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Similarity in a Green Day album


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If you listen to the first 3 albums(Since they have a similar vibe, not that they sound alike) and then the rest, they are so far apart from each other. Especially AI, it has a very unique sound.

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If someone says that all the Green Day songs are same, I would smack him/she so hard. All the Green Day song are special.

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If someone says that all the Green Day songs are same, I would smack him/she so hard. All the Green Day song are special.

0mgz 411 t3h gr33n d41 s0ng5 4r3 t3h s4m3.

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not all green day songs sound the same.....but each album has its own "sound". like when a song comes on the radio, before ive recognized the song, im picturing the album cover.

its like "okay...this is american idiot..." or "i hear some dookie playing"

so he has a point, but you also have a point :)

Yah. What this person said.

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Alot of songs sound quite similar because they usually use the same three chords throughout the album. Insomniac is a classic example.

I don't think that's a bad thing though, it's a mere retrograde in Musical terms. :cool:

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