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Green Day Poster- TOP DOLLAR


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wow, $295 for a poster...

the most i've spent on a poster was like, $15 maybe!

good luck in finding it!

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I could buy about 59 posters with that money to be spent on one.

If I see anything I'll let you know, but I've never seen that one before, so it must be hella rare.

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It is rare, but not extremly valuable. That one was autographed and framed, hence it was expensive. The only other time I have seen one of these was like 6months back. Where a guy on ebay sold like 6 in a lot for $20.00. So unsigned, they are rare, but no worth tons of money. Its not the cost that prohibiting buying one of these, its just finding one.

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I've never seen that poster before. Nice though.

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Damn, i was like "ooo i could help this guy out i think i have an extra one somewhere". But, it's not that poster.


I will add that is one might sexy poster though. Never seen it.

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Wow that is one really cool poster but no I have never seen it before, sorry.

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I have never seen that particular poster, but the artwork looks very much like a poster I have from The Wiltern show in 2005. The artist/designer is Chris Bilheimer, who does all REM's stuff and has worked with several other bands as well.

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Looks like it's just an MTV2 special poster, that looks like a toughie to get a hold of.

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This is hot... I would never spend so much money on one poster

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seems like a good poster. but yaeh $295 is far too much for a poster even if it's authographed :/

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not 2 fond of it mese but if i see anything ill let you know, the poster with the pic of the CD 'taken from behing billie' is better i think

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I looked up Chris belheimer, He is definately the guy. This poster has the same picture of the band, the background is differnent. Im trying to find a website for this guy but all i can really find is REM posters.


Here's a photo of my poster, you can see how alike the design is.


If those from BIAB are similar, they are numbered and signed by Bilheimer. So there may not be any reprints.

Good luck finding it!

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damn, thats a nice poster you have, how much did u pay for that?

Aw, thanks.....not a thing. I won it. :ninja:

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