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Have you had a 'Green Day Day'?

The Disappearing Boy

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i thought this was going to be about a day spent smoking pot, but no i havent spent a whole day listening to green day.

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Nimrod was the only cd I would listen to for like a full week and I played it over and over and over and overx386586298365928365928

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nopee.. cant listen to one artise that long gotta swap around... except dream theater... i could listen to them for like...ever *drools*

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This summer me, mum and dad was driving home and I was listen thow all the GD album two times. The trip took around 10 hours. We stared at 10 am and was home 10.30 PM ( stoped for lunch for one and a half hour.)

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when i saw Green Day Day i thought you ment like a green day, just a pot smoking day

and i was all excited to be like yes, yes i have :D

but, i haven't had a green day day, only a green day :(

haha at least i wasn't the only one who made that mistake.

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me too i dont have all the albums but i put repeat onn all the songs i can spend like more than 4 hours listing to the same shit

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No never.....I would never have enough time to sit and listen to them for 8 hours straight. I've definitely listened to them for a few hours at a time though!

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Quite a good deal few, last year. When I didn't go to school. I don't have time for that anymore, but I'm still alive so I guess it's ok and I won't die from it.

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I went through a phase where I only listened to Green Day. It lasted about 6 months and my brother was like "Sap. Get some new bands." So I did.

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I haven't listened to Green Day a whole day long but my friends gave me a Green Day day for my birthday last year!

They were all wearing green clothing and they gave me a bunch of presents all kind of things of Green Day, t-shirt,wallet,buttons, and lots more. Then we watched bullet in a bible.

It was sweeet! :)

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