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The latest Green Day item you bought


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^ Hast du vielleicht ein "Müller" in deiner Nähe? Da hab ich´s nämlich her! ;)

(Sorry for OT)

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the latest green day album i bought was the kerplunk cd because i finally found it at my local music store

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the 39smooth LP

and yesterday I bought Rock Against Bush vol2. (The one with Favorite Son).

That album has awesome songs and I got more bands to listen to.

Autopilot Off, The (International) Noise Concpiracy and The Unseen to name a few.

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The last thing I PERSONALLY bought (not presents) is an American Idiot t-shirt, 6 years ago :cry: None sells good Green Day items around here .-.

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Over the weekend I bought a few Green Day promo CDs. And though I didn't technically "purchase" it, I got the newest Idiot Club shirt in the mail.

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The Q Magazine! I was so excited when I found it in the shop :D

I read the interview in a sec, I think I'm going to give it to my friend as a birthday present, that'd make me even happier than having it lying around the house =)

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My mom bought me that book, Green Day Revealed when we saw it at the mall one day. It was sitting out on their like "on sale" table out in the middle of the mall. :lol: And mine looks different than all the other ones I've seen. Mine looks like this. I haven't gotten to read it yet though, it's a Christmas present. :P

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