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The latest Green Day item you bought


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If their signature instrument counts, then the Billie Joe Armstrong J-180. It is so beautiful. :wub:

JEALOUS. :angry:

I bought a shirt and program from the musical. Would have bought the awesome hoodie also, but I wasn't willing to spend over $100. :P

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I FINALLY got Shenanagins though it's only the CD and the artwork..but it was only a dollar so I'm happy :)

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Insomniac, it wasn't available here and I found it in an old store, the package was broken, so it was only $4 ^^

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just bought two green day cassettes at an auction on ebay! 39 and dookie, i'm so excited for them to come from england to germany :dance:

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today at the musical i bought the saint jimmy AI t-shirt, a magnet, a key chain, AND the program book :lol: i think i went a little overboard w/ the GD merch :P

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A tee shirt with the cover of the American Idiot single on it (mom, dad, kid, bear trap) and another with a picture of the three of them with "Green Day" written under it from like...American Idiot era.

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sorry for shitty quality, handycam ;)

btw, i noticed that when you play the a-side of waiting until the end, the first two tones of maria are played and repeated... is this normal? :mellow:

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A t-shirt from Hot Topic. (The one with no recognized theme, but a green heart surrounded by nails.) But, of courrse, I had to get it online, because no Hot Topic (at least the 5 that I went to) carry any Green Day merchandise in store. Insane.

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Well not exactly the latest Green Day item I bought, but I bought this Green Day shirt from Hot Topic that was too big, but it was Green Day so I needed to get the last one. Well anyways my shirt was too big and I finally fixed it to fit me! =D

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