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The latest Green Day item you bought


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I preordered AAF and bought the Geek Steek Breath and Minority singles for 75p each :D anyone know any websites where I can buy Green Day singles on CD new? They have to be new, thanks :)

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I got me the Breakdown Hoodie on greenday.com. It had GD (Green Day innitials) on the front, with Green Day on the bottom left. It also had Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown's artwork on the back, and it had Green Day on the bottom of the Artwork. However, I think they don't sell them anymore, but I did order one last month ago on greenday.com, which I got it for Christmas. It's an awesome Hoodie. Very comfortable Hoodie to wear outside.

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I've been eyeing it for so long but only got around to buying it at last night's show. I really liked the image of the 'rage' and 'love' tattooed on his knuckles. Plus it's really soft :happy:

Oooh, I had trouble choosing between that one and the red one that says New York City on the back. I ended up going for the red one because I wasn't sure if people would understand the black one.

I bought an independent Green Day documentary yesterday at a music store in Madison. It's called The Only Rhyme That Bites. I had never heard of it. But it was really cool the way they interviewed some of the people that were close to Green Day when they were young. They talked to Jesse from Operation Ivy, some journalist who interviewed them several times over the years, the artist who did the cover of Insomniac, some fans, people who worked at 924 Gilman St, etc. It's a little outdated, but kind of nice to hear an "unedited" point of view on the band.

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Unofficial calendar is last GD thing I bought

rusty wired hoody last GD thing parents bought me :D

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I got a lot of green day stuff for my birthday!!

I got a Billie Joe/green day necklace, BOBD street sign, Green day calendar, green day painting, and writing for my wall! :happy:

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  • 3 weeks later...


yes, that needed caps. I just stumbled upon it when I was in FYE today. I only had the album that I'd downloaded from iTunes 5 years ago, but now I have the actual CD plus the DVD :woot: I never expected to find it in a record store, EVER.

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yes, that needed caps. I just stumbled upon it when I was in FYE today. I only had the album that I'd downloaded from iTunes 5 years ago, but now I have the actual CD plus the DVD :woot: I never expected to find it in a record store, EVER.

You lucky bastard! My FYE never has anything from The Network/Hot Tubs/Pinhead :(

Does Green Day Rock Band count? That's the last GD item I got . . . .

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The last item I bought was the Broadway cast version of American Idiot;

The one with twenty-two songs instead of like, thirteen.

I'm just so addicted to it right now; everyone's voices.. :wub:

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Cometbus, as well as an import Welcome to Paradise and some other single (Walking Contradiction, maybe? idk, I'm too lazy to get up and look :lol:)

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Yesterday I bought two CD singles . . . "Geek Stink Breath" and "Do You Know Your Enemy".

When I went to see American Idiot a few weeks ago I bought the red tee shirt, the black tee shirt, the St. Jimmy tee shirt, the program, the poster and the sweatshirt. I have a whole new wardrobe now!!

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Within the past month I've bought:

Green Day T-Shirt

Rusty Wired American Idiot Hoodie

Riding in Vans with Boys

Idiot Club membership/AAF IC t-shirt

And I pre-ordered the AAF Blu-Ray edition.

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