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Stop Drop & Roll release on April 8th


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Absolute Punk posted this story


"Foxboro Hot Tubs will be shooting a music video for "The Pedestrian" with director Graydon Sheppard."

I have no idea where they got that from. No link to any story, just a link to their myspace.

Andres, here is the reference:


They're usually a reliable source, plus they list the companies that are producing it so it seems like they have the full info.

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applause to M1KEY! :D

I mentioned before that I'm craving new Green Day material and I am, but not desperately. Foxboro Hot Tubs have more or less filled a void for me and there's plently of other decent music out there to listen to until we get the new Green Day record. I'm really looking forward to the new Pinhead material which I'm sure I'll obsess over for a good couple of months. Whether the new record is this year, next year whatever I still feel that the guys-no matter what band it comes from-are doing something to help keep their fans satisfied. They're just trying to have some fun before they get down to business. Green Day is their career, it's important to them that they take their time to release something that feels right to them and not something rushed just to keep some fans happy. Being musicians, it's probably exciting for them to try out different styles and be experimental, and that's what they have done with the Foxboro's.

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How fantastic would a video for Pedestrian be!!! :woot:

lol. Make that a double Thanks.

Now I have awful awful images of the milfs. D:

Yep, those laminates I was talking about yesterday ........ :D

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The three possible directions that were talked about are just that - possibilities. Stop Drop and Roll is an actuality that's being owned and promoted. I know what people are saying - that it's a happenstance on the way to somewhere, not the destination. But what if you find that the happenstance is what you were looking for all along?

“We record live to an eight-track reel-to-reel machine,” they say in an e-mail to Rolling Stone. “We write songs as we go, on the fly, fast and spontaneous."

That's all present-tense stuff. What if Green Day should decide that instead of laboring over stuff, they'd rather get it out there, fast and fun and angst-free? I suppose what I'm saying is maybe this is the future for them - and if it is, can the fanbase accept it, or will they always be holding out for a 'real' Green Day album?

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Well i'm enjoying it all and if 'this is where the band are right now' then its fine with me, if they're having fun, enjoying themselves and sharing it with us along the way i don't see a problem with it.

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The three possible directions that were talked about are just that - possibilities. Stop Drop and Roll is an actuality that's being owned and promoted. I know what people are saying - that it's a happenstance on the way to somewhere, not the destination. But what if you find that the happenstance is what you were looking for all along?

“We record live to an eight-track reel-to-reel machine,” they say in an e-mail to Rolling Stone. “We write songs as we go, on the fly, fast and spontaneous.”

That's all present-tense stuff. What if Green Day should decide that instead of laboring over stuff, they'd rather get it out there, fast and fun and angst-free? I suppose what I'm saying is maybe this is the future for them - and if it is, can the fanbase accept it, or will they always be holding out for a 'real' Green Day album?

The FHT songs seem a bit too polished to have actually been written on the fly. It seems to me that saying that is another way for the guys to say, "Get off our backs." No doubt they've been under a lot of pressure to record a follow up to AI so they're looking for ways to get back to creating but without so much pressure, and it would be great if they carry that spontaneity into whatever they do next. It's not unlike what they did when they came up with AI, with Mike writing Nobody Likes You as a kind of throwaway and have that lead to the album itself.

I find the whole discussion of whether or not this is Green Day to be just kind of odd. This is what they're working on. Call it what you will. It's pretty great stuff, so why not just take it at face value?

All of this moaning by the fans reminds me of the uproar that ensued when Bob Dylan started playing electric. Maybe he should have called it a 'side project'? :D

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Thank you chickin'pickin' and ssnn! Hey, your names are underlined in red as I'm typing this... that means you spelled them wrong. Shame! *wags finger*

applause to M1KEY! :D

I mentioned before that I'm craving new Green Day material and I am, but not desperately. Foxboro Hot Tubs have more or less filled a void for me and there's plently of other decent music out there to listen to until we get the new Green Day record. I'm really looking forward to the new Pinhead material which I'm sure I'll obsess over for a good couple of months. Whether the new record is this year, next year whatever I still feel that the guys-no matter what band it comes from-are doing something to help keep their fans satisfied. They're just trying to have some fun before they get down to business. Green Day is their career, it's important to them that they take their time to release something that feels right to them and not something rushed just to keep some fans happy. Being musicians, it's probably exciting for them to try out different styles and be experimental, and that's what they have done with the Foxboro's.

