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Did Green Day sell out?


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ok, I am not defending them. I just don't understand why people think they know what Billie should and should not do. Many people use their success to venture into other businesses. Ever gone to a famous althete's restaraunt. Should Mike not have Rudi's cant fail cafe because he is in a band. Thats just dumb.

but mike's not doing it for the money. mike is jus doing it for the helluva. billie is trying to throw his name out there even more so that he becomes a god

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Since when is capitalizing on your success wrong. Thousand of people and companies do it all the time. Its what makes the world go around.

yes, thousands do it a year, and thats what almost all real punk rock preaches against.

And Rudies cant fail cafe cant be compared to this. im sure it doesnt make much money, and im sure he wasnt planning on cashing in big time with it.

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The fact that every other word is a curse word(at his concerts) & pretending to jack off on stage (while his kids are there), getting drunk often (including DWI), possible extramarrital relationship etc. those are great values and beliefs. Again if he didnt need to be setting an example for his kids, I couldn't care less, but he does.. Think about how much shit his kids friends probably give them about the one scene in Bullet in a Bible alone. As much as I enjoy watching it, bad fo his young sons to see..Not something I would want my husband to be doing.

Yeah, I see your point, but I think that being uncompromisingly honest and always telling the truth, even if it makes you look bad, or stupid, are really honorable and important values and I have huge respect for that. He's not afraid of being honest or appearing vulnerable, or being wrong. That's very rare.

Which is why I actually respect things like his swearing and silliness like pretending to jack off or dropping his pants: they're stupid and really really honest. Who doesn't feel that way? He actually has the courage to express it. I'm not sure how that would hurt his kids, to be true and admit his weaknesses.

It's not great that he drinks, but it doesn't bother me, except for the DWI, which was clearly a mistake. And I don't believe for one second that he has had affairs.

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are u kidding me? Billie Joe Armstrong plays the guitar and sings music. He is not a fashion designer. When Dookie came out, do u think he wouldve gone "hmm, people like us, i should make a clothing line to make more cash!"

No I am not kidding you. Are you positively sure Billie is a fashion designer? Are you sure its just not his business and someone else is doing the work? Possibly a professional or even his wife. Come on.

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ok, I am not defending them. I just don't understand why people think they know what Billie should and should not do. Many people use their success to venture into other businesses. Ever gone to a famous althete's restaraunt. Should Mike not have Rudi's cant fail cafe because he is in a band. Thats just dumb.

again with these horrible examples. athletes don't have the same artistic merit as musicians. "selling out" only applies if you have some sort of integrity to comprimise in the first place.

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Yeah, I see your point, but I think that being uncompromisingly honest and always telling the truth, even if it makes you look bad, or stupid, are really honorable and important values and I have huge respect for that. He's not afraid of being honest or appearing vulnerable, or being wrong. That's very rare.

Which is why I actually respect things like his swearing and silliness like pretending to jack off or dropping his pants: they're stupid and really really honest. Who doesn't feel that way? He actually has the courage to express it. I'm not sure how that would hurt his kids, to be true and admit his weaknesses.

It's not great that he drinks, but it doesn't bother me, except for the DWI, which was clearly a mistake. And I don't believe for one second that he has had affairs.

Its nice that you can see my point of view for a change. :blush: Your first paragraph is exactly why I love him and respect him even tho I dont agree with him all the time. Regarding his kids. I have kids the exact same age as his as well as one inbetween and as a parent its just a bad example. As a person with no kids around I love it. So go figure. Regarding the affair(s) I have no idea if he actually has, but most people don't make it through a marriage without one. And he has the temptations a million times more than most. I always thought shoplifter was written about a certain someone.

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It's not their job to set an example just because they are famous. Why should they change who they are because more people are watching them? Should Billie stop 'masturbating' at shows because kids are there? uh no.

Changing who you are because more people are watching is just as bad as selling out.

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for me, this woulnt be so bad for bands who just got thrown into the public and are trying to make it, but green day had a huge fan base, and were doing better than any band could hope for. they had bragging rights over all these new pop punk bands, and had a good rep. i think they just really wanted huge fame more than being respected by their peers, and having a loyal fanbase(which they had, but no longer have). they were very popular before american idiot, i just think to want this was a little greedy.

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It's not their job to set an example just because they are famous. Why should they change who they are because more people are watching them? Should Billie stop 'masturbating' at shows because kids are there? uh no.

Changing who you are because more people are watching is just as bad as selling out.

You misunderstood me Andres. I am talking about HIS own kids.

for me, this woulnt be so bad for bands who just got thrown into the public and are trying to make it, but green day had a huge fan base, and were doing better than any band could hope for. they had bragging rights over all these new pop punk bands, and had a good rep. i think they just really wanted huge fame more than being respected by their peers, and having a loyal fanbase(which they had, but no longer have). they were very popular before american idiot, i just think to want this was a little greedy.

