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Assumptions because you're a Green Day fan


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I've never been made fun of for liking Green Day. I remember a girl I used to work with (thank god they fired her) She said I was to obsessed. To obsessed my ass! My parents are the same way. They think I'm to overobsessed.

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One of my friends once said

"I love you awesome lozza indie chick!" and I was like"wtf?" so she said"you like green day.you're indie"

I had to explain the music I listen to doesn't stereotype me.People mostly assume I like the Clash etc which is right! :D

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Lol what I find funny is that they're talking about how old it is and thats our newest stuff (aside from the side projects). When you say old music when talkilng about Green Day, you defianitely don't think AI.

YAH!! that is what I found funny too! :lol:

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haha me too! :lol:

I think it's crap that GD is emo. I don't like emo, generally. I like some mcr and FOB, but not much.


Mcr arent emo, just pointing that out there

I hate when people say Green Day are emo. Do you know who's fault it is why emo is been tagged on some bands? My Chemical Romance. They are the soul of emo. They ooooze emo, and now Green Day are been branded emo because they have the same sound as the emo gods. Can anyone name one emo that doesnt like MCR.

Excuse me, how is it my chemical romance's fault? theyre not emo whatsoever, and green day and mcr dont really sound the same.

I cant name one emo that doesnt like mcr seeing as i dont know emos, but i can safely say i am not an emo and i love mcr.

You're extremely ignorant.

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It's so bloody stupid to blame another band for people calling Green Day emo.

How the hell does it matter?

MCR aren't even emo themselves.

There was a protest, actually, in UK a while back with MCR fans against the daily mail who so wrongly labelled them depressive, violent, and using suicidal lyrics.

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Other people I've met, who also likes GD, automatically assume that I like shit bands because I like Green Day. I won't define what bands I call 'shit bands' on here because lot's of people'll be offended and I don't want to be a seen as a typically mean person. Yet. I'll leave my "total ass" persona for later for you all to enjoy.

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"Emo" is hardly an insult, it's just a description of music. The definition of "emo" is open to interpretation, so some people would describe MCR as emo. It's just an opinion.

A lot of people seem to associate MCR with Green Day for some reason. Therefore, if they think MCR are emo, that could lead to them also associating emo with Green Day. Now, they're not correct to do that, but the fact is that's how some people think. So the link between Green Day and emo could be due to MCR, even though it's not MCR's fault.

Personally, I couldn't care less if someone think's either band is emo.

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People seem to assume that I give a shit what they think.

I've the best possible taste in music, what do those inferior beings know?

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I like MCR but i'm not really emo, i'll somewhere in the middle of punk/emo/goth.

Technically the MIDDLE of punk/emo/goth is emo :lol:

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People assume that since I like Green Day, I must like Green Day.


Prejudice bitches.

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Holy crap! WTF? :lol:

Yeah, that's what I thought. :lol:

People assume that since I like Green Day, I must like Green Day.


Prejudice bitches.


Those goddamned bastards.

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Guest FlirtyDutherMucker

I've had people come up to me when wearing a Milton Keynes Bowl AI GD shirt and go "You like Green Day?"

I respond to this "Yeah, you got a problem?"

Most say "No" then walk away, but you get the occasional prick who goes "Yeah, I do".

Also, you get people who sometimes assume I'm a emo because I like Green Day. Green Day are'nt my favourite band anymore. Nowadays I listen to bands like Aerosmith and ZZ Top, for fucks sake.

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I've had people come up to me when wearing a Milton Keynes Bowl AI GD shirt and go "You like Green Day?"

I respond to this "Yeah, you got a problem?"

That's pretty inflammatory. I'd start a conversation instead of threatening to kick their head in.

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Guest FlirtyDutherMucker
That's pretty inflammatory. I'd start a conversation instead of threatening to kick their head in.

True, but if someone comes up to you and says "You like Green Day?" in a way that sounds mocking and slightly violent, you could say that is also inflammatory.

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I hate when people are surprised when you like certain other bands. I was talking to this guy about Rage Against the Machine and he said 'How can you like them when you like Green Day?' So just because I like Green Day, I'm not allowed to like different types of music? Gr. I also hate when my friends laugh at me when I listen to any form of hip hop, they're like 'Oh the emo likes rap, haha.'

By the way, I am not an emo but they like calling me that because I have my lip pierced. WTF?

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I hate when people say Green Day are emo. Do you know who's fault it is why emo is been tagged on some bands? My Chemical Romance. They are the soul of emo. They ooooze emo, and now Green Day are been branded emo because they have the same sound as the emo gods. Can anyone name one emo that doesnt like MCR.

umm.. a) dont get so uptight about it, b) my chemical romance aren't emo, c) green day sound nothing like my chem, and d) there are plenty of "emos" out there who hate mcr for "selling out" with the release of the black parade.

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In my primary school many of my school mates didn't like Green Day and they were just deride them and called me with derogatory names like arch enemy,junky and so on...

At the first time I felt pretty offended but with time I didnt care so much for them cause if they r my real friends they wouldnt called me like that..

But now in high school its ok...I found some ppl that like Green Day or some same music and other that doesnt listen them at least dont call me like that guys in primary school..and I think they dont care for them so much actually...

Anyway I dont care so much what other think or told me for them cause "nothing's gonna change my world" lol

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By the way, I am not an emo but they like calling me that because I have my lip pierced. WTF?

Oh yeah the very same here leanne. The day i got my lip pierced i actually came online here and i posted a picture and got a response saying "emo cunt" or something like that, and i retaliated and got another insult "dont be such a paddy cunt"

It's very unfortunate that emos decided to take the piercing trend along in their little world :/

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I've never been made fun of for liking Green Day. I remember a girl I used to work with (thank god they fired her) She said I was to obsessed. To obsessed my ass! My parents are the same way. They think I'm to overobsessed.

My parents are like that too. My dad thinks that if you obsess over something, you're nuts and you need to find something else to do... I don't agree with him, and every time he tells me, i laugh :lol:

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sigh. The many things ppl call me just b/c I'm one of 3 ppl in my grade who likes rock. :huh:

emo, weird, gay, punk poser, punk, strange, gay rocker, 'is diffferent', 'likes shitty musik'....

Theres more.

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People call me gay. Then I see those people sitting on the laps of other guys.

Some also call me punk.

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emo :blink:





'what the hell happened to your music taste'

'shut up, you like green day, you can't talk'

people also assume that i slit my wrists and am generally a lame, idiotic weirdo with a nervous disposition. Joys

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Yeah, you can't talk. You like Green Day! Rihannas Umbrella is a work of lyrical genius! Go listen to your Green Day, while I listen to some well crafted R 'n' B!


Just for the record. R 'n' B is the worst genre of music known to man. Even worse than Jazz Funk.

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