If I was in a band for 20 years (Happy 20th green Day!!!), I would definitely want to play around with new styles and sounds. I think side projects are a great way to get those creative juices flowing and satisfying those needs. I think it's amazing that they can do this as a band instead of the members doing solo projects. I know they've had some rough times in the past, but fuck they must have such close friendships and bonds... and communal showers.

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The FHT songs seem a bit too polished to have actually been written on the fly. It seems to me that saying that is another way for the guys to say, "Get off our backs." No doubt they've been under a lot of pressure to record a follow up to AI so they're looking for ways to get back to creating but without so much pressure, and it would be great if they carry that spontaneity into whatever they do next. It's not unlike what they did when they came up with AI, with Mike writing Nobody Likes You as a kind of throwaway and have that lead to the album itself.

I find the whole discussion of whether or not this is Green Day to be just kind of odd. This is what they're working on. Call it what you will. It's pretty great stuff, so why not just take it at face value?

All of this moaning by the fans reminds me of the uproar that ensued when Bob Dylan started playing electric. Maybe he should have called it a 'side project'? :D

The most hell comes from second-guessing yourself - what comes first is very often best, and that's the feel of this album's energy for me. I found Billie Joe's comments about writing Holiday unforgettable - two fucking months on that song! And yeah, it's an amazing song, worth all of that time, but it's not the only way to go with stuff.

What really surprises me about this discussion is that no-one seems willing to even entertain the idea that Stop Drop and Roll could be considered as the next Green Day record, even if Green Day were to say it themselves. It's like there's some kind of barrier, arising from what we've come to expect from them based on their past.

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The most hell comes from second-guessing yourself - what comes first is very often best, and that's the feel of this album's energy for me. I found Billie Joe's comments about writing Holiday unforgettable - two fucking months on that song! And yeah, it's an amazing song, worth all of that time, but it's not the only way to go with stuff.
He also said the song AI "wrote itself" and that writing Longview was like pulling teeth. With some songs it's a battle, with others it just flows right away, it seems. Their process doesn't really seem to have changed.

What really surprises me about this discussion is that no-one seems willing to even entertain the idea that Stop Drop and Roll could be considered as the next Green Day record, even if Green Day were to say it themselves. It's like there's some kind of barrier, arising from what we've come to expect from them based on their past.

I think part of that barrier is that many fans are in love with how Green Day songs make them feel. A large part of the appeal is that the lyrics feel like they speak to them personally, and that's what they want. FHT is maybe a bit more removed from that, although there's a lot of emotion in the songs here too. It may not be the kind of emotion that relates so directly to the personal experience of the fan base.

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Do people simply not pay attention to anything or are they just plain stupid? (Yeah yeah, here goes M1KEY again, right?) :lol:

Anyway, is "Stop, Drop and Roll!!!" Green Day's follow-up to "American Idiot"?

- Um... well, let me think on this for a sec... er... ah... perhaps... or... NO!!!!!

And how do we know this?

1. The fucking name of the fucking band isn't Green Day.

2. In the letter to MTV it clearly states that FHT/Stop, Drop and Roll!!! was the result of the guys jamming and playing around together.

3. Over a year ago we were given some info on the progress of the next Green Day record... that they had 3 album's worth of songs, with 3 different directions they could possibly go in: (1) Straight up punk rock (2) Another concept album with a different story (3) According to Billie, "the strangest sounds we've ever heard". Do EITHER of those options paint the picture of the Foxboro Hot Tubs? Not to me they don't.

