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Stop Drop & Roll release on April 8th


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Soundtaxi "strips" DRM.

The great one speaks again.

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Fuck iTunes and fuck iPods. Use a goddamn media player that isn't so overpriced and so exclusive with its media formats. Go for a Creative player or one of the new Samsung touch screen players.

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Our Mother Mary's arrived from Interpunk today, they have the big hole in the middle, which i love soooooooo retro. I love the attention to detail on the sleeve too, the scuff marks that make it look like its been dragged on and off a shelf for years, the brown worn away marks that you get with years of overhandling, Jason Chandler really designed a fantastic piece of art.


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We ordered from two places, HMV in England and Interpunk in the States, they're both different. The colour on the sleeve is slightly different, the US copy has Warner on it, the UK one doesn't the US one has the big hole in the middle, the UK one has the small hole that fits straight onto a record player.

Nice to have both :)


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Our Mother Mary's arrived from Interpunk today, they have the big hole in the middle, which i love soooooooo retro. I love the attention to detail on the sleeve too, the scuff marks that make it look like its been dragged on and off a shelf for years, the brown worn away marks that you get with years of overhandling, Jason Chandler really designed a fantastic piece of art.


Yeah, I love the worn out look, too. I thought it was just the ones that I got. :)

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if it has DRM as mentioned, then no. you can't just import it to iTunes. You'll have to strip it of it's DRM using some convertor. I haven't tried, so i can't really say for sure.

I know jackshit about DRM and stuff like that. I will tell you that I was able to put The Pedestrian on Itunes and upload to my Ipod. :teehee:

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that´s because you are from the US and can buy it in the first place - for some time this morning I thought my brain had fallen out,too stupid to fill out a fricking form corectly.

*feels no envy whatsoever :whistling: *

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I´ve got it!!!

The answer was at the IC - simply put in "CA" as state - this was my problem this morning.Take care to devide your telefon number into the right brakeds.

I could open it with iTunes - no sweat :)

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Fuck iTunes and fuck iPods. Use a goddamn media player that isn't so overpriced and so exclusive with its media formats. Go for a Creative player or one of the new Samsung touch screen players.


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Fuck iTunes and fuck iPods. Use a goddamn media player that isn't so overpriced and so exclusive with its media formats. Go for a Creative player or one of the new Samsung touch screen players.

But I wanna look cool. :(

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I´ve got it!!!

The answer was at the IC - simply put in "CA" as state - this was my problem this morning.Take care to devide your telefon number into the right brakeds.

I could open it with iTunes - no sweat :)

Still doesn't help if you dont have a credit card tho :(


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I'm guessing that extra download of The Pedestrian is just to give a better quality version than the one on myspace, just until the album's release. I'm not going to bother paying to download something that is coming out on CD, though - it's pointless. You just get it a few weeks later. If you wait for the CD you can rip it from that for your computer or MP3 player.

Now i've said that, i'll bet the CD won't get released XD

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i think the network was mostly crap.

yea... it kinda scared me the first time i listened to the album... i was like "ugh what the hell did i just buy?"

but then the songs got stuck in my head, and then i couldn't stop listening to it...so i guess you can say that im a pretty big fan now.

plus it gives me another band to name if someone asks me what my favorite band is besides green day (because i dont listen to anythign else much besides green day & the network...i guess now the foxboro hot tunbs but i have yet to memorize all their songs) . i

love the fact that most people i know have no idea what i'm talking about half the time haha!

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My single came today. Haha. My kids have never seen a record before.....

well except the one Cheryl sent me that said "I wanna be Billie Joe"

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Even if I can't buy it I will get it. I have got good connections. :eyebrows::shifty:

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I find it funny that the Green Day mailing list just sent out an email promoting The Pedestrian. It made me smirk.

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I have been able to download The Pedestrian and play it on my iTunes and put it on my iPod with no problems, so :D

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