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Have you had a 'Green Day Day'?

The Disappearing Boy

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Ok this is a pretty pointless topic. but yeah i just listened to every green day album. back to back. no stopping. it lasted 7 hrs 59 minutes. i never thought i would hear myself say this, but i think i have had enough green day for one day!!

Please please tell me you were multitasking?

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i did that once.

i was writing a research paper and i was bored. :D

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I never did that! The most similar thing i've done was listening to something like 2 or 3 Green Day albums non stopping.

But if you did that, you REALLY had a Green Day day!!! :D:lol:

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Ok this is a pretty pointless topic. but yeah i just listened to every green day album. back to back. no stopping. it lasted 7 hrs 59 minutes. i never thought i would hear myself say this, but i think i have had enough green day for one day!!

wow that is alot of green day.

i thought there was no such thing as too much green day?

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Once on Channel [V] on January 1st 2006, all they were playing was Green Day related stuff. And I sat on the couch, all day. So that was my Green Day day :lol:

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Once on Channel [V] on January 1st 2006, all they were playing was Green Day related stuff. And I sat on the couch, all day. So that was my Green Day day :lol:

I rekon that would be better to watch it on tv coz if I just listened to it on the computer or something I rekon I would get bored with it but if I had the music videos or something like that to watch with them then it would be ok.

And No I haven't had a Green Day Day

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Once on Channel [V] on January 1st 2006, all they were playing was Green Day related stuff. And I sat on the couch, all day. So that was my Green Day day :lol:

I'm pretty sure I did that too :P

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Once on Channel [V] on January 1st 2006, all they were playing was Green Day related stuff. And I sat on the couch, all day. So that was my Green Day day :lol:

That reminds me! There was a Green Day Special on Kerrang, and I sat there all day watching it.

So, I have had my Green Day day. :D

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I'm doing it now before I go to work. :) <3


I'm doing it now too

my neighbours must be tired...since 3 years they listen alot of green day 'cause i love the band :lol:

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Yeah, but only once or twice. It was a pretty long day and I was moving furniture both times.

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No. There have been days dedicated to the Smashing Pumpkins, pretty much, though. We were super excited to go see them that day, though, so we decided to listen to Mellon Collie all the way through like we used to in our own separate worlds, then we went to see them and we wore their shirts and shite. but never could I listen to all their music ever created or even that I own. That would take wayyyy too fucking long and I would get bored.

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I really only listen to Green Day when I clean these days. They made some good cleaning music.

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i've never done like each separate album, the most i get to is maybe 4. But back when i was super obsessed i had all their songs on my mp3 and that took up all the space except for like..50 songs? So the shuffle button didn't do much for mixing up artists. I just went the whole day listening to Green Day with a few random songs to create a quick 2 minute break now and then. I think thats why i then proceeded to not listen to them for like three months. I got kinda sick of it all, even though i love them. So i've been easing back into it now.

I really only listen to Green Day when I clean these days. They made some good cleaning musi
SO TRUE. i went into a cleaning frenzy to the background of BIAB today. :)
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I just listened to the ENTIRE Ramones discography (14 albums) from their first album to their last album, NONSTOP!

This has been the craziest 10 hours of my life! Anyone else who can accomplish this feat wins my complete respect.

I do warn you though... You WILL be crazy afterwards. I'm gonna be screwed in the head for at least a few days.

I'm aware it's not Green Day but I think this is more amazing...

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