So, stop getting your titties in a knot, don't get your pee hot, and just enjoy the fact that this year alone we are being treated to a new Pinhead Gunpowder EP, a new and exciting side project, and MAYBE even a new Green Day record.

That's all.

Exactly. Those boys haven't finished yet. I'm sure they'll wanna go on a nice big tour with their "proper" follow up, and that doesn't seem likely with a fun little side project like this.

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Do people simply not pay attention to anything or are they just plain stupid? (Yeah yeah, here goes M1KEY again, right?) :lol:

Anyway, is "Stop, Drop and Roll!!!" Green Day's follow-up to "American Idiot"?

- Um... well, let me think on this for a sec... er... ah... perhaps... or... NO!!!!!

And how do we know this?

1. The fucking name of the fucking band isn't Green Day.

2. In the letter to MTV it clearly states that FHT/Stop, Drop and Roll!!! was the result of the guys jamming and playing around together.

3. Over a year ago we were given some info on the progress of the next Green Day record... that they had 3 album's worth of songs, with 3 different directions they could possibly go in: (1) Straight up punk rock (2) Another concept album with a different story (3) According to Billie, "the strangest sounds we've ever heard". Do EITHER of those options paint the picture of the Foxboro Hot Tubs? Not to me they don't.

So, stop getting your titties in a knot, don't get your pee hot, and just enjoy the fact that this year alone we are being treated to a new Pinhead Gunpowder EP, a new and exciting side project, and MAYBE even a new Green Day record.

That's all.

Nice rant.

Well said. :D

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Green Day will not disappoint. Write it down Andres. The next Green Day album will pass AI and Dookie within 3 years. It will be their best yet. Write it down Andres.

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Green Day will not disappoint. Write it down Andres. The next Green Day album will pass AI and Dookie within 3 years. It will be their best yet. Write it down Andres.

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Green Day will not disappoint. Write it down Andres. The next Green Day album will pass AI and Dookie within 3 years. It will be their best yet. Write it down Andres.

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Green Day will not disappoint. Write it down Andres. The next Green Day album will pass AI and Dookie within 3 years. It will be their best yet. Write it down Andres.

Does he have to write it down 3 times though? :lol:

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I'm finding it very odd that no one seems to care that a music video is being planned for The Pedestrian. I think it's pretty exciting, not just for the video itself, but also because it seems to indicate that the members of Green Day consider the FHT a serious project, and also that it could mean more photos, appearances etc if the FHT are going to start being promoted in earnest.

(Assuming it's true, which we have to wait and see, but the info is from a reliable source.)

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I think people have talked about this in another thread, i know that its been talked about a lot on the IC.

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What will be interesting is if the band are in the vid and if so what image they've come up with, no doubt something fun to fit in with the music style and era, im hoping for something silly, something cheesy, something totally that shows how much fun they've had with the project.

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I'm finding it very odd that no one seems to care that a music video is being planned for The Pedestrian. I think it's pretty exciting, not just for the video itself, but also because it seems to indicate that the members of Green Day consider the FHT a serious project, and also that it could mean more photos, appearances etc if the FHT are going to start being promoted in earnest.

(Assuming it's true, which we have to wait and see, but the info is from a reliable source.)

I can't wait to see the video if it comes out :happy:

I wouldn't say it necessarily means it's a serious project though, I mean, there were several Network vids & they weren't really promoted. Here's hoping that this time they DO decide to promote it cos I'd love to see some live performances and pics of the Rev. & co. :thumbsup:

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What will be interesting is if the band are in the vid and if so what image they've come up with, no doubt something fun to fit in with the music style and era, im hoping for something silly, something cheesy, something totally that shows how much fun they've had with the project.

Oh, just the thoughts that come to mind make me smile! We need some really 60s stuff happening - and oh hopefully, it will star the band members. I'm looking forward to it - just any new image of them will be great to see!

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