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Assumptions because you're a Green Day fan


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Has anyone ever had someone make a judgement because you like Green Day? Here is one that happened to me:

I'm waiting in line at Fenton's Ice Cream, wearing my "International Supershirt". When all of a sudden, this young middle-school girl (I could tell because she was wearing a Jepson Jr. High (Vacaville school) shirt) turns and looks at my shirt and goes "*gasp* You like Green Day?!" Her mother turns and says, "Well obviously, honey, he's wearing there shirt." I just smiled and said something along the lines of of "Yup." The young girl then says, "My favorite song is 'Wake Me Up When September Ends'". I'm trying not to be a smartass and say, "NO! Really?! I would have never guessed." But I didn't. Then her and her mother start talking to me about how they recently saw My Chemical Romance, and say Korn with Fall Out Boy. And I just sat there, looking at them. What the fuck? I can't stand any of those bands. Just because I like Green Day, does not, I repeat, NOT mean I like/listen to them

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I don't listen to Green Day anymore, buut I get that like people will only know one or two songs and it just shits me off.

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I wouldn't even tell anyone I like them

I don't listen to Green Day anymore, buut I get that like people will only know one or two songs and it just shits me off.

What's wrong with people only knowing a few songs from a band?

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I wouldn't even tell anyone I like them

What's wrong with people only knowing a few songs from a band?

Then thing with that, is like when people act like they are the biggest fan on the face of the earth of a certain band, and wear their shirts, etc. And they've only heard like two songs.


Person 1: "Oh hey, you like Led Zeppelin?"

Person 2: "Yeah, they're bitchin!"

Person 1: "Name some of they're songs."

Person 2: "Uh... Stairway To Heaven and Rock And Roll..."

Person 1: "What about Whole Lotta Love or Dazed And Confused or Ramble On or Tangerine?"

Person 2: "What? I've never heard those."

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Yeah those people shit me.

That's like some people think I'm a satanist or some shit because I listen to Iron Maiden. The Number Of The Beast is pretty much they're only song you could describe as think as much about. The thing is that most people have only heard that one song, and will judge you accordingly.

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I wouldn't even tell anyone I like them

What's wrong with people only knowing a few songs from a band?

They act like they're fans, but when in retrospect they are not. Like they just heard a hit on the radio and instantly claim to be a fan when they don't know any other songs.

Then thing with that, is like when people act like they are the biggest fan on the face of the earth of a certain band, and wear their shirts, etc. And they've only heard like two songs.


Person 1: "Oh hey, you like Led Zeppelin?"

Person 2: "Yeah, they're bitchin!"

Person 1: "Name some of they're songs."

Person 2: "Uh... Stairway To Heaven and Rock And Roll..."

Person 1: "What about Whole Lotta Love or Dazed And Confused or Ramble On or Tangerine?"

Person 2: "What? I've never heard those."

Lol, more like Person 2: "Wtf, they're not Zeppelin songs.. Their only song is Stairway to Heaven. Everyone knows that idiot."

Yeah those people shit me.

That's like some people think I'm a satanist or some shit because I listen to Iron Maiden. The Number Of The Beast is pretty much they're only song you could describe as think as much about. The thing is that most people have only heard that one song, and will judge you accordingly.

No, Maiden do worship satan the Number of The Beast album stated that fact.

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They act like they're fans, but when in retrospect they are not. Like they just heard a hit on the radio and instantly claim to be a fan when they don't know any other songs.

Lol, more like Person 2: "Wtf, they're not Zeppelin songs.. Their only song is Stairway to Heaven. Everyone knows that idiot."

No, Maiden do worship satan the Number of The Beast album stated that fact.

What album? It's just a song! :lol:

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No. Assumptions and haters are 2 different things.

No. You're wrong. I know because I have the song. I ripped it from the radio! :lol:

:( I gotz beat by a teenie, my life is over oh noez.

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:( I gotz beat by a teenie, my life is over oh noez.


Do you reckon there are actually people believing this?

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Do you reckon there are actually people believing this?

There is a good chance there is.

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lol I find that absolutly hilarious.

The autistic kid at school saw my green day necklace (he was pissed that day and well...sorta has it in for the 'alternetive' culture our conversation went as follows"

Austitic guy: "what are you doing"

Me: "nothing..."

Austistic guy: 8sees necklace* you like green day"

me: "yes....."

autistic guy: "oh...so your one of those...."

me: *bracing self for the unavoidible beating* "one of what"

autistic guy: "those punk rocker cunts"

me: "kinda, i hold some veiws quite close...."

autistic guy: "......do you like the beatles"

me: *bracing self harder than ever before* "kinda...there alright...."

Autistic guy: "maybe if you gave them a chnace you'd love them and then you'd stop listening to this punk rock stuff..." *walks away*

By now I was breathing this massive sigh of relief.

sorry thats my only story with this sort've thing thats almost interesting :happy:

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Nah, no one ever really says anything or makes assumptions.

Whenever I'm wearing a Green Day t-shirt and I walk by someone wearing one, we both just stare at eachother. I went though a phase a few years ago of going up to anyone wearing Green Day shirts and saying "Oh my god, your t-shirt is so cool! I love Green Day too!"

I always assumed that they must love the band as much as me, but of course, many of them only cared for American Idiot. :dry:

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Whenever I'm wearing a Green Day t-shirt and I walk by someone wearing one, we both just stare at eachother. I went though a phase a few years ago of going up to anyone wearing Green Day shirts and saying "Oh my god, your t-shirt is so cool! I love Green Day too!"

I always assumed that they must love the band as much as me, but of course, many of them only cared for American Idiot. :dry:

thats normally my situation...except for the one above :D

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thats normally my situation...except for the one above :D


One time, I was in the cinema and this girl came into the bathroom and suddenly shouted "GREEN DAY!" and was pointing at my t-shirt. We had a good old laugh and giggle aboutt he band and then went our separate ways. Weird thing was, I saw her again two months later walking along the street and we were both wearing the same Green Day t-shirt this time. We laughed again and talked some more about Green Day.

THEN at the Alkaline Trio gig two years ago, I saw her AGAIN! And this was a good 7 months after the other times I saw her, and we were nearly on the verge of swapping phone numbers at this stage! :P

I haven't seen her since, though. :lol:

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First off, people might actually really like WMUWSE or BOBD, just because they were overplayed doesn't mean they arn't good songs. There are some bands that I like but I only know a few songs, does that make me a bad person? And I think people make those assumptions (about you liking those types of bands) because they are part of the whole 'alternative' music scene.

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First off, people might actually really like WMUWSE or BOBD, just because they were overplayed doesn't mean they arn't good songs. There are some bands that I like but I only know a few songs, does that make me a bad person?

I think they were referring to people who claim to be a HUGE fan of a band, but only really like a couple of songs.

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My favorite is when people think slaggin off Green Day is going to bother me or something. A common response i get to something if I'm having any sort of disagreement with my friends is, "yeah, well Green Day sucks." And i just kinda smile and raise my eyebrows and thats usually the end of it cause we know they're at the bottom of the barrel.

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I think they were referring to people who claim to be a HUGE fan of a band, but only really like a couple of songs.

Yeah, that is annoying I guess. My brother and my cousin like WMUWSE - they are chavs, it disturbed me. I thought if they do some chav style remix on this song and make Billiam sound like a chipmunk I am gonna personally castrate the both of them XD.

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I think they were referring to people who claim to be a HUGE fan of a band, but only really like a couple of songs.

That's rare though.

What I hate more is people thinking they're hardcore because they own Dookie.

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