But they have stated more than once that they were scared that it would flop. But they were proud of it and thats all that mattered. From what they have said in interviews it doesnt seem like they made this album to become MORE famous. They just did (become more famous) because EVERYONE could relate to this album in one way or another, which is why it did so well.

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You misunderstood me Andres. I am talking about HIS own kids.

But they have stated more than once that they were scared that it would flop. But they were proud of it and thats all that mattered. From what they have said in interviews it doesnt seem like they made this album to become MORE famous. They just did because EVERYONE could relate to this album in one way or another, which is why it did so well.

But they have stated more than once that they were scared that it would flop. But they were proud of it and thats all that mattered. From what they have said in interviews it doesnt seem like they made this album to become MORE famous. They just did because EVERYONE could relate to this album in one way or another, which is why it did so well.

i didnt think they sold out for the album. it was decent, not their best, but good. they havnt sold out musically in my opinion, but it was what they did after it.....and we dont need to go through that again, youve been in this thread.

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i didnt think they sold out for the album. it was decent, not their best, but good. they havnt sold out musically in my opinion, but it was what they did after it.....and we dont need to go through that again, youve been in this thread.

Yeah I know. I don't know personally how much control GD has over what their label does regarding merchandise. If I knew I could form a better opinion.

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Man if you look at it, ever band has sold out according to some people. it seems as though people go crazy when their little band that they use to hold in their pocket end up getting a bigger fan base and eventually selling albums and heraven forbid, begin making money! Id love to see some of these idiots turn down a record contract or say no to promoting their their hard work they have been working on their whole lives to someday share with the world. These people can fuck off and get a life. God they make me mad!

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Yeah I know. I don't know personally how much control GD has over what their label does regarding merchandise. If I knew I could form a better opinion.

they can control it. and obviously billie doesnt mind if their merch is everywhere, cus Adeline is in his control completely. If they really liked it they could leave warner....but of course, they dont care, hence the adeline clothes.

Man if you look at it, ever band has sold out according to some people. it seems as though people go crazy when their little band that they use to hold in their pocket end up getting a bigger fan base and eventually selling albums and heraven forbid, begin making money! Id love to see some of these idiots turn down a record contract or say no to promoting their their hard work they have been working on their whole lives to someday share with the world. These people can fuck off and get a life. God they make me mad!

they had 4 multi-platinum albums and 2 golds before american idiot, playing HUGE venues, and honered as the revivers of punk rock....i dont think they were short on money before this.

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People think sellouts are bands that are popular just over an album being sold to millions.

Gah I don't make sense, again ._.

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I havent read their contract so I dont know how much control they have.As much as I would like to I just cant take your word for it. And yes he has complete control over Adeline but that has no relevence as it isnt GD merch. Its a business. He saw a niche and is filling it.

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I havent read their contract so I dont know how much control they have.As much as I would like to I just cant take your word for it. And yes he has complete control over Adeline but that has no relevence as it isnt GD merch. Its a business. He saw a niche and is filling it.

but he said he did adeline cus he wanted to stay active in the punk community, even tho his band was too mainstream for punk around the bay area. i dont see how putting a bunch of sweatshirts and accessories in hot topic helps local punk rock.

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but he said he did adeline cus he wanted to stay active in the punk community, even tho his band was too mainstream for punk around the bay area. i dont see how putting a bunch of sweatshirts and accessories in hot topic helps local punk rock.

Maybe all of his profits are going to the local underground punk scene. Or maybe he just wants them to have something to wear. :thumbsup:

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Maybe all of his profits are going to the local underground punk scene. Or maybe he just wants them to have something to wear. :thumbsup:

i dont think east bay punks are gonna buy overpriced billie joe merch....and he hasnt said anything about donating it, they always let us know when they do something charitable.

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I havent read their contract so I dont know how much control they have.As much as I would like to I just cant take your word for it. And yes he has complete control over Adeline but that has no relevence as it isnt GD merch. Its a business. He saw a niche and is filling it.

I agree with you (oh my, what's happening??? :P ). I think the whole merchandise thing and a lot of their promotion in general is a huge machine over which they have very limited control, if any at all. They could fight it if they wanted to, and in the old days they used to, but they have made the choice to be a lot more relaxed. Billie Joe talked about this in an interview, kind of obliquely. He said that during the success of Dookie it was 95% great and 5% of it sucked (all the negativity), and they only focused on the sucking part. With AI they decided to enjoy it for what it was.

He was also asked about excessive merchandising, like action figures and ringtones, and he basically shrugged and said, yeah that it's fun and it's being a part of the technology. He also said money form that stuff doesn't really trickle back down to them.

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I agree with you (oh my, what's happening??? :P ).

Holy Shit. I dont even believe it!!

I also have seen the same info, and am glad they are enjoying their success this time around..

Warner is gonna try to make as much money as they can off their recent success.

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i dont know if this has to do with selling out, but i just thought it was kinda pathetic that i couldnt walk in a store in the mall without seeing the ai heart.

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i dont know if this has to do with selling out, but i just thought it was kinda pathetic that i couldnt walk in a store in the mall without seeing the ai heart.

me too.

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