed And Confused or Ramble On or Tangerine?"

Person 2: "What? I've never heard those."

Yeah, that freaks me out me too, and I have a friend that is like that, he says he loves metallica, guns n' roses, ramones and zeppelin but since I know him very well from a long time I KNOW tha the ONLY songs he KNOWS of those bans are Metallica: nothing else matters, the unforgiven I, I disappear and maybe enter sandman; guns: november rain, don't cry and he thinks that wild horses if their song because he saw the tokio concert ONCE (and he was just searching for those songs he knew); ramones: bltzkrieg bop and rock and roll highscool (altough he thinks it's called highschool rock); led zeppelin: immigrant song, stairway to heaven and in my time of dying (this one because I made him hear the song); rammstein: du hast; apocalyptica: nothing else matters (geez!); soda stereo: de Musica Ligera... and so on.... hey, nobody is reading this anyway....

well, you get my point.

I love my friend, anyway. :happy:

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yupp.. my sister a fan..

Tokio Hotel 24/7 in my house....

think she got.. 100 posters to..

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i don't even give a fuck anymore.

i've been called emo on many occations, as well as a poser and a follower. i've been called alot of things that i cant even remember. I've been picked on for it, oh hell yes. i still am, even now more than ever.

i admit, i hate it when people say they're fans and then only know the songs from AI music videos

but the only thing that makes me not act like a smart ass to them most of the time is that i remember when i was the exact same way, and i'd get picked on for it. I thought i was the biggest fan when i only knew Holiday...but i knew that i would soon love them since day 1. something just clicked and stuck.

anyway, im sure i've bitched about assumptions because i like green day many times before.

plus, i have nothing really to say. im pissed off and distracted right now, so im just about to X out and go lay down.

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When I discover a band/artist and I like it I start buying every album they have released so far and at least 1 live concert, that way I will have a larger point of view.

So far I have no regrets. :happy:

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Guest billy024

um, alot of people don't know green day is my favorite band i've only worn the kerplunk! t-shirt to school.

and all it says is kerplunk with the plant, it doesn't even say green day.

so i don't think anyone really knows unless you ride the bus with me and occasional hear them.

but alot of people know i like sublime so they think i smoke weed all the time.

it's kinda gay, especially since i don't smoke weed.

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um, alot of people don't know green day is my favorite band i've only worn the kerplunk! t-shirt to school.

and all it says is kerplunk with the plant, it doesn't even say green day.

so i don't think anyone really knows unless you ride the bus with me and occasional hear them.

but alot of people know i like sublime so they think i smoke weed all the time.

it's kinda gay, especially since i don't smoke weed.

you eat it? :P

sorry... I heard about sublime, I'm going to their topic right now!

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Guest billy024
you eat it? :P

sorry... I heard about sublime, I'm going to their topic right now!

haha, i do know this kid at my school who sells weed and likes to eat the seeds.

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haha, i do know this kid at my school who sells weed and likes to eat the seeds.


that kid is one sick puppy

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haha, i do know this kid at my school who sells weed and likes to eat the seeds.


The seeds!?

That's so weird :P

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Guest billy024

The seeds!?

That's so weird :P

haha, yea he was in my study hall first semister.

his name is wyatt.

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haha, yea he was in my study hall first semister.

his name is wyatt.

and did those seeds worked for him? :lol:

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Guest billy024
and did those seeds worked for him? :lol:

i think so.

i am pretty sure he's been expelled.

buti remember someone in my study hall wanted to see if he would eat seeds.

they walked up to him and asked him for a bag of weed, he went to his locker.

and ate the seeds like candy in the bathroom.

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