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Assumptions because you're a Green Day fan


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I don't think I've ever gotten anything for being a fan, besides the remarks from my parents (Oh har har, you American Idiot :rolleyes:).

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Actually happened four or five days ago:

Me: (talks about how Green Day is the best band ever and I will always be devoted to the boys)

My not-so-well-informed friend Shiyi (pronounced Shirley): Holy fuck, are you suicidal?!

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Guest LusciousZ

Since when did "emo" become associated with Green Day? I don't understand that..

And I think it probably just depends where you are. Nobody here gives a shit about anything. I could go to my classes wearing a fucking britney spears shirt and I doubt anyone would think I was strange.

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Hmm...well I get teased. Mostly by guys that like to go "They're not punk" which gets dragged out till I hit them.

I might be a tad bit overprotective of my boys. :happy:

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Since when did "emo" become associated with Green Day? I don't understand that..

BOBD kind of blew it here. plus, people who do own the album and ACTUALLY listen to the whole thing, they think you're an emo cos you like a guy that's suicidal. and then the JOS video had the actor cutting so.....well that's just here, i don't know about everywhere else :whistling:

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stoner, poser, emo, sellout, teenie, wimp, bitch, pussy, closed-minded....oh there's more but....oh gawd, there was so many....

gee is that all?

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if i see someone with a GD tshirt, I assume I know more than them

GD Trivia Battle, it's on :cool:

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Guest LusciousZ
BOBD kind of blew it here. plus, people who do own the album and ACTUALLY listen to the whole thing, they think you're an emo cos you like a guy that's suicidal. and then the JOS video had the actor cutting so.....well that's just here, i don't know about everywhere else :whistling:

People are just assholes.

I remember when I was 13 "emo" was Sunny Day Real Estate and even early Weezer. It was actually good. I don't know how it evolved into the crap it is nowadays. And green day has nothing to do with it.

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gee is that all?

.....no. wannabe punk rocker, kiss up, suck up, twiddledump, shitfaced, cankerblossom, stupid, BJ hoe, stalker, american idiot, unintelligent....wait there's more.....lazy, showoff, noob--sorry n00b, fruitcake, gay.....

People are just assholes.

I remember when I was 13 "emo" was Sunny Day Real Estate and even early Weezer. It was actually good. I don't know how it evolved into the crap it is nowadays. And green day has nothing to do with it.

yeah i know.

i remember when i was that age, emo was a bird :lol:

yeah i know, GD isn't doing anything and people still insist on insulting them....wtf?

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What I do when I meet someone who has only heard AI, I offer to loan them there older stuff

I've been called a wannabe, loser, delinquent, moron, emo, brat, freak, stoner

I've slso gained a few friends because of my GD shirt. Example:

person: oh you like Green Day, cool!

me: yea, what have you heard?

person: American Idiot, some stuff off greatest hits. What else do you listen to?

me: *lists off a few bands* *asks some other random question*

then the convo just keeps going

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I hate when people say Green Day are emo. Do you know who's fault it is why emo is been tagged on some bands? My Chemical Romance. They are the soul of emo. They ooooze emo, and now Green Day are been branded emo because they have the same sound as the emo gods. Can anyone name one emo that doesnt like MCR.

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I hate these people who say: "Ah you like Green Day? So you think, you're punk, don't you?"

Me: "No... I don't think I'm punk... " :dry:

But what pisses me off even more is the fact that there are so many people who think I don't know anything about Green Day just because I know them only since AI. I mean... yes, AI was my first GD album but not the last one. And just because I didn't have the chance to get to know them earlier some people think they could say I'm not "a real fan"... and btw what would Green Day be right now without all the new fans? And I don't mean these little girlies... I mean the ones who know them since AI, but who also love their other music and who are still waiting for the new album :)

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I hate when people say Green Day are emo. Do you know who's fault it is why emo is been tagged on some bands? My Chemical Romance. They are the soul of emo. They ooooze emo, and now Green Day are been branded emo because they have the same sound as the emo gods. Can anyone name one emo that doesnt like MCR.

Green Day aren't emo, theres nothing really to call them apart from amazing!lol

Ye can name one,my friend mel, shes totally emo and loathes MCR, she adores FOB instead.

I like MCR but i'm not really emo, i'll somewhere in the middle of punk/emo/goth.

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I don't get called anything out of spite, but my friends aren't that fussed about Green Day, but think that because they're my favourite band, that I don't like anything else and don't ever stop talking about them. In fact I hardly ever mention Green Day to my mates, but when I do, it's all "Jenn, oh my god, just because you're obsessed with them!" and I'm like, "what?" they think they're being funny, but it's starting to annoy me. :/

And I also get the punk thing. I listen to punk music, but I also listen to metal, emo, pop and rap-rock. FFS. :rolleyes:

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if i see someone with a GD tshirt, I assume I know more than them

GD Trivia Battle, it's on :cool:

haha me too! :lol:

I think it's crap that GD is emo. I don't like emo, generally. I like some mcr and FOB, but not much. I don't like that sad shit, and BOBO is about as 'sad' and 'emo' as GD has ever gotten, and even that wasn't meant to be 'emo'. It was recorded before all that shit hit. Thankfully.

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I try not to make assuptions of people just cause I see them wearing a shirt of a band I like. I hate to admit but I use to but I never went up to random person on the street cause I saw them wearing a Green Day shirt or something...

I did have one girl come up to me at school one day cause I had had a Green Day shirt on with the 'Kiss me, I'm punk."

Girl: You like Green Day?

Me: Yep, I'm guessing you do too...

Girl: Yep, do you like Fall out boy too?

Me: Not really, why?

Girl: Well I thought sinced you liked Green Day you'd like Fall out boy too.

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Actually happened four or five days ago:

Me: (talks about how Green Day is the best band ever and I will always be devoted to the boys)

My not-so-well-informed friend Shiyi (pronounced Shirley): Holy fuck, are you suicidal?!

Holy crap! WTF? :lol:

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I try not to make assuptions of people just cause I see them wearing a shirt of a band I like. I hate to admit but I use to but I never went up to random person on the street cause I saw them wearing a Green Day shirt or something...

I did have one girl come up to me at school one day cause I had had a Green Day shirt on with the 'Kiss me, I'm punk."

Girl: You like Green Day?

Me: Yep, I'm guessing you do too...

Girl: Yep, do you like Fall out boy too?

Me: Not really, why?

Girl: Well I thought sinced you liked Green Day you'd like Fall out boy too.

I got the same assuption this morning. Someone asked me that and if I liked Panic at the Disco as well.

I hate these people who say: "Ah you like Green Day? So you think, you're punk, don't you?"

Me: "No... I don't think I'm punk... " :dry:

But what pisses me off even more is the fact that there are so many people who think I don't know anything about Green Day just because I know them only since AI. I mean... yes, AI was my first GD album but not the last one. And just because I didn't have the chance to get to know them earlier some people think they could say I'm not "a real fan"... and btw what would Green Day be right now without all the new fans? And I don't mean these little girlies... I mean the ones who know them since AI, but who also love their other music and who are still waiting for the new album :)

Same, I say I'm just me. I don't want to act/think I am someone else. I am very eclectic and have many different interest and kind's of music I like.

I have generally been a fan since AI as well. I knew some of thier song's but I never knew who the band was. I love every song they have ever had really. I am still working on getting all of thier album's. And I know a hell of a lot about them since I became a fan. Like my teacher he has been a fan since the begginning I know more than he does for some reason. And he goes to me to ask about them. :blink:

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The other day.. I was at the school.. (and everyone that knows me well.. know that I LOVE GREEN DAY!.. and.. well.. A friend of mine was listening to WMUWSE and American idiot, and other of my school mates said.. That music is sooo old!! :lol: And I was like.. LOOOOL :dry: (they just like the musics/artists that are on the tops right now etc.. that is stupid.. I know.)

And when people say that Green day suck.. I don't care what they say... cause most of them are IDIOTS!

And Green day teached me this kind of things like.. to say I DON'T CARE WHAT U THINK ABOUT WHAT I SAY, WHAT I DO, OR WHAT I AM!! :D

I'm proud of it :cool:

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I hate when people say Green Day are emo. Do you know who's fault it is why emo is been tagged on some bands? My Chemical Romance. They are the soul of emo. They ooooze emo, and now Green Day are been branded emo because they have the same sound as the emo gods. Can anyone name one emo that doesnt like MCR.

Green Day don't sound anything like MCR!

I blame the stupid "emo" thing on the cutting in the Jesus Of Suburbia video, and the po-faced posers staring moronically into space featured throughout it.

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Green Day don't sound anything like MCR!

I blame the stupid "emo" thing on the cutting in the Jesus Of Suburbia video, and the po-faced posers staring moronically into space featured throughout it.

Exactly, I agree. I hated the cutting scene so badly when I first watched it. And I wanted more of a warning.

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The other day.. I was at the school.. (and everyone that knows me well.. know that I LOVE GREEN DAY!.. and.. well.. A friend of mine was listening to WMUWSE and American idiot, and other of my school mates said.. That music is sooo old!! :lol: And I was like.. LOOOOL :dry: (they just like the musics/artists that are on the tops right now etc.. that is stupid.. I know.)

Lol what I find funny is that they're talking about how old it is and thats our newest stuff (aside from the side projects). When you say old music when talkilng about Green Day, you defianitely don't think AI.

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Lol what I find funny is that they're talking about how old it is and thats our newest stuff (aside from the side projects). When you say old music when talkilng about Green Day, you defianitely don't think AI.

Hahaha, that's a good point! What does that make SOSH or Kerplunk... ancient? antique? prehistoric?

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