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The latest Green Day item you bought


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I bought a t shirt with the covers of Uno! Dos! Tre! and Quatro! on it. And I managed to get it five pounds off thanks to love2shop voucher (I'm a tight arse, leave me alone!)

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I just ordered one of the rad new Adeline shirts. Baseball tees are the best, and my wardrobe can always use more.

I ordered one of those :runaround: although it was about 2 weeks ago now and hasn't arrived yet..

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I was in the book section of fnac, and I found this Green Day book that has all their songs from 39/Smooth through Nimrod, and it lists all the lyrics in both English and Spanish! Super exciting. So I bought it. Now I need to see if I can find some books with the rest of their songs.

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My Adeline baseball shirt and Warning on white vinyl arrived :dance: :dance:

Ooo yay! I can't wait for mine to arrive. I get ridiculously excited over getting packages in the mail, even if I already know what they are.

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Ooo yay! I can't wait for mine to arrive. I get ridiculously excited over getting packages in the mail, even if I already know what they are.

Same :P The baseball shirts went so quick though! I don't even know if they have any left now :D

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I got another GD shirt from the AI era. It was the text Green Day on the front with the green american flag with the fist on the back. I'll also be pre-ordering Tre soon.

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Finally got a Slappy EP :runaround: it has the berkeley address, but i'm not sure which pressing it is. I get so confused with how many different versions there are of the early EPs..

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