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The latest Green Day item you bought


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My Green Day kiss me I'm punk sew on patch came today! I have no clue what I'm gonna sew it on yet though...

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I just got a used guitar player magazine from 2009 with Billie Joe on the cover and interview, there's also a interview with Jason White! Sadley they spelled Tre wrong :( Trey? Really? Haha whatever only $1!

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Check out this scarf I got at Renegade Craft Fair yesterday!


It has all of the words to Welcome to Paradise on it (this is just a small piece of the scarf). It is a little weird that this non-American Idiot song has the American Idiot heart logo, but I like it very much. I go on about it (and a knitted grenade I bought) on my blog here: http://anarchistgs.blogspot.com/ if you are interested. The crafter's page is here: http://www.veqdesign.com/

That scarf is amazing.

"It is a little weird that this non-American Idiot song has the American Idiot heart logo"

Yeah when I saw it I thought about that too.

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The last Green Day item I bought was Insomniac on vinyl a couple days ago :)

It's great and I love it...Everything sounds better on vinyl!

Check out this scarf I got at Renegade Craft Fair yesterday!


It has all of the words to Welcome to Paradise on it (this is just a small piece of the scarf). It is a little weird that this non-American Idiot song has the American Idiot heart logo, but I like it very much. I go on about it (and a knitted grenade I bought) on my blog here: http://anarchistgs.blogspot.com/ if you are interested. The crafter's page is here: http://www.veqdesign.com/

This has to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen! You're so lucky to own it lol

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I bought the Minority limited edition grey vinyl and The Network bundle from Adeline. I can't wait to see what the "mystery" shirt looks like!!

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I bought the Minority limited edition grey vinyl and The Network bundle from Adeline. I can't wait to see what the "mystery" shirt looks like!!

Same here! Got woken up by the GDA tweet saying the Minority vinyl was on sale, immediately went online to order it. (This was, by the way, at four in the morning where I am!)

And, yeah, aren't they releasing the details of that shirt today? Dunno if I want to wait to see it when it comes, and be surprised or go on there later to see before.

But then, my curiosity tends to get the better of me. :P

And, of course, The Network has nothing to do with Green Day... :shifty::lol:

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Thank you! My wonderful friend bought it for me as an early birthday present!

:woot: That scarf looks amazing!!! Thanks for the link too, I'll have to check that out!

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today I got a heap of parcels in the mail! I got insomniac on vinyl, the network bundle from Adeline, the know your enemy 7' and my copy of Fluke. It was like Christmas in my household.

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A live-dvd (unofficial) and a flag, even though I don't have anymore space for it in my room :lol:.

The flag looks like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not an official item but... :rolleyes:

I found a guy who takes vynils and "draw" on them with a paint spray the covers of various rock/punk albums...

Obviously I bought the one with the American Idiot logo (the only one with a Green day cover) :dance:

It's on my bedroom wall now :D :


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It's not an official item but... :rolleyes:

I found a guy who takes vynils and "draw" on them with a paint spray the covers of various rock/punk albums...

Obviously I bought the one with the American Idiot logo (the only one with a Green day cover) :dance:

It's on my bedroom wall now :D :


Looks awesome! :woot:

The last thing I bought was a Network CD (FINALLY!!), an AAF poster, a calendar for 2012 and a 2 GD postcards :)

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American idiot picture disk, Minority single on gray vinyl and The Network vinyl off Adeline.

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I was on a trip in London and I bought

this Dookie T-shirt


and 2012 calendar


ehh in Poland we haven't got much Green Day items...

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Some coasters of Green Day album covers from eBay - quite cool but I'm now officially strange amongst my friends!

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