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Favourite Green Day book


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Honesty, I've only read Nobody Likes You , and maybe it was just me, but it took me wayyyy too long to finish it. Parts of it were amusing enough - eh, I don't know.

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Meh, not so interested in reading any Green Day books. I have so many other books I HAVE to read for school so.....yeah.

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Like a lot of others, I've only read 'Nobody Likes You'.

It was quite a good read, but I didn't really learn anything new from it, I think.

Still, I recommend it to Green Day fans. :)

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I haven't taken time from my life to read one. I've read most of the shit on GDA, I'm all set.

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i would have to say nobody likes you by mark spitz.

i could not put it down.

and i especially like the detail he goes into explaining the foundations and beginnings of punk.

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That's probably the dumbest question ever, but I'd have to say Obmunios Press Presents: Green Day

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I have read nobody likes you, american idiots and the new punk explosion by ben myers, the omnibus one and rebels with a cause

Sorry I would write outt he proper names and authors if i could remember them :lol:

And i gotta say I thought the omnibus one was shit...except for the pictures, hehe

and the other three were pretty good except there were a few incorrect things in each book but if I had to pick probs Ben Myers one =]

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I've only read nobody likes you because AMAZINGLY the retarded library in this town actually carries it. I think i read it three times in a week and then i frowned as i took it to the return. :angry:

i need to read the others...if only i could find them.

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Erm I forgot what it's called and I'm too lazy to go look but it's a bio that came out in 95 or 96 that is the size of a CD case and they call them CD books. I think it may just be called Green Day.

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That's probably the dumbest question ever, but I'd have to say Obmunios Press Presents: Green Day

Dumbest question? !Stfu! :huh: I think you are dumb

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I've only owned (and read) "Nobody Likes You" so I have to say that it's the best GD book I've ever read.. because I haven't read any others.

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I own two Green Day books that my uncle got me for Christmas. My favorite was Nobody Likes You, though. It's very well written and planned out. :)

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Never read any and dont want to.

Dont see the point of a GD book.

:huh: You don't see the point? Well, you can learn many interest fact about the guys, how they recorded an album, where, how did they live....

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I must say that Rebels With A Cause by Gillian G. Gaar is awesome! I have it and I read it thousands of times!!!!


thats my fav too

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I bought "Nobody Likes You" in Easons today. Can't wait to get stuck in.

They had "Rebels With A Cause" as well, but it was €30 :huh